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Literary Activities Of Shi Tuo And The Research Of His Novels

Posted on:2014-01-08Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z YaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1365330482950237Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the literary world of China in 1930s and 1940s of twentieth Century,Shi Tuo is a famous young writer.He used "Lu Fen" as a pseudonym in 1930s.Shi Tuo was skilled in the creation of novels,prose,drama.In May 15,1937,his first collection of short stories "Valley"(signed Lu Fen)and Cao Yu's"Thunderstorm" and He Qifang's "The portrait of dreams" won the "Ta Kung Pao" literary prize together.During the war of resistance against Japan,his adaptation of the drama "Circus" staged in the isolated island "Shanghai" was the most outstanding drama in that time.But in all his works,he wrote novels mostly.Based on data available,he wrote a number of excellent novels from 1931 to 1949,,such as "Valley","Country Story","The light of Setting Sun","Orchard city",medium-length novel "The Owner of Hopeless Village ",novel"Ma Lan" and "Marriage".These works caught the attention of the critics at that time.Li Jianwu,Shen Congwen and Zhu Guangqian praised his unwilling to associate with the art character.From the overall look,although his works caught the attention of scholars in different times,contemporary research of Shi Tuo's novel research is still in the state of asymmetric compared with their creative performance.It is difficult to research the works of Shi Tuo.The research data is less and the influence of work and social awareness is low.Although Xia Zhiqing and Hu Qiaomu praised novels of Shi Tuo very much,Shi Tuo had not been able to become the focus of modern Chinese literature research.Literary research has diversified today,the values of Shi Tuo's novels should be excavated and should not be neglected.The art of his novels and his life attitude have a positive effect on today's literary creation.This paper intends to make a system study of his literary activities and analyze the important works in his novels.This paper want to solve several problems as follows.Why was Shi Tuo unknown to public in the history of literature?This paper not only affirms the achievements of his creation,but also analyzed the shortcomings of his creation.Second,this paper is based on the collection and collation of historical data elements and paied attention to the following data collection,including " Literary Supplement of Ta Kung Pao","literary of Ta Kung Pao " and the original journal--"literature Quarterly" and "Mercury".It aims to make the research more solid and research his works in historical context.I try to answer that why Shi Tuo can obtain "Ta Kung Pao" literary prize.This part focuses on data mining to make up for past deficiencies of the research of Shi Tuo.Thirdly,his works reflected the fate of rural China.Shi Tuo's novel art is exquisite.Lyricism is his conscious pursuit in the art of his novels.The daily life of the mainland town during the period of Anti-Japanese War is reflected in "Orchard City".Shi Tuo discovered a philosophy of everyday life,the paradox between impermanence and everyday.In addition,as a famous novelist in1930s and 1940s,Shi Tuo explored issues of that era literary history with his novel writings.His thinking about urban area and rural area can help us understand the spiritual world of the intellectuals in that time.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shi Tuo, Literary activities, Local Novels, literary,Supplement of Ta Kung Pao
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