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A Research On The Transformation And Upgrading Of E-business Promoting Equipment Manufacturing Industry Of China

Posted on:2017-08-01Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Q FuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1319330536468070Subject:National Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The equipment manufacturing industry is an important part of the national economy and national defense construction in China for the provision of the production technology and equipment,which is a machine manufacturing industry to produce machine.Because its connection with other industries is high,the level of its development determines a country's modernization of economic development and national defense strength,so it is the important undertaker of the manufacturing powerful country strategy put forward in " made in China 2025 ".But the equipment manufacturing industry in China faces serious problems of “high-end lost,low-end free-for-all”.On the one hand,most of of high-end equipments and key components need to be imported,so economic security and defense security are no guarantee.On the other hand,the low-end equipments with a high inventory are going into a vicious competition of a price war,which leads to less and less profit.Meanwhile the equipment manufacturing industry not only faces threats of the "reindustrialization" strategy of the United States and other developed countries,and the challenge from the rise of developing countries,but also the rising of RMB exchange rate,rising labor costs,international crude oil prices etc.So the transformation and upgrading of the equipment manufacturing industry in China is of great significance.Today the e-business has become a new trend,at the same time large-scale Internet users and network shopping habits based on the e-commerce are formed,and increasingly perfect policy environment will provide the equipment manufacturing industry a good environment.Through this article We hope to find the general rule of the transformation and upgrading of the e-business promoting the equipment manufacturing industry in China,to improve the level of e-business application of the equipment manufacturing industry,in turn,to improve its competitiveness,and to realize the dream of the manufacturing power.Based on many previous literature,this paper analyzed how the e-business promotes the transformation and upgrading of the equipment manufacturing industry in China in the following perspective: introductions(theories and status),parts(dynamic mechanism,conduction mechanism and organization mode),and conclusions(commendations and suggestions).The main results in this paper are as following:Firstly,in the third chapter the e-business application of the equipment manufacturing industry in our country,its application environment and the present situation of the transformation and upgrading of the equipment manufacturing industry,are analyzed.After the analysis,we found that the equipment manufacturing industry is the main body in the application of the e-business,the e-business mode of the equipment manufacturing industry are various,and the supply chain management and customer management development are the direction of the e-business of the equipment manufacturing industry in our country.The analysis of the e-business application environment contains the analysis of the policy and legal environment,economic environment,social environment,technology environment.The analysis of the policy and legal environment shows that the government is the most important drivers of China's e-business through policies,supportion,and legal norm.The analysis of the economic environment shows that a number of online shopping users have developed in China,the masses of urban and rural residents have an awareness of the e-business,and the e-business network foundation environment is constantly developed.The analysis of the social environment shows that the general development of the e-business is around in China under the stimulus of the goverment,but the differences are very big,and the e-business in Beijing,Shanghai,and Guangdong and zhejiang province is leading.The analysis of the technology environment shows that the cloud computing and Internet of things technology will promote the development of its innovation.We think that there need be many problems on the e-business,such as a higher recognition of the e-business,the low level of its application,and the innovation of organization mode etc.Secondly,the analysis of the dynamic mechanism of the e-business promoting the equipment manufacturing industry in our country shows that it has expanded the size of the domestic market,and overall improved the profitability of the equipment manufacturing industry.Using cross terms of the Internet penetration with the added value of the transportation,warehousing,and the postal service to measure the level of the e-business of the equipment manufacturing industry,in the forth charpter the empirical results show that the the e-business has significantly improved the profitability of the fabricated metal products industry,general equipment manufacturing industry,special equipment manufacturing industry,transportation equipment manufacturing industry,electric machinery and equipment manufacturing industry,computer,communications and other electronic equipment manufacturing industry,instrumentation manufacturing industry.As far as control variables,the GDP,the e-business infrastructure,and staff,all have a positive impact on the profitability of the equipment manufacturing industry.Thirdly,the analysis of the conduction mechanism of the e-business promoting the equipment manufacturing industry in our country shows that it has improved the ability of the independent innovation of the equipment manufacturing industry.The improvement is from two aspects.On the one hand,it makes China's huge domestic market a unified big one,which are the comparative advantages of the independent innovation.On the other hand,the it is used in supply chain management,which makes complete industrial production systems in our country comparative advantages of the independent innovation.In the fifth charpter,the industry factor made about 50% impact on the independent innovation capability of the equipment manufacturing industry,market elements based on the e-business about 30%,environmental elements approximately 20%.Fourthly,the e-business promotes the networked organization mode in China's equipment manufacturing industry.In the sixth chapter two companies were selected as the case.These are the e-business demonstration enterprises of the equipment manufacturing industry in our country.After the Case analysis,We found that the e-business promoted the development of the networked organization mode in both firms.Around the theme,in this paper three questions are studied as the following: the first is what is the dynamic mechanism of the e-business industry promoting the equipment manufacturing industry in our country? The Second is what is the conduction mechanism? The third is how to reform the organization mode of the equipment manufacturing industry.These three questions related to each other.The answer to the first question is the topic of this paper,the second and third problems strengthened the first one respectively from the aspects of the independent innovation and organization mode innovation,which deepened the topic.Based on these three questions,there are three innovation points in this paper.Firstly,for the first question,the viewpoint of was brought up and a quantitative research about the e-business promoting transformation and upgrading of the equipment manufacturing industry from the industry level was made.Based on Carlota Pertez's techno-economy paradigms theory,who is an Venezuela's evolutionary economist and a researcher of Cambridge university,an e-business revolution is experiencing.Using cross terms of the Internet penetration with the added value of the transportation,warehousing,and the postal service to measure the level of the e-business of the equipment manufacturing industry in our country,in the forth charpter the empirical results show that the the e-business has significantly improved the profitability of the fabricated metal products industry,general equipment manufacturing industry,special equipment manufacturing industry,transportation equipment manufacturing industry,electric machinery and equipment manufacturing industry,computer,communications and other electronic equipment manufacturing industry,instrumentation manufacturing industry.As far as control variables,the GDP,the e-business infrastructure,and staff,all have a positive impact on the profitability of equipment manufacturing industry.Secondly,for the second question,the impact was calculated about the e-business on the independent innovation capability of equipment manufacturing industry.In this article,the connotation of the independent innovation was defined as a product value realization based on the key technology control of the equipment manufacturing.The analysis of the conduction mechanism shows that the e-business has improved the ability of the independent innovation of the equipment manufacturing industry.The improvement is from two aspects.On the one hand,the e-business makes China's huge domestic market a unified big one,which are the comparative advantages of the independent innovation.On the other hand,the it is used in supply chain management,which makes complete industrial production systems in our country comparative advantages of the independent innovation.In the fifth charpter,the industry factor,market elements,and environmental elements were made of the capability of the independent innovation of equipment manufacturing industry.Thirdly,for the third question,the view was pointed out that the e-business e-commerce promotes the development of the networked organization mode of the equipment manufacturing industry.In the sixth chapter two companies were selected as the case.These are the e-business demonstration enterprises of the equipment manufacturing industry in our country.After the Case analysis,We found that the e-business promoted the development of the networked organization mode in both firms.
Keywords/Search Tags:E-business, Equipment Manufacturing Industry, Transformation and Updating, Dynamic Mechanism, Conduction Mechanism, Organization Mode
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