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A Study On The Three Levels Of Cancer Prevention In The United Kingdom In The 20th Century

Posted on:2020-03-07Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y B CuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1364330578474838Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the flourishing of social history and the increasingly prominent global cancer problem,Britain,as the earliest "welfare state",has been at the forefront of public health policy and preventive medicine research in the world.Therefore,it is particularly important to study the cancer problem in Britain from the perspectives of history,politics,medicine,sociology and environmental science.This paper chooses the third-level cancer prevention in Britain in the 20 th century as a case,and puts it into four levels of government,industry,social organizations and individuals to make a comprehensive consideration,and historically describes the formation,evolution and characteristics of the third-level cancer prevention in Britain.According to the different stages of cancer pathological development,the International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies prevention into three types: first-level "etiological prevention",second-level "preclinical prevention" and third-level "clinical prevention".These three levels of prevention can be achieved from three aspects: sniping carcinogenic factors,screening and diagnosis of preclinical manifestations of cancer and control of recurrence after operation.Threetier prevention is the core content of cancer prevention and control in the UK.It plays an active role in reducing cancer incidence,mortality and prolonging the life span of patients in the UK.The 20 th century is a critical period for the development of tertiary cancer prevention in Britain.In the 19 th century,influenced by the accelerated progress of industrialization and urbanization in Britain,significant changes have taken place in life expectancy,lifestyle and the concept of disease and health.Cancer,as a "civilized disease",has gradually become the focus of public health.The transformation of medical socialization is the direct result of the modernization of the concept of cancer disease,which makes the explanation of the causes of cancer gradually get rid of the purely medical explanation path,and makes the medical profession begin to rethink the impact of external environment and lifestyle on the incidence of cancer."Public Health Campaign" and "Maternal and Child Health Campaign" gave birth to the concept of primary prevention of cancer through blocking carcinogenic factors to prevent "lifestyle cancer".Primary prevention is a preventive strategy that truly conforms to the idea of "treating disease before illness".However,as cancer research institutes such as the Imperial Cancer Research Foundation and the British Empire Cancer Campaign deepen their research on cancer medicine,the primary prevention of etiology,which lacks theoretical basis,begins to transition to clinical prevention.In the preclinical stage of cancer,the medical profession achieves the goal of preventing the development and deterioration of cancer through the preventive methods of "early detection,early diagnosis and early treatment".For those who have cancer,doctors take measures such as surgery,chemotherapy,comprehensive treatment and palliative therapy to achieve three-level prevention of cancer recurrence and postoperative disability.Through the study of three-level cancer prevention in Britain,this paper aims to construct a picture of the transformation from clinical medicine model to clinical biomedicine model in the practice of cancer prevention and control in Britain since the 20 th century,and then from clinical biomedicine model to clinical biology-social medicine model.Secondly,"Imperial Cancer Research Foundation" and "British Empire Cancer Campaign" are the most important cancer medical research institutes in the UK.Their research in the aspects of cancer etiology,pathological structure and clinical treatment has laid a solid foundation for the establishment of three-level cancer prevention in the UK and become the focus of this paper.Finally,health education,especially cancer prevention education,runs through all stages and levels of the UK's three-tier cancer prevention system.Its main body involves three aspects: individual,social organization and government.Its content includes the cultivation of cancer prevention awareness,cancer registration system based on epidemiology and smoking control,etc.Its development directly affects cancer in UK.The success or failure of prevention system construction is also the focus of this paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:UK, cancer, cancer prevention, cancer education, tobacco
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