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Crazy Narration And Modern Chinese Novel

Posted on:2019-11-26Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z PeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1365330548462746Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
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The research goal of the thesis is mainly focused on two aspects,one is to define what is crazy-narration;The second is to clarify the significance of crazy-narration for modern Chinese novels.In regard to the first,the definition of crazy-narration: novel text tells the story of the crazy person,or to discourse simulated state of the crazy,crazy or set a world way to show an irrational,abnormal,extraordinary state of life or the world.The crazy-narration is the impact and subversion of the conventional writing style with rational insight,and its deep narrative expectation is to achieve the goal of anti-tradition and anti-daoism by the transformation of narrative mode.From the time of narration and the space standard,the crazy-narration can be divided into three types: the narration to the madman,the madman's narration and the carnival narration.On the second point,the crazy-narration can be summed up in a single sentence for the meaning of modern novels,which is an important symbol of the maturity of modern Chinese novels.Modern Chinese fiction and crazy-narration is accompanied,crazy-narration is accompanied by modern Chinese novel narrative origin and development,and eventually mature,therefore,crazy-narration is one of the symbol of modernization of the Chinese novel.As a kind of irrational narration,crazy-narration with modern Chinese novel content and form two aspects of change,is the Chinese novel characterization of mature,is also a modern literati in the face of the 20 th century,the development situation of the Chinese social reality and the world literary expectations in the art of active innovation to realize their own vaLue choice,reflects the modern Chinese intellectuals complex mentality for independence and lack of confidence.The thesis is divided into eight parts: the introduction and the other seven chapters.The introduction is the general theory of the whole text,and the concept of crazy-narration is put forward and the significance of the crazy-narration to modern Chinese novels is discussed in the whole.The introduction is divided into five sections,completed the following issues: first,it introduces the overall development of narrative theories and the uniqueness of the novel as a narrative text,secondly summing up the definition of crazy-narration and on the basis of time and space is divided into three different types of crazy-narration,from the human nature and The Times characteristic to discuss the causes of crazy-narration and background and summing up the three features of crazy-narration,respectively is the unity of rationality and irrationality,the unity of realism and modernism,the unification of the personalization and socialization,the last section is the literature review of the related thesis and the structure of the thesis the overall train of thought is introduced.In the other seven chapters,the author discusses the practice and vaLue of the crazy-narration of different writers' works and literary genres.The first chapter discusses the contribution of Lu xun's novels to the crazy-narration,and Lu xun's novels almost practice the three different types of crazy-narration.“A madman's diary” is not only the crazy-narration first modern literature,it is crazy representative narrative text,its main part was the typical representative of the madman' narration and its classical Chinese part is a small the narration to the madman,therefore,“A madman's diary” is a polyphonic novel narration.In addition to the madman's diary,Lu xun also use "The ever-burning lamps" and "The white light" two novel to describe two different crazy person,one is the confinement of a madman,the other is a madman is self-confinement,for the purpose of this two crazy about is the external culture system to cause them crazy.Lu xun's most unique contribution to the crazy-narration is to create the novel text of carnival narration by using the novel of story,and realize the innovation of historical novels and crazy-narration mode.The second chapter to the "destruction" as an example to demonstrate disorder of space-time of Yu dafu's novel narrative mode,the novel “Degration” show the narration and lyric,fiction and poetry,Chinese and foreign mix build,the main cause of this situation by a novelist,poet by Yu dafu are from traditional literati into modern writers,this shift of identity is not Yu dafu's active pursuit,it comes from family-country tradition of the traditional scholars on the one hand,on the other hand is also based on social transition survival needs of the ordinary people.But it is the combination of prose and poetry,Chinese and western prose that has created a modern novel of "indescribable",which has created a romantic lyric of modern Chinese novels.The third chapter firstly focuses on the New-feeling novel urban space background,Shanghai unique colonial culture provides the opportunity for the New-feeling novel,also written for liu naou sonar gulls and others cities provided material.But no matter New-feeling novelist in the eyes of Shanghai is heaven or hell,their urban space are crazy deformation,rotating the ballroom,distorted relationships,variation of the fashionable women of the family ethics,erotomania,etc.,are their the most common form of urban scenery.Shi zhecun achieved the highest achievement in New-feeling novel are respectively,he is good at writing the changes of the urban space under coercion,his heart from quiet to crazy,the imbalances and the closer it gets to the Shanghai become out of control.The fourth chapter from the angle of crazy-narration to comb the New period literature,focus is on the three large art achievements made in the New period literature genre of the novel,respectively is the Root-searching novels,the Fashionable novel and the New historicism novels,mainly focus on the narrative changes of several novel genre.Fifth chapter explained concretely by the representative of the Root-searching novels "The king of Chinese chess" and "Dad Dad Dad" in two different types of dementia,Wang Yisheng despite the thought is agile,chess and ration is referred to as "chess idiot",Bingzai was born himself mentally handicapped can avoid all previous disaster survive,the both are a great sense of cultural symbol.Putting these two novels together is both a contrast and a demonstration of the cultural and cultural aspects of the culture.Chapter 6 from the angle of family to the crazy-narration about the New historicism novels,the New historicism novels into family history writing,but in the New historicist novels family is full of madness and chaos.In Su tong's "Chinese beech tree" family,for example,although in the novel has written more than one family,but almost every family has a irrational madness,affection and love between family members,there are only fornication,jealousy,hatred,violence,killing and sin.The relationship between the narrator and the family in the novel presents a state of gradual estrangement,and the family history is completely a fictional history.The seventh chapter focuses on three contemporary writers' different crazy-narration creations,namely,Can xue,Wang xiaobo and Mo yan.Among them,the nightmare narration of Can xue is the most mysterious and the most perplexing.She not only narrative scary and weird nightmare,more with a state of nightmare to narrative,which makes her novels not only content become obscure,and made the state of her writing is uncertain.Wang xiaobo's novel is unique in its narrative person,this is a wandering between reality and fiction,history and reality of narrative person,also is a free shuttle in the narrative people both within and outside the text.In his novels,the playful narrative language makes him another writer who tries to the carnival narration after Lu xun.Mo yan is a master of crazy –narration.In his novels not only have many madman,but also brings together a variety of styles of crazy-narration text,both on the story of madness,and madness is story,at the same time,he also inherited and developed the Lu xun's creation of carnival narration,his "The sandalwood penalty",“Large breasts fat buttock” and other novel simulation builds carnival stage,to interpret Bakhtin's carnival literary concept.To some extent,Mo yan wins the Nobel Prize for literature because of the crazy-narration elements in his novels.The conclusion of this paper sums up the innovation,application value and existing problems of the paper.In brief,the concept of crazy-narration is a major innovation of the thesis.It is the most important application value to apply the crazy-narration to the reinterpretation and interpretation of modern Chinese novels.Also should see at the same time,the paper does not fully cover all crazy-narration in the form of modern Chinese novels,the thesis also has a lot of problems prove inadequate,a lot of writer's creation also has a crazy-narration composition but limited to the space and is not involved,such problems show that this topic is still to be further discussed and to exploit.
Keywords/Search Tags:crazy-narration, modern, Chinese-novels, irrational, carnivalism, text, culture
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