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On Isomorphism And Symbiosis Between Lu Xun And Zhou Zuoren Brothers And Chen Bao Supplement

Posted on:2018-12-02Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H L LiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1365330533457006Subject:Chinese Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The isomorphism and symbiosis between literature and media is a unique and remarkable cultural phenomenon in modern China.Lu Xun and Zhou Zuoren were two towering peaks in the history of Chinese New Literature.Their literature activities and modern media had been inseparable concomitant and complement each other.The isomorphism and symbiosis between Zhou brothers and Chen Bao supplement was the best footnote of symbiotic relationship between literature and media.As the fortress of north of China in May Fourth period New Literary Movement,Chen Bao supplement played a tremendous effect and influence to the development of New Literary,when New Culture Movement by the critical period of climax to fall tide.This kind of influence and role was any media could not match at that time.The brilliant achievements of Chen Bao supplement of golden period could not do without the active participation and support of Zhou brothers.They successfully found their own literary field in the process of active participation and supported of Chen Bao supplement to carry out their own unique literature activities.Finally they successfully showed themselves from the images of a group of cultural leaders characters in the first ten years of Modern Literature,developed became the most dazzling binary stars of literary creation and theory criticism of May Fourth New Literature and to establish their own peak position in the field of Modern Literature,because of the one and only and the personality highlight of the literary achievements.The mutually beneficial of the historical facts and historical experience of Zhou brothers and Chen Bao supplement,not only provided a clear picture of history for our complete understand Zhou brothers' literature activities in May Fourth period and created another possibility to understand and explain Zhou brothers and Chen Bao supplement,but also left a rich and precious historical experience for the healthy development of contemporary literature and media.This paper mainly consists of introduction,body and conclusion of three parts.The introduction points out the historical background and theoretical basis of research object that selected the relationship between Zhou brothers' literature activities and Chen Bao supplement.From the perspective of modern media,mainly include newspapers and magazines,aswriters' literary field and reviewed the historical literature and summarized the research status,the introduction discusses the purpose and significance of the relationship between Zhou brothers literature activities and Chen Bao supplement.When we put Zhou brothers' literature activities in the historical development situation of the first ten years of the Chinese New Literature,we can clearly find the isomorphic and symbiosis meaning between them and modern media.The main part is divided into five chapters.The first chapter discusses the internal and external factors of Chen Bao supplements which is the literary field of Zhou brothers.On the one hand,as the core of the leadership of the Party of Constitutional Research,Liang Qichao and Pu Boying determined to withdraw from politics and into the field of cultural activities,when their political activities in the case of a serious setback.This made Chen bao and its supplement first sponsored May Fourth New Culture Movement and became the public authority of the Party of Constitutional Research in the New Culture Movement.The positioning and development of the tone of Chen Bao supplement provided a theoretical possibility for Zhou brothers chose to enter and transform it.On the other hand,the New Youth groups faced the fate of gone with the wind because of internal conflicts,splitting and external pressure of the reactionary forces.As one of the New Youth chief editors,Li Dazhao entered and reformed Chen Bao supplement at the right moment.This step made Zhou brothers really go into Chen Bao supplement became reality.The second chapter reviews the historical process and difficult steps of Zhou brothers explored their own completely literary field.This was the internal cause of Zhou brothers chose to enter and transform Chen Bao supplement.When they were studied in Japan,Zhou brothers dreamed of owning a piece of their own literary field by founding a magazine named New Life.But until the New Youth monthly magazine gradually split and steering,Zhou brothers were not completely realized the initial dream.Zhou brothers had to continue to explore and step forward.At the same time,Chen Bao supplement was presided over by Li Dazhao and Sun Fuyuan undoubtedly became the best choice for Zhou brothers opened their own literary field.The third and the fourth chapter focuses on the specific process and various perspectives of Zhou brothers actively built their own literary field.Through specific literature activities and practices,for example,Lu Xun named for Chen Bao supplement,guided the development of Chen Bao supplement,creation and publication of literary works,preliminary modeling the classical of literary works,initiated and organized the literary criticism,cultivated new writers,guided readers to read,cultivate new aesthetic interest of readers and so on,Zhou brothers successfully carried out their respective literature activities and greatly promoted the rapid development of the May Fourth New Literature and finally established their own leadership and contribution in the field of New Literature.The fifth chapter focuses on the complex causes and detailed process of each going their own way between Zhou brothers and Chen Bao supplement.After created a lot of brilliant achievements of both sides in more than five years,at the end of October 1924,Zhou brothers beyond any help facing the historical destiny dropped out literary field.With the turmoil intensified of current political situation of China,reactionary forces increasingly rampant.Under the auspices of Liu Songsheng and Liu Mianji,who were the important figures of the Party of Constitutional Research,Chen Bao supplement gradually turning,deviated from the track of development of New Culture Movement and lost of the freedom of thought and critique of the spirit of tolerance space in the period of Pu Boying and Sun Fuyuan.At the same time,Zhou brothers from the New Life magazine period to the Chen Bao supplement period,after more than ten years of continuous accumulation and development,had self-confidence,ability and conditions to independent establish their own literary field,in knowledge,comrades,capital,time,readers,editing and publishing management experience and so on.Thoroughly part company each going their own way with Chen Bao supplement which was gradually turned to reactionary and opened a new literary field had became the inevitable choice of Zhou brothers.The conclusion is that modern media is not only a platform for the publication of literary works,only undertake a single function of the dissemination of literary works,but also plays an important role in many aspects,such as actually presenting the complex external world of the writers,motivated writers to create works and structured the literary creation,shaping the external manifestation of literary works,promoted the classical process of literary works,organized the discussion and debate of literary,developed new writers,enhanced the literary reputation of famous writers,attracted the readers and guided the readers' aesthetic interest and so on.Only regarding modern media as a literary media,can not fully show the relationship between writers and their literature activities of the whole face and diversity.Only regarding modern media as the literary field of writers,we can accurately grasp the interaction and symbiosis and mutual dependence of the relationship between modern literary and modern media.The development hand in hand and mutual help of the historical facts and historical experience of Zhou brothers and Chen Bao supplement,not only provide a new possibility for us to fully understand the complete picture of literature activities of Zhou brothers in May Fourth period,but also provide a lot of useful reference for the healthy development of contemporary literary and media.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhou brothers, Chen Bao supplement, isomorphism and symbiosis, literary field, mutually beneficial
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