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An Analysis Of Chinese Proses Written By Mongolians In The New Era

Posted on:2019-06-14Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y R BaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1365330563456538Subject:Chinese Language and Literature
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In recent years,a great deal of attention is being paid to the phenomenon of Mongolian writers writting in Chinese.From Yuan to Qing dynasty,there were hundreds of Mongolian writers wrote in Chinese at that time.After the founding of the People's Republic of China,with the development of Mongolian literature,a new pattern which is Mongolian and Chinese concomitant has been established.Since the new era,with prose rising to the public stage,the Mongolian prose also became active unprecedentedly.Hundreds of Mongolian writers created prose in Chinese at that time.However,the phenomenon of Mongolian writers writing in Chinese was not given sufficient attention in both Chinese and Mongolian literature.Therefore,in order to reflect the whole picture of Mongolian prose,and affiem the significance of Mongolian's Chinese writing,we should get rid of a narrow understanding of literary history,and keep an open and inclusive attitude,and include these writers and their works into our research.It is also my original intention to wrote this dissertation.Mongolian nationality prose in the new period is the study object of this paper.Specifically,this paper will focus on the author,Genre,modes of discourse and aesthetic standards of the prose written by Mongolian writers in Chinese in new period.The problem of author definition has been long controverted.According to writer's place of birth,living environment,languages of creation divided Mongolian writers who is write in Chinese can be divided into four categories.This paper examinesthe creation background based on the writers' living and working environment in order to find out the reasonsof these Mongolian writers writing in Chinese.Furthermore,the paper explores national sentiments and the native spirit of Mongolian elements in their works.Reminisce?actual record of events?travel notes are three major genres of Mongolian proses written in Chinese.Among them,recalling prose is playing an important role in it.The elder writers such as Odser,pengseg,Angqinhu,Te damlin etc.rebuild children's world,create artist character,express feelings in two-dimensional time perception in their recalling prose.In new period,Mongolian Chinese documentary prose shows the tendency of fictionalization.It is reflected in the characterization of the characters,the narrative structure and the details of the subject matter.The travel notes are the spiritual autobiography of the authors.These prose close to the countryside,nature and hometown,to describes the feelings of returning home,showing the harmony between human and nature,and exploring national culture.The discourse types of Mongolian Chinese prose present "praise" and "criticism" two types in emotion.The praises form is based on the historical writing,and shows a strong sense of national pride by identification of ethnic group and trace to the source.Critical discourse is mainly reflected in the criticism of ecological environment and living state.Critical discourse is the sublimation of the praise discourse,and it is the author's deep concern for the destruction of the Mongolian land and the living standard of Mongolian people.Although two discourse forms are divided,they are inseparable.They are not only the writer's special design,but also reveal the writer's inner world and national history.The proses written by Mongolian writers in Chinese basically followed the realistic tradition of prose,and pursue the real creation,emotion and implication.At the same time,they also emphasis on the beauty in image of the prose,to construct their own prose world and express their feelings.The original type of image focuses on inheriting and preserving the original of Mongolia.The symbolic image,afford the image deeper and more artistic expression.Realism is the conscious choice of Mongolian Chinese writers.Since the new period,with the development of the writer's artistic vision and the strengthening of self-consciousness,the aesthetic orientation of pursuing rationality has been formed with philosophy.They focus on interrelation between individual life and external reality,and enrich their prose world with the sense of natural life and social culture.In new era,Mongolian literature written in Chinese is an extension of Chinese literature,which is an indispensable part in the development of Mongolian literature.As a special phenomenon which is outside the mainstream of mother language creation,Mongolian literature written in Chinese expanded the boundary of Mongolian literature,enriched the cultural connotation of Mongolian literature.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mongoilan writters, proses written in Chinese, genre, discourse type, aesthetic orientation
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