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Language Transformation,Cultural Reconstruction And Cross-Strait Literature Convergence

Posted on:2019-10-04Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q Y YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1365330548950809Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Taiwanese literature in the early period of the recovery was an important part of the development of Taiwanese literary history and even the entire history of Chinese literature.As a transitional stage,the literature of the early period of recovery accept the influence of Japanese literature during the Japanese occupation period.At the same time,the cross-strait writers gathered together for the first time because of the influx of writers from other provinces and imported a large number of literary trend of the motherland.For Taiwanese writers,they need to start again in the ruins of Japanese literature and get rid of the bondage of "The Kominka Movemet".Meanwhile,they have to convert from Japanese to Chinese writing and seek the identification of "Chinese" again.However,for the writers from other provinces need to inject the trend of mainland Chinese literature into Taiwan.In addition,they have to help Taiwanese writers accomplish the cross-language writing.In order to "build new literature in Taiwan",writers from both inside and outside the province have thrown away the concept of provincial origin,have crossed language barriers and established magazines in cooperation.They hope to strengthen the cultural exchanges between the people on both sides of the strait and fill the "Penghu Valley" caused by the political partition,who initiated the literary debate in the newspaper literature supplement.Fortunately,the writters can communicate literary ideas and understand their respective literary development history.Finally,they respect each other and then eliminate misunderstanding.The Mainland scholars and intellectuals participated in the "De-Japanization" and "Re-sinicization" policies proposed by the Chief Executive's Office and promoted Taiwan's cultural development by the Mandarin language movement and editorial textbooks and reading materials.However,scholars also noted the actual situation of Taiwanese society and advocated the goal of"learning Mandarin from a dialect" and establishing a "Taiwan Academic" model province.The literary creation also presented different styles in this period.The Taiwanese writers overcame the difficulties of "cross-linguistics" and sent out the voices in the early days of recovery.The Yin Linghui poets change language to write the new poems of Taiwan,which serves as a link between the past and the next in the poem development.Compared with this,writers from other provinces who work hard to integrate into Taiwan's social environment and create literary works that are compatible with Taiwan's local culture.For the writers both inside and outside the province who all have great enthusiasm for Taiwan's new literature and cultural construction,and they have devoted their energy to contributing their own strength in the debate and literary creation.This dissertation intends to study the Taiwan literary reality in the early period of the restoration from the perspective of language,culture,thought and literary creation.Specifically,the research is oriented towards the implementation of the "Re-sinicization" policy,the advocacy of“learning Mandarin from dialects”and the argumentation of dialect literature,the literary controversy and the literary activities"derived" around the "bridge" supplement.In addition,the writing characteristics and similarities and differences of the writers both inside and outside the province examined the development of literature during the early period of the restoration of the Han Dynasty.
Keywords/Search Tags:in the early period of the recovery, cultural reconstruction, debate on "The Bridge" Supplement, language conversion
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