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The Dissemination Of Folk Songs And The Cultural Practice Of Ethnic Groups

Posted on:2020-06-30Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X LuoFull Text:PDF
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For a nation without written language,the continuation of social experience mainly depends on the oral inheritance of culture.Therefore,folk songs have become an important carrier of social memory and cultural inheritance of the buyi nationality,and an important communication medium in People's Daily production and life.As the product of local civilization,Buyi folk songs are the core cultural symbols and concepts in Buyi local society,which are sung from the mouth of Buyi ethnic group,reflecting the past and present human morality,life forms,customs and institutional culture of the ethnic group.In the long historical process of Buyi society,Buyi folk songs have been internalized into the life style,emotional structure and concept of the Buyi people,creating a meaningful world for the people to rely on in their life.However,under the discourse of modern social developmentalism,the sharp tool of analyzing the backward nationality without written language,representing the Chinese soft power,is considered to be foolish and backward.Under the strong influence of the early development communication,the study of rural communication in China only focus on foreign cultures and forces rather than local cultures and their subjects.So in the context of such research,many media and their activities in the pre-mass communication era,namely the so-called traditional media and their activities,have not been included in the mainstream vision of rural communication in china.This is mainly reflected in two aspects in the study of buyi folk songs: on the one hand,the number of research results is relatively fewer,which shows that buyi folk songs have not been paid attention to by the academic community;On the other hand,as far as the existing achievements are concerned,the academic vision of the research is relatively narrow and only stays at the shallow level of analysis,in which the perspective of "human" is completely lacking.That is to say,the buyi folk songs are totally separated from the local society,the people and their living reality which created and practiced it.With the penetration of modernization,the value foundation and meaning system of peasants being to be settle down and get on with their pursuit have been constantly changed and reconstructed,and the value desertification has begun to appear in the ruralsociety accordingly,and the root of all this lies in the disintegration of the culture in the rural society,many excellent traditional cultures and their inherent meaning and value have gradually disappeared with the deepening of modernity.But in the vast Buyi ethnic areas,as one of the ethnic traditions,Buyi folk songs are still active in the life world of Buyi ethnic groups,and develop into the most important or even the only representative form of traditional culture in Buyi society today.Then why can Buyi folk songs be maintained in the development and changes of the times and society?Based on an eight-month field survey of Buyi villages in central Guizhou,this paper,following the current research trend of the rural culture communication in China,investigates how Buyi ethnic groups interpret and practice their own culture in the interaction of cultural holders,history and society by returning to the Buyi folk song which is the Noumenon of the traditional culture of Buyi ethnic group.In this paper,the author puts forwards some thoughts on the ways to solve the problem of how to maintain and develop the cultural expression of original ecology of the local society in the context of the new era.This paper is divided into three parts.The first part is the first and second chapters,which mainly focus on giving a background account of the reason,significance,literature review,methods and structure of this study,as well as the cultural ecosystem of buyi folk songs dissemination.The second part is the core part of this paper,which consists of the third,fourth and fifth chapters.Starting from the endogeneity of culture,this part focuses on the interaction between the specific practices of the cultural holders of buyi community,daily life,society and history to grasp the essence of buyi folk songs in a dynamical and stereoscopical way.The third chapter quotes the analytical concept of "palimpsest tradition" to explore how Buyi ethnic groups expresses history through folk songs in their native world of life in order to construct the meaningful world on which they depend in different specific periods.It also looks at the transmission process of Buyi folk songs in the historical context to grasp the overall situation of stability and change of local society and culture.The fourth chapter,following the analytical paradigm of studying religious symbols by Geertz,decodes the meaning modelcontained in buyi folk Songs which are the communication text of the local society from the aspects of world outlook and spiritual temperament.The fifth chapter from the perspective of interaction and relationship,adopts the scenario and process research paradigm of "subject-practice".By paying attention to the local villagers' dissemination practice of buyi folk songs in social life,we can see the "flow social relationship" from the "flow songs",and then we can see the social network of villages which contains the social structure and order.The third part is the conclusion of the article.On the one hand,it makes a further summary of the previous analysis,starting from the practice paradigm to make a practical understanding of Buyi folk songs.This practical understanding follows the idea of "das dingt" to explore the Buyi folk song as a traditional medium by the idea of media.It regards Buyi folk song as the "field of action" of Buyi ethnic group's cultural practice,gathering the communication elements such as people,technology,power,capital and memory,which embodies a dynamic interaction and Construction.At the same time,due to the continuous development of local China in its closed and open cycle,society,people and culture can be reproduced in it.And because of the participation and practice of people,such reproduction is not simply a copy,but creative change and innovation.Therefore,the persistence and transformation of Buyi folk songs in modern society also reflects the subjectivity of Buyi ethnic groups in their own cultural practice in social development: firstly,they always experience and understand the times and social development in their own social and cultural system;Secondly,they use tradition to create new practices to adapt to the development of the times and society.It is in this combination of traditional and innovative practice that the subject of Buyi society is always present and the logic and mechanism of ethnic minority society is also continuing in the new form;On the other hand,How to spread Buyi folk song as the traditional culture of Buyi ethnic Group under the contemporary development discourse is considered.The strategies and suggestions for the dissemination of Buyi folk song are put forward from three aspects: highlighting the subjectivity of the ethnic group,picking up the compound expression of the value dimension and the development of themulti-cultural tradition.This paper follows the method of studying China by studying countryside.On the one hand,it reflects the country's views on the problems of agriculture,rural areas and farmers and the construction of rural culture through the study of the spread of Buyi folk songs.On the other hand,a close study of the cultural practice of Buyi folk songs from the perspective of communication can not only provide a thorough and meticulous glimpse of the life experience and emotional world of the members of the ethnic group,but also understand the local society and local culture's operation structure and overall mechanism.It can also enrich and expand the study of Buyi folk songs and see an effective way to realize the localization of communication science.
Keywords/Search Tags:Buyi folk songs, Communication, Cultural practice, A case study
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