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On College English Teaching Integration Value Orientation And Its Realization

Posted on:2019-03-27Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1365330566479886Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
College English refers to a special public basic course for non-English majors in higher education in China,which has been a sustaining course for most higher education undergraduates since the reform and opening-up.Currently the teaching value orientation has been the key issue of the College English Teaching in China.Undoubtedly,this issue severely influences the teaching efficiency of College English Teaching.From the present research situation,four issues are gained: First,the teaching value is mainly focused on the basic language levels,limited to the teaching and learning just for sake of them,which has been deviated from teaching goal and too much attention to be paid to instrumentalism teaching;Second,too much attention to be paid to the language skills such as listening,speaking,reading,writing and translating,and strawed away from language cross-culture;Third,There are short of integration with other disciplines,esp the English culture and humanism in College English Teaching,that is,a sole teaching value orientation prevails over others;Fourth,the on-off teaching value orientation has been in a prominent position in College English Teaching for a long time,or from time to time,wavering from left to right to instrumentalism and humanism or vice versa,lacking of integration with instrumentalism and humanism.Based on the carding of current research situation of value orientation of College English teaching,starting from the characteristics and features of College English course,qualitative and quantitative methods such as documentary,observation,questionnaire,case study are adapted to dissect deeply the mechanism of integration value orientation of College English Teaching,so as to seek a practical systematic design of integration value orientation of College English Teaching meanwhile highly attention should be paid to improvement of English capacity of students,more stress should be made on the integration with language and culture,instrumentlism andhumanism,and finally push through the advance of students' scientific spirit and humanism side by side.The dissertation is divided into seven parts.Introduction includes the reason for the topic choice,and its core definitions,summary,aims,meaning,ideas,and methods.In the end,it points out the key and difficult points for the research.Chapter 1 discusses the connotation of the integrated value orientation of College English Teaching.Through the effect radical reform of teaching value,teaching value orientation and the integrated value orientation of College English,the noumenon of integrated value orientation of College English Teaching are also discussed in this dissertation.The connotation is transferring from sole,on-off to integration with instrumentalism and humanism.The essence is to improve students' overall quality and promote the realization of teaching value of College English.Chapter 2 illustrates the representation of integrated value orientation of College English teaching: integration humanism with instrumentalism,language knowledge and language ability,mother culture and target culture,and finally taking consideration to both similarity and dissimilarity.The traditional value orientation of College English Teaching has been deviating sole or wavering,which is unprofitable to the integration teaching factors with teaching links,leading the teaching goal away from teaching value orientation.Chapter 3 demonstrates the teaching patterns of teaching goal,content,organization,method and assessment and their integration.Because of the instruction of integrated value orientation of College English Teaching,all of these teaching patterns are rationally extended and hinted to us that only the integration of the main teaching links in the teaching activities can master and show the practical quality of integrated value orientation of College English Teaching.Therefore,better teaching achievements can be attained in the College English Teaching.Chapter 4 studies the realization grounds of the integrated value orientation of College English Teaching.This section analyzes the policy support,discipline principles and theory basis(as knowledge transfer,second language acquisition,fusion of horizon).Therefore,just because of the realization grounds,the integration is obtained in the process of College English Teaching.Chapter 5 expounds the realization condition of the integrated value orientation of College English Teaching.They are educated subjects(teacher and student),teachingcontents choice and organization,environment and management of College English Teaching.This section clarifies that educated subjects are the important elements of integrated value orientation of College English Teaching,stresses the practical meaning of choice of contents and organization.Meanwhile,from school,staff and students,from generative,practical and administrative environment,the magnificent influence from those mentioned above just into integrated value orientation of College English Teaching is studied.Chapter 6 disserts the realization carriers of integrated value orientation of College English Teaching.The implementation foundation of lay and classification of College English is just the essential response to College English teaching.ESP(English for Special Purpose)teaching is adaptive to students' humanistic,scientific and information.The extracurricular activities influence the features of humanism and instrumentalism.The full use of teaching resource can not only rich the integration of teaching resources,but also serve greatly the integrated value orientation of College English Teaching via modern scientific technology.The innovation of this dissertation are mainly as flows: First,The innovation of research selected topic,aims to establish a rather complete theoretic frame of integrated value orientation of College English teaching;Second,The innovation of research view,aims to explore the teaching pattern,teaching token,and their realization foundation,condition and carrier of integrated value orientation of College English teaching.
Keywords/Search Tags:college English, English teaching, value orientation, integration value orientation
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