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"One Belt,One Road":the New Type Of Globalization?

Posted on:2017-06-09Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:E K A R P A T H I O T A K I Full Text:PDF
GTID:1319330512951179Subject:International Trade
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In 1990,the Greek philosopher Panajotis Kondylis in his book "Theorie des Krieges-Clausewitz-Marx-Engels-Lenin" in his introductory text for the Greek version,and regarding to the contribution of national liberation movements made the following "prophetic observation":"...Reviewed,this might be the more dramatic turning point in the history of the 20th century because through it,opened,especially in the Asian area,the road for the release of those forces,in front of which the West,now stands with an increasing embarrassment and with awe.Whoever compares the world map of 1914 or even of 1945 to the present will immediately understand that the change held in 1989 may not been the most dramatic of this century.Preceded other,probably more fundamental in shaping of a unified planetary history.And the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks in Russia in 1917,acted as a catalyst for national liberation movements which brought the collapse of colonial empires and the radically changing of the world map and the global balance of power.China,would not be what it is today(1990)and above all what will be in the 21st century-without the communist revolution-and not just in domestic but also in its global dimensions.Those who,these cosmogonic reversals,measure with concepts like "socialism" and "capitalism"stand on the surface of things.The historic substance is not found here,but in the emergence of new global powers capable to displace the old."The "One Belt,one Road" is the semantic expression of the emergence of China and Asia at the same time,and comes from the historical past.The historical development does not move linearly but with abruptly jumps with explosive decompression.When the accumulation of historical dynamic reaches the critical mass,then all are found surprised.The "One Belt,one Road" should be seen as a project of planetary dimensions.The emergence of China and the Asian's century is a fact and this means,struggles for redistribution of world wealth and the dimensions of these developments will be faced in the coming years.The industrially advanced West,sees the globalization process from its own side and despite the bonds of loyalty to the self-regulating market economy,essentially it is based on military and diplomatic advantage of US.The West sees globalization as an expansion of its "field of action".But already began to realize that US's crisis of hegemony in the economic,political and ideological field comes from the intensity of global competition and perhaps find in the future that the borders that was "demolished" by the existing model of globalization,will rectificate again due to intensification of wealth distribution struggles(economic embargoes,refugee flows,religious conflicts in the basis of political rivalries etc.)After the 2nd World War and especially after the end of the Cold War in 1989,the US were winners and the only hegemony power in the world.The winners believe that they have the inalienable right to think and believe that victory is evidence that the sense of history is perceived in the same way that they understand it.The winners consider that they should impose on a planetary scale their own plan of society organization.In every era,the ideology of the winners is made for the defeated interpretation of the reality.Their defeat is sealed with the acceptance by the defeated of winner's visual that is ecumenism(liberal concept of globalization)in the global market and human rights.The social organization of the West on the basis of ecumenical liberalism and human rights is threatened by itself.Demographic factors,sharpening wealth distribution struggles between large states etc.For example,the way in which treated today free trade,which is a key feature of economic liberalism is completely different(commercial and political barriers)than was seen before some years.That's because today China is the first export country in the world,not the US or Germany.Also the attempt to spread democracy worldwide will not spawned replicas but will change even the characteristics of democracy even in metropolitan countries through fierce distribution struggles(political crisis).In history there are no permanent conquests or linear developments.The "One Belt,one Road" initiative is the strategic development plan of China giving shape to its structural foreign policy for the 21st century.The "Silk Road Economic Belt" and "21st Century Maritime Silk Road" come to revive the ancient Silk Roads.The scale of this project is impressively large as the size of the country that propose it.For many scholars who were observing the emergence of China,taking into account only the financial figures of China and that is why considering as a"sudden" event the announcement of "One Belt,one Road".This one-sided approach in the case of strategic plans of planetary scale is not the appropriate way to do it.What is needed is a holistic approach to the"phenomenon".Both in design and implementation of the project,important is the interaction of philosophy,history,economics,politics,geostrategy and international relations.In 2013,China by having the power preconditions,that is economic,political,military,technological and cultural power had a de facto capability of proposing a global plan,in an especially unstable international environment(global financial crisis,economic inequality,fluid political environment,political and geopolitical rivalries,and on the ideological level crisis of US hegemony).As Karl Marx said in"Critique of Political Economy" "...No society puts duties on itself if are not yet the necessary and sufficient conditions or the conditions are on the way of the emergence and development...".Some special features of the "project" make