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Research On The Optimization Of The Carbon Emission Reduction Contract Of The Green Supply Chain

Posted on:2021-03-26Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:G YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1361330632953376Subject:Enterprise management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,the global carbon emission level is continuously rising,and the global warming caused by it is continuously worsening,which has caused a huge impact on the production and life of human beings.With global carbon emissions reaching a new high in 2019,carbon emission reduction has become the inevitable choice of human beings today.The international community has recognized the seriousness of the global warming caused by carbon emissions,and has tried to solve the problem of carbon emission reduction at the international level.Some good results have been achieved.But there is still a big gap between the carbon reductions required to keep global temperatures from rising and the actual amount of carbon reduction.How to promote global carbon emission reduction more effectively?According to related statistics,the major cause of the high carbon emission level is the high carbonization of human production and life.The extensive and energy-intensive development mode in the past has caused serious problems for the global environment.Therefore,in order to control the global carbon emission level,it is necessary to carry out process emission reduction and low-carbon consumption.This paper makes a deep study of the carbon emission reduction of green supply chain,and considers the intensive and low-carbon development model.In the process of economic development,the practice of the whole industrial chain concept is promoted to maximize the green effect of the green supply chain in operation.In particular,the carbon emission reduction contract optimization of the green supply chain from the perspective of the whole industrial chain is rather important in practice.So we try to study a set of feasible carbon emission reduction strategies from the perspective of the whole industrial chain,which will contribute to the effective development of global carbon emission reduction activities.This paper focuses on the green supply chain,and studies the optimization and coordination of carbon emission reduction contract in its operation.The key issues in the operation of the green supply chain,such as how to formulate the corresponding carbon emission reduction strategy in the green supply chain,how to design the coordination mechanism of carbon trading,and how to quickly reduce the carbon emission level of enterprises in each node of the green supply chain,are mainly explored,so as to greatly alleviate the problem of global environmental degradation.In the green supply chain,there is a conflict of interests among different carbon emission body.In order to improve the overall level of carbon emission reduction of green supply chain,we need to reorganize the different carbon emission body efficiently.Base on different business situation,we try to design a reasonable contract and explore the optimal coordination mechanism to reduce the carbon emission of green supply chain.The specific research contents of this paper mainly include the following aspects:(1)Design of carbon emission reduction mechanism within the supply chain under the green whole industrial chainThe determination of carbon emission reduction mechanism of enterprises in each link of the supply chain under the green whole industrial chain plays an important role in improving the carbon emission reduction level of the green whole industrial chain.This paper attempts to construct the mechanism of carbon emission reduction within the supply chain from the perspective of the green whole industrial chain,so that the carbon emission reduction efforts of enterprises in various links can move towards the common goal.The design of carbon emission reduction mechanism should first determine the leader of carbon emission reduction decision within the supply chain and the basic principle of carbon emission reduction task sharing.The increase of supply chain performance brought by the implementation of carbon emission reduction decision within the supply chain should be reasonably distributed among all members of the supply chain to maximize the mobilization of carbon emission reduction power of enterprises in all links.This paper suggests that local governments should implement the management mode of “government +supply chain” to promote the development of carbon emission reduction activities within the supply chain in the context of the green whole industrial chain and maximize the carbon emission reduction effect.(2)Decision on carbon emission reduction efforts for manufacturers in a green supply chainWith the improvement of people's awareness of environmental protection,more and more consumers tend to buy low-carbon products so that consumers generally have a preference for low-carbon merchandise.At the same time,the government's carbon intensity regulation of enterprises will be increasingly improved step by step.Therefore,it is of practical value to discuss the coordination and optimization of carbon emission reduction contracts on the basis of considering consumers' preference for low carbon merchandise in the market and the government's carbon intensity regulation.Analysis of demand uncertainty suggests that stricter government carbon regulation may be bad for social welfare.For the manufacturer,when carbon regulation is strengthened,it will buy more carbon emission rights rather than choose to invest in carbon emission reduction areas.For suppliers,sales and profits will decline as government carbon regulation is tightened.(3)Decision on combined carbon emission reduction efforts for manufacturers and retailer in a green supply chainFrom the perspective of green whole industrial chain,consumers' value pursuit for products is not only reflected in the use value of products,but also in the greenutility brought by product consumption.The research focuses on the influence of consumers' preference for low-carbon products and the degree of competition between duopoly manufacturers on carbon emission reduction decision-making.It will be analyzed and discussed from two aspects of sufficient competition and insufficient competition.In the case of insufficient competition,the equilibrium solution and the equilibrium profit level of the model are obtained by considering the cooperation between two manufacturers and retailers and the cooperation between one manufacturer and retailers.(4)Decision on carbon emission reduction efforts made by two allied manufacuturers in a green supply chainIn the green whole industrial chain,it is common for enterprises in the manufacturing link to have multiple competitions,which are manifested in more forms such as multiple manufacturers participating in the competition for one retailer's business order.This part focuses on a two-level green supply chain composed of multiple manufacturers and one retailer,and applies the Stackelberg game model to study the carbon emission reduction game among green industrial chain members in the context of multiple competition among manufacturers.Through the selection analysis of different emission reduction game models,this paper studies the changes of carbon emission reduction level of member enterprises,wholesale price of products and marginal profit of manufacturers and retailers.Under the background of the green whole industrial chain,the carbon emission reduction contract coordination and optimization scheme embodied by the selected realistic situation will have some differences.This part will focus on two representative realistic scenarios to do the optimization analysis of carbon emission reduction.The first is the real situation of trade friction.We try to explore the coordination and optimization of carbon emission reduction