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The Effect Of A2A Rantagonist On Microglial Activation In Experimental Glaucoma

Posted on:2016-10-20Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H LiuFull Text:PDF
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Background:Glaucoma i s t he f irst l eading cause of ir reversible vi sion l oss in t he world.Glaucoma-related visual function damage has a negative impact on the quality of patients'life and contributes to significant costs both for individual and society.It is generally agreed that intolerant elevated intraocular pressure is t he main risk factor for glaucomatous optic neuropathy.Elevated intraocular pressure leads to the obstruction o f a xoplasmic flow o f the retinal ganglion cells?RGCs?and/or the ischemia of optic nerve,both of which subsequently causing the apoptosis or the death o f R GCs.However,it is a ccepted by s ome r esearchers t hat glaucoma is a neurodegerative disease in which neuroinflammation is involved.Microglia and it's inflammatory mediators are important component of neuroinflammation.Recent studies r evealed that p harmacological b lockade o r genetic inactivation o f adenosine A2A receptor(A2AR)affords a robust neuroprotection in central nervous system.It is unknown w hether A2AR a ntagonist w ould exert neuroprotection o n RGCs in glaucoma by the control of microglia-driven neuroinlammation.Projection:This project plans to find out the effect of A2AR antagonist on microglia and RGCs under chronic ocular hypertension and explore the relationship between microglia and RGCs by means of in vitro and in vivo experiments.Methods:Chronic ocular hypertension model was induced in one eye of Male Sprague Dawley rats by ligation of three episcleral veins.The survival of retinal RGCs and the activiation o f microglia under chronic oc ular hypertension w ithout or with the int ravitreous inj ection of A2AR a ntagonist--zm241385 were assessed by fluorescent labeling,Realtime-PCR and Western blot.ELISA was e mployed t o measure the secretion of inflammatory m ediators by mic roglia when glutamate and/or zm241385 was added into the culture system.Results:The density of RGCs decreased and the microglia changed their rafiemidmorphology to an spheroidal/amoeboid form w ith retraction of t heir processes under chronic oc ular hypertension during w hich t he expression o f t umor necrosis factor-??TNF-??and interleukin-1??IL-1??in whole retina also increased.The decrease of RGCs density in central retina and the increase of TNF-?and IL-1?expression w ere ameliorated with i njection of z m241385 i nto t he vi treous.T he up-regulated secretion o f t heses pr o-inflammatory cytokines by microglia in vitro under high c oncentration o f glutamate was do wn-regulated when zm241385 was added into the culture system.Conclusions:A2AR antagonist--zm241385 is protective for RGCs located in the central area of retina and has a negative effct on retinal neuroinflammation under chronic ocular hy pertension;z m241385 alleviated the activiation of microglia stimulated by high concentration of glutamate.The downregulation of microglia-driven neuroinlammation in r etina by zm241385 under high concentration of gl utamate may be one of the mechanisms that protected RGCs in experimental glaucoma.
Keywords/Search Tags:chronic ocular hypertension, microglia, adenosine A2A receptors, zm241385, glutamate, neuroinflammation
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