it unique and innovative both conceptually and but also as to its implementation.The project has no clear final objective and also do not have clear timetable,but these will be determined in the future by the "dynamic of the situation" of the international environment(Chinese strategy).The fact that?OBOR?has no clearly defined objective that it can later become measurable,which is a negative point of criticism from the West,it is because the substance of the project concerns an alternative proposal of globalization model therefore refers to an ideological level,which is not measurable but this "will be measured" in the future by the acceptance and reflection that the project will have on communities both of East and West.The model of globalization and its particular characteristics that have been proposed by China,will be emerged from a composition of the existing situation and the way in which East and in particular China perceives Globalisation in all levels.China wants to be and have to be involved in shaping of World Order in the 21st century,that wishes to be a fairer and more secure world.The "One Belt,one Road" addressed at global level and is a de facto alternative proposal of globalization model,based on the redistribution of global wealth in favor of the "weaks",respect to the sovereignty and special features of countries and their societies,focusing in economic cooperation where the win-win situation will prevail.Regarding the tactical part of the project and the technical implementation of it,it has a dynamic character as already mobilizing governments and groups in society by causing processes and discussions around the world in relation to the issue,although it is at its beginning.Despite the fact that does not have in its whole clearly defined roadmap,or in other words clearly defined economic corridors from which it passes,the "One Belt,one Road",will be specified in the course of time considering the circumstances,changes in relationships and the unpredictable events that will be occured over time.Studying carefully the technical parts of "One Belt,one Road" as announced in 2013 by the Chinese President Xi Jinping,it is clear that parties had begun to be prepared several years ago and which were included in the "Grand Plan".The "One Belt,one Road" has another innovative feature and regards the social groups that address to.Has designed by the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese Government and has made partakers and "stakeholders" the Chinese people,fact that has made the success of the project "national affair".Outside of Chinese borders the "One Belt,one Road" addressed to governments of other countries,to the business world and to the societies of the countries that passes and asks consensus to create win-win situation as opposed to the previous logic of colonialism and domination.These particular characteristics make it different from the Marshall Plan,which often is compared with by international researchers.China is not an ordinary nation-state but is much bigger,and therefore during the implementation of "One Belt,one Road" will bring together and its structures both in economic sector and in politics and culture.The "One Belt,one Road" is synonymous with China's foreign policy.The ability of the CCP,the strategic projects to carry them into society and make them in this way "national affair" is indisputable.So society(companies,universities,cultural and professional bodies,etc.)contribute to the promotion and implementation of foreign policy.The "One Belt,one Road" is also synonymous with the concept of the national interest of China in a broad interpretation of it.The openness of China in the world system creates a broad interpretation of its interests(energy security,financial investments,participation in international organizations,participating in the creation of new international organizations in order to ensure security and economy).The "One Belt,one Road" is directly related to the change of the existing production structures in the Chinese economy.Changing the existed economic model by applying the "new normal" as otherwise indicated regards the slowing down of Chinse economy and simultaneous the transition from a labor-intensive economic model to a capital-intensive model based on high technology,innovation and training in order to reach a high-income economy.At the same time "new normal" refers to upgrading of existing industries.Due to the continuously growing labor costs within China(which was an advantage for the economic development in the past in China)aims to transfer labor-intensive industries to countries from where?OBOR?will pass through and are developing and have high rates of unskilled labor.By this way will help and the development of those countries(win-win situation).China also,through "One Belt,one Road"will be able channeling its surplus of raw materials for the construction of necessary infrastructure and in addition channeling low added value products,which however are needed by developing countries.The "One Belt,one Road" is a process of accumulation of political capital for China and in general for Asia.The accumulation of political influence is a critical area where combined with the economical power will give China the ability to interpret and propose solutions for critical issues that concern the global system and not only to be the recipient of interpretations from others.The political factor is known that penetrating into the economic factor through the unsolved problem of wealth distribution.The "One Belt,one Road" has geopolitical characteristics.The Machinder's theorem that whoever holds Germany holds and Eurasia make sense in a Euro-centric world.In a global world where China spread increasingly the key to world domination is the Siberian and Asian-central area.China is taking very seriously into consideration its history and based on the above opinion should create structural relations with Russia and moreover China should recognize Russia the right to keep the Order in Caucasia,Central