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Research On Leisure Identity Theory And Its Value

Posted on:2019-09-26Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:F PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:1365330572967984Subject:Leisure Studies
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the past leisure studies,isolated freedom was more emphasized,while interactions between individual and society were often neglected during the construction of leisure.Leisure identity is self-expression of individual leisure preferences.It is reflections of both freedom choice where individual demands and self-identity are contributed,and a self-construction influenced by social group,roles and social identity.In this paper,we attempt to interpret the relationship between individual leisure and social identity through leisure identity,and explore the possibilities of"staying true to onerself' and "becoming of human being".It was seen as a new path provided to solve the problem of leisure ethics.The first chapter discusses public leisure phenomenon of "amusing oneself to death" and the emerging of identity crisis.We could make self-reflection in life through leisure,and better understanding of oneself through interactions and identity.Thus leisure identity is an important way to address the relationship between individual leisure and social identity,but little research has been performed regarding it.The second chapter examines the relationship between individual leisure and self-identity.Leisure preference originates from leisure needs and motivation,and the expression of freedom is determined by free will.Self-identity is the premise of leisure.Chapter Three to Five focus on the influence of social identity on self-identity,and explore how could we find the true self through leisure despite group interaction.In Chapter Three,the importance of identity to group leisure is demonstrated.Individul will give up part of freedom or escape it to seek for the satisfaction of safey and belonging.Role expectation and identity expression are the core of Chapter Four.Role identity sets goals and directions for individual choice of leisure,and identity is a reflection of one's location in society.It could be reflectd through leisure and is closely related to the satisfaction of self-esteem.The fifth chapter analysis the identical lifestyle and the distinctiveness in leisure.The aim of leisure interaction is to achieve unified rather than blindly identification,through which people could find himself beyond social identity.Overall,there is pros and cons for the effections of social identity on self and leisure.It is beneficial for leisure demand satisfaction and self development.While once lost in the leisure interactions,one will be more inclined to escape from the society for isolated leisure,or present "negative","camouflage","false" self in leisure.The sixth chapter mainly discusses the relationship between self-value realization and social value judgment in leisure.Despite the differences,the unity of value identity could be achieved,and enables individuals to achieve "integrated and consistent self"in their leisure.Chapter Seven summarizes the relationship between leisure and identity.The value of leisure in identification is mainly embodied in the realization of human autonomy,initiative and freedom of "becoming".Identity could promote the individual from freedom to self-consciousness and self-discipline,and overcome the external instrumental rationality with self-rationality,so as to achieve self-demand and socialization of leisure.In conclusion,the purpose of this paper is trying to build a dialectic between leisure and identity development model,and attempts to extend leisure identity theory through balancing concept and comprehensive research methods.It was not only a beneficial supplement to Leisure Freedom Theory,but also a connection between ideal leisure and leisure reality,which enabled us to re-examine and reflect on the meaning and purpose of leisure.
Keywords/Search Tags:leisure, leisure identity, self-identity, social dentity, value identity
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