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A Study On Song Dynasty's ZengXuWen

Posted on:2020-10-26Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:W QinFull Text:PDF
GTID:1365330572488695Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The ancients pursued elegance and grace,at the time of parting,they often gave each other words of advice and encouragement.From some simple words to poetry,they were all carried the blessings and encouragement of the pedestrians.As time goes by,the parting words of advice and encouragement evolved from a customary habit into a literary style,and gradually inspired the Literati's creative consciousness.ZengXu is is one of the common literary forms in the parting literature.The author writes the article to the parting person in a relatively fixed style,expressing the content of unwillingness,acquaintance,blessing and encouragement,personal knowledge and some other content.Usually,the recipients are the classmates,colleagues,relatives,superiors,friends,younger generations,etc..The article uses narrative,argumentation,lyricism,depiction of scenery and other expressions,styles are varied from each other,and each has its own advantage.Because of its independent stylistic value and unique research significance,since Tang Dynasty,it had already established its independence of the literary form,and it kept evolving and developing.When it came into the Song Dynasty,it ushered in the its peak of creation.The ZengXuWen is evolved from the development of poetry article,but looking into its source,it has some relation with the tradition of send-off dinner and parting words.During the Wei,Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties,although the development of the ZengXu is different from the fixed article style of the later generations,it has already revealed its existence for the first time,and the article of the parting poems or the collection of poems is the prototype of the ZengXuWen.The formal establishment of the literary form of the ZengXuWen was in the Tang Dynasty.During this period,the independence of the ZengXuWen was gradually highlighted,mainly in three forms:the articles of the farewell poetry,and the articles containing the poems' content and the independent ZengXuWen.This shows that the development of the ZengXuWen is a step by step process.In the Song Dynasty,the unprecedented development of the ZengXuWen is incomparable to the previous generation,whether from ZengXuWen's number of works or the number of authors.Through the Full Song Wen and some related materials compiled by Zeng Jiuzhuang and others,it is generally known that there are about a thousand ZengXuWen works remaining in the two Song dynasties,and more than 200 authors participated in the creation.The content is wide-ranged,including every aspect and the creative group is more complicated.As a whole,the literary achievements surpass the previous dynasty."Chinese traditional literary criticism likes to use a certain style as a representative of a certain era." Therefore,many scholars at present have unilaterally summarized in stylistic research,leading to an imbalance in stylistic research.In the study of the two Song literature,the study of the song dynasty prose did not receive enough attention.Although works of the Song Dynasty's study in the new century has made great progress,the research on the ZengXuWen is still relatively weak in all kinds of stylistic research.In addition,the current literary studies have also clearly shown the problems of paying much more attention to the Northern Song Dynasty than the Southern Song Dynasty.The study of the two Songs is not equal,the academic field of literature research on the Southern Song Dynasty is relatively narrow,so the research space remains to be developed.The two Song dynasties are a glorious period of the creation of the ZengXuWen.The number is massive,the literary quality is excellent,and the authors are mostly literary giants.It is a very valuable research base of the prose of the Song Dynasty.The Song Dynasty's defending capital spirit and clam social connotation,the unprecedented development of the commodity economy,the governing strategy of laying stress on the cultural achievement while making light of the military exploits,the continued promotion of the ancient Chinese movement,and the learning style's immutability of the birth of Neo-Confucianism have all affected the writing of the ZengXuWen.And the moral self-discipline,genius of realism and academic pursuits, the article are also marked with the stigma of times.The compilation and exploration of this form of articles helps to grasp the aesthetic significance,literature value and literary status of the the ZengXuWen of the Song Dynasty in the history of literary development.For the study of Chinese stylistics and the Song Dynasty's Cultural history studies,it may also have seal of the profit.This paper is divided into six chapters.The first chapter is the summary of the stylistic origin.The second chapter sorts out the development situation of the ZengXuWen in the Song Dynasty from the perspective of historicality.The third chapters and sixth chapters do some combing and interpretation of the ZengXuWen as a whole from the aspects of stylistic style,artistic aesthetics and content expression in the Song Dynasty.The rest two chapters are mainly based on case studies.This paper takes the independent ZengXuWen of the Two Song Dynasty as the research object.The articles in the provisos of the valedictory poems that playing the part of explaining,and the article of the collection of poems that are behind all the poems making the effect of summarizing are not included.However,some ZengXuWen works that after the article,or several named by "present someone with the poetry preface",are within the scope of this study.The paper traces the source,sorts the literature,analyzes and explores the development of the ZengXuWen,relating to the social and cultural background,from the outside to the inside,and penetrate into the research step by step.Due to the rise of Neo-Confucianism,it is a prominent feature of the Two Song Dynasty.This paper specially discusses the creation situation of the ZengXuWen of the Neo-Confucianist in a whole chapter.The first chapter discusses the development of the ZengXuWen and the prosperity of the ZengXuWen in the Song Dynasty.The focus is on the comparison between the articles and the ZengXuWen,the emergence and development of the ZengXuWen,and the prosperity of the ZengXuWen in the Song Dynasty.The discussion of the ZengXuWen's development is under the context of the development of ancient Chinese stylistics.Liu Xie mentioned the importance and methodological principles of stylistic analysis and traceability in the Wen Xin Diao Long · Preface.Indeed,the differentiation of the definition,and the collation of development of literary form are the basis of stylistic research.This chapter begins with a comparison between the articles and the ZengXuWen,and explains the stylistic features,the situation of the works,and the relationship between the two,and then enters the specific combing of the development of the ZengXuWen,grasping the beginning of the ZengXuWen,the emergence in the Wei,Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties and the independence of the Tang and Song Dynasties these key points to unfold.The last section is the observation of the development of the ZengXuWen in the background of the Song Dynasty.For the prosperous prestige of the ZengXuWen in this period,it's mainly cut into three aspects:national policy,cultural exchange and creative subject to study.The second chapter is the diachronic study of the ZengXuWen in the Song Dynasty.Based on the social and cultural development of the Song Dynasty,combined with the overall development of prose,from the author's own creation,this paper selects some representative cases for analysis,and strives for a reasonable,systematic and clear research.The development of the ZengXuWen in the SongDynasty is based on historical background,works situation,and creation groups.It is mainly divided into four stages:the early Northern Song Dynasty,the middle and late Northern Song Dynasty,the early Southern Song Dynasty,and the late Southern Song Dynasty.The creation of the early Northern Song Dynasty was based on the inheritance of the former dynasty,pioneering and innovating,and established the style of the Song Dynasty preliminary.The ZengXuWen in the Northern Song Dynasty evolved over 70 years and gradually reached its peak after the middle of the Northern Song Dynasty,especially depending on the promotion of the ancient literature movement.The creation of the middle and late stage has been developed and upgraded in terms of content expression and artistic features.The Northern Song Dynasty perished,and lost most of its land.In the early period of the Southern Song Dynasty,though the home country was lost,the literature garden was not recessed,and the ZengXuWen was still moving along the established track,there were various schools.In the late Southern Song Dynasty,it was the last stage of the development of prose in the Song Dynasty,as far as the ZengXuWen is concerned,the whole creation shows a declining trend,and the words reveal the feelings of the end of the world,but everyone's work is still self-reliant and has lots of connotation.The third chapter discusses the stylistic characteristics and aesthetic style of Zeng Xu Wen in the Song Dynasty.Whether it developed from the preface of poems or written directly independently,ZengXuWen has formed a set of stylistic patterns,that relatively fixed and self-innovative in the course of thousands of years' inheritance and evolution.It summarizes and analyses the stylistic characteristics of ZengXuWen,focusing on the three aspects:the title formulation,the content components and the innovation.Although ZengXuWen is an applied style,it is also used in personal interaction regularly.Therefore,compared with the official documents such as imperial edict,playing and policy,it pays more attention to both literature and Taoism.Therefore,it will not be excessively rigid and restricted in artistic creation,and it will be more flexible in writing.Especially ZengXuWen in the Song Dynasty conforms to the literary style at that time,and all kinds of families are different and colorful.The second section mainly discusses the artistic aesthetics of Zeng Xu Wen in the Song Dynasty,which from the perspectives of language control,artistic expression and descriptive techniques.The last section of this chapter is about the creation and dissemination of ZengXuWen.The fourth chapter is about the works of representative writers of ZengXuWen in the Song Dynasty.In view of the fact that most of the writers in the Song Dynasty were great masters and there were different genres,this chapter chooses three representative and creative groups as the research object,focusing on the analysis of their works in the Song Dynasty.The Pavilion plays an important role in the Song Dynasty civilization.The creation of the pavilion literati has been attached great importance.On the basis of Zeng Xu Wen,the specific writing is unified with the overall style.On the one hand,the pavilion has rich connotation and great individuality,on the other hand,the pavilion mood is prominent,and there is no lack of pavilion style in the written articles.Literary creation of ancient families should also be an important topic in literary research.Taking family cases as the object of analysis,this paper chooses works of Su family,Chao family and Song family to discuss the inheritance,novelty and influence of family literature.The last section deals with the works given by monk poets.With the development of "Zen in writing",Buddhism has changed from oral precepts to literary statements.The written by monk poets revolves around the topic of farewell,discusses Confucianism and Buddhism,reconstructs the relationship between Buddhism and literature,and assumes the important task of promoting Buddhism and promoting the ancient literature movement.The fifth chapter discusses the neo confucianism literature and the creation of Zeng Xu Wen by Song Dynasty's neo-confucianists.Song Dynasty's neo-confucianism flourished.The group of Neo-Confucianists not only devoted themselves to the study and system construction of Neo-Confucianism,but also made great achievements in literary creation.Wu Yuan outlined the article writing of the three hundred years of Zhao and Song Dynasty in his preface in the late Southern Song Dynasty,and it is considered that the general trend is "carefree and changeable",and among them,"one change" is the literary creation of Neo-Confucianists.In the writing of ZengXuWen,the writing of Neo-Confucianists is obviously different from that of other groups.Firstly,this chapter examines the background of the development of Song Dynasty's neo-confucianism and the creation of ZengXuWen given by the neo-confucianists.Then it makes a case study of Zhu Xi and Zhen Dexiu,focusing on the Neo-Confucianism,the relationship between literature and Taoism and the aesthetic requirements in their works.The sixth chapter explores the social patterns of Song Dynasty from the creation of Zeng Xu Wen.The diversity of social life provides rich creative materials for literary creation.From the content of ZengXuWen,we can also see some of the life patterns of Song Dynasty.The writing of ZengXuWen includes recalling the past and evaluating the characters.There are many pieces of life talked about between the words,which are a reflection of the social life of this era.Moreover,whether they are high-ranking officials,unproductive imperial scholar,or people from other countries under the influence of secularity,their ZengXuWen are mostly concerned with politics and attaching importance to self-spiritual relief.The ambition that achieving merit and fame and benefiting the world and the spiritual world that standing by virtue and escaping from seclusion perfectly blend with them.This chapter is based on the content expression of ZengXuWen in the Song Dynasty,extracting some small fragments,and analyses the life styles of Song Dynasty from the political,social and cultural aspects.
Keywords/Search Tags:ZengXuWen of Song Dynasty, Stylistic Characteristics, Farewell, All kinds of life
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