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On The Industrialization Of Guangxi In The 30-40s Of The 20th Century

Posted on:2018-01-15Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1365330518982517Subject:China's modern history
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Exploring the industrialization of backward areas is a significant topic in today's academic circles In order to explore the development path of industrialization in backward areas,this paper selects in the period of the Republic of China a relatively backward area-Guangxi as a case study,to discuss in the 30-40s of the 20th century,what kind of social environment Guangxi industrialization was in,What the internal and external forces of industrialization in Guangxi were,and their impacts on the industrialization of Guangxi.What progresses or achievements were made in the industrialization of Guangxi.In the first part of the text,the author mainly discusses the social situation of Guangxi before 1930s.From "the Chaotic political state","the decline of the economy" and "backward customs",aims to show that the industrialization of Guangxi is carried out in social unrest,economic backwardness and folk conservative state,these are not conducive to the industrialization of Guangxi These were not conducive to the industrialization of Guangxi;however,changes in poverty and backwardness,were what the people of Guangxi needs,so were what the local government of Guangxi needs,The strong needs of both the people and the government thus were the favorable conditions of industrialization in Guangxi.At the beginning of the New Gui Group,they launched the Guangxi economic development way" debate,which apparently failed to reach the original purpose of the questioner,but in the minds and the mobilization of the people of Guangxi to participate in economic development played a role.The second nationwide controversy,mainly about "industrial country" or "agricultural country",as the first one,althought failed to reach a consensus,but still to some extent affected Guangxi's industrialization choice.The industrialization of Guangxi was carried out under the impetus of internal power and the promotion of external power.The internal dynamics of industrialization in Guangxi in the 30-40s of the 20th century,includes from the investment of businessmen,the transformation of handicraft industry to the leading role of local government.The paper analyzes the status and role of local and foreign merchants in Guangxi during the period of industrialization in Guangxi.As the strength of the local merchants in Guangxi was too weak,the foreign merchants in Hong Kong and Guangdong played an important role in the process of industrialization.The cloth industry and porcelain industry were the two most famous ones in Guangxi,hence I want to explore the possibility of handicraft industralization in Guangxi.The results show that under natural conditions,Guangxi cloth industry did not set foot on the road of industrialization,and the ceramic industry in Guangxi Province under the support of government financing,buying new production equipment,using new technology.establishing modern factory management system,expanded and completed a magnificent transformation,and began on the road of industrialization.These too show that the traditional handicraft industry has inherent power to industrialize.Although the leaders in the military forces did not consciously act as the main force in the industrialization of Guangxi in the industrialization,they sometimes were even worried,hesitating,they also had some errors,but they firmly chose in 40s the road to industrialization and in the industrialization of Guangxi did a lot of work.Among these three forces,the local government of Guangxi actually was the main driving force of Guangxi industrialization.The momentum of development of industrialization in the 30-40s of the 20th century,it is because the encounter very favorable "historic opportunity",the modernization of the transportation industry in Guangxi during the period of transformation for industrialization to create a good environment,the paper mainly discusses Guangxi's water,land and air as well as how to realize the modernization of railway transportation,and the four transportation how to support the industrialization of Guangxi.In these four modes of transport,the role of the railway is the most obvious,its emergence is not only to promote the development of Guangxi's industry,but also to promote the formation of the industrial center of Guangxi city.In addition,in the process of the establishment of air transport and railway transportation,it is obvious that there is a certain relationship between the local government and the central government in Guangxi.The wartime relocation of factories in Guangxi has brought new vitality to industrialization.After the outbreak of Anti-Japanese War,a large number of factories across the country moved in Guangxi,this period moved factories bring a large number of funds,technical personnel and new power equipment,the industrialization of Guangxi to a new level,not only the size of the objective industry,but also changed the layout of Guangxi industry,the emerging industrial city in Guilin Liuzhou,as the representative of the rise.Since the Republic of China in Guangxi over the years back,and on 1930s the government to raise funds for fiscal reform the situation in-depth analysis.Through comparison before and after,we can clearly see that the new fiscal and tax system provides a guarantee for the industrialization of the capital,a strong support for the industrialization of Guangxi.In the fifth part of the text,the author is a brief overview of the process of industrialization development in Guangxi in the 30-40 century.Before the war of resistance,industrialization started from the modern transformation of mining industry.The modern mining industry laid the foundation for the industrialization of Guangxi.Before the war of resistance against Japan,the development of Guangxi's military and civilian industries began to emerge.During the Anti-Japanese war is a stage of rapid development of industrialization in Guangxi,to move into the provinces of the factory,to inject new blood and vitality to economic and technological backwardness,industry of Guangxi,but also greatly stimulated the establishment of various factories.After 1938,the province's industrial and commercial workers have been in Guilin,Liuzhou,Wuzhou and other places,and some convenient transportation,the abundance of the town to invest and build factories,an unprecedented upsurge of industrial construction in Guangxi.At the time of the Guilin,downtown around the factory chimneys,rumbling sound,war industry flourished.Guilin,Liuzhou area to become the rear of industrial products supply base".The peak of the industrialization of Guangxi is established in the 30-40s of the 20th century Guangxi company,the Guangxi company as an example,analyzed and discussed the industrialization of Guangxi during the peak period,the general situation of Guangxi enterprises in the development of the company,the relationship between Guangxi enterprises and the industrialization of Guangxi,in the value of the company and Guangxi companies.The industrialization of Guangxi made in the development process of the arduous and tortuous achievements,destroyed in the Japanese invasion of Guangxi,to the end of the Anti-Japanese War,the industrialization level of Guangxi almost back to the level of the beginning of the Republic of China period.The local government of Guangxi in the post-war reconstruction process,the industrialization of Guangxi into consideration,the local government of Guangxi had a relatively large industrial demobilization plan after the war,due to the lack of money and foodstuff,this plan can hardly achieve.Published in 1947,"Guangxi road" of industrial construction,setting and planning for the future of Guangxi's road to industrialization,which contains some reasonable factors,become the final masterpiece of industrialization in GuangxiIn the last part of the text,in the "Comparative Perspective" that made Guangxi industrialization achievements,through to the Guangxi and the neighboring provinces of Hunan,Sichuan,Guangdong,Yunnan,Guizhou Province,southwest of the six factor of population,natural resources,financial income and other factors of the comparative analysis,found that Guangxi is not a natural "barren and poor people",the key is to find "the scatterbrain".According to Hunan,Sichuan,Guangdong,Guangxi,Yunnan,Guizhou and other six provinces of Southwest China in different historical period of industrialization,we can draw a conclusion that the history of industrialization in Guangxi is Chinese industrial miracle in the history of it than many of the same type of provinces and regions have done well,and has made brilliant achievements,though the result was finally destroyed by Japanese invaders fire.Indeed,in the 30-40s of the 20th century in Guangxi in the process of industrialization,the two aspects of the local government of Guangxi led to the industrialization cognition and behavior are insufficient,although some of the mistakes belong to "understandable",but in order to work better in the future,"understandable "failure to conscientiously sum up," inexorable" the more you need to seriously sum up.From the process of industrialization in in the 30-40 century and the problems in the process of industrialization,the path of industrialization in backward areas should be that strong local government is to realize the industrialization of basic conditions;financing is the key factor to realize industrialization;good use of external power is an important condition to realize industrialization;seize the favorable opportunity,their development is an important condition to achieve industrialization;to stimulate intrinsic motivation is the fundamental condition of realizing industrialization.Generally speaking,the process of industrialization in Guangxi in the 30-40s of the 20th century is difficult and tortuous,and its successful experience and failure lessons are worthy of our careful summary and reflection.Only by drawing lessons from history,can we achieve greater success in our future work.
Keywords/Search Tags:In the 30-40s of the 20th century, Guangxi, the New Gui Group, Industrialization
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