contract of supply chain under the background of trade friction.This paper discusses the choice of carbon emission reduction contract in supply chain and the comparison of emission reduction effect from two aspects of centralized and decentralized.Trade friction has been a hot issue in the economic field in recent years,which has hurt enterprises in various countries or regions and caused a great obstacle to the smooth progress of global carbon emission reduction.Due to the widespread trade friction,decentralized carbon emission reduction decision has become a helpless move for more members of the supply chain.In this scenario,wholesale price contract and cost-sharing contract will be selected as the main contract mode of emission reduction for analysis.The second is the rapid development of e-commerce in the real situation,this part will explore a low carbon supply chain coordination issue.The low carbon supply chain is composed of a low carbon product supplier and an e-commerce platform.The research purpose is to achieve the optimal effect of carbon emissions under the realistic situation of e-commerce which has a high development speed in recent years.However,e-commerce platform has important decision-making value for the decision-making of the optimal order quantity of low-carbon products and the optimal production capacity of suppliers to produce low-carbon products in the environment of e-commerce shopping festival,which is common in the development of e-commerce.(5)Optimization of coordinated carbon emission reduction in a green supply chain under capital constraintIn order to further encourage enterprises to increase carbon emission reduction efforts,relevant laws and regulations on corporate income tax have clearly stipulated that the carbon emission reduction costs of enterprises can be deducted from the taxable income at a certain ratio.In addition,consumers are increasingly aware of environmental protection and have a greater preference for low-carbon products.The carbon emission reduction behavior of companies in the supply chain will further boost the market demand for low-carbon products.However,with the increase of carbon emission reduction efforts,the financing constraint caused by the increase of investment will become more obvious.Supply chain member enterprises can effectively solve their own financing constraints by means of trade credit and asset-based securitization portfolio financing.In this paper,a two-level supply chain consisting of a low carbon products retailer and a low carbon products manufacturer is established.The optimization goal is to maximize the ending cash balance of the retailer and manufacturer.We analyze the manufacturer and retailer financing optimization problem in a combination of trade credit and asset-based securitization financing mode of single phase and multiphase.It is found that different combinations of trade credit and asset-based securitization financing methods will have an important impact on the optimal operation strategy of financing enterprises.In different situations,the member companies of the supply chain have optimal product pricing and carbon emission reduction efforts decisions to achieve their realistic goal of maximizing their ending cash balance.(6)Design decision of carbon trading mechanism from the perspective of green whole industrial chainThe coordination and optimization of carbon emission reduction contract from the perspective of green whole industrial chain needs broader application space.The carbon emission reduction related decision of green whole industrial chain has certain reference value for countries to formulate relevant carbon trading mechanism.This part will discuss the design optimization of China's carbon trading mechanism.The design of carbon trading mechanism should reflect the hierarchy.This part will analyze the design problems of carbon trading mechanism from the five levels of central government,local government,industry associations,enterprises and individuals,and propose corresponding mechanism design countermeasures.In the process of design and improvement of these carbon trading mechanisms,the relevant research results of carbon emission reduction contract optimization of the whole green industrial chain should be fully referred to,so that the carbon trading mechanism can play a greater role in carbon emission reduction.Then,this paper takes the low-carbon upgrading of cultural creativity and the whole agricultural industry chain as an example to simulate the policy situation,and applies the research results to specific industries,so as to promote the effective development of carbon emission reduction in various industries and related fields.Specific innovation points can be summarized as follows:Firstly,this paper studies the carbon emission reduction of green supply chain based on consumers' low-carbon preference and government's carbon intensity regulation.This paper discusses the coordination and optimization of carbon emission reduction contract from the perspective of green supply chain.Based on the consideration of consumers' low-carbon preference and the government's carbon intensity regulation,this paper discusses the influence of consumers' low-carbon preference behavior and the government's carbon intensity regulation on the optimal emission reduction effect and profit of green supply chain.Analysis of demand uncertainty suggests that stricter government carbon regulation may be bad for social welfare.For the manufacturer,when carbon regulation is strengthened,it will buy more carbon emission rights rather than choose to invest in carbon emission reduction areas.For suppliers,sales and profits will decline as government carbon regulation is tightened.Secondly,the carbon emission reduction of duopoly competitive enterprises based on consumers' green utility is studied.The research focuses on the influence of consumers' preference for low-carbon products and the degree of competition between duopoly manufacturers on carbon emission reduction decision-making.It will be analyzed and discussed from two aspects of sufficient competition and insufficient competition.In the case of insufficient competition,the equilibrium solution and the equilibrium profit level of the model are obtained by considering the cooperation between two manufacturers and retailers and the cooperation between one manufacturer and retailers.Thirdly,a two-stage green supply chain composed of multiple manufacturers and a retailer is studied.This part first analyzes and discusses the coordination of carbon emission reduction contracts in the platform retailer's low-carbon supply chain.Then this part discusses the coordination and optimization of supply chain carbon emission reduction contract by means of alliance among manufacturers in the context of trade friction.This paper discusses the choice of carbon emission reduction contract of supply chain and the comparison of emission reduction effect from two aspects: centralized and decentralized.Forthly,a two-level supply chain consisting of a low carbon products retailer and a low carbon products manufacturer is established.The optimization goal is to maximize the ending cash balance of the retailer and manufacturer.We analyze the manufacturer and retailer financing optimization problem in a combination of trade credit and asset-based securitization financing mode of single phase and multiphase.It is found that different combinations of trade credit and asset-based securitization financing methods will have an important impact on the optimal operation strategy of financing enterprises.In different situations,the member companies of the supply chain have optimal product pricing and carbon emission reduction efforts decisions to achieve their realistic goal of maximizing their ending cash balance.
Keywords/Search Tags:green supply chain, carbon emission reduction, contract optimization, green utility, carbon trade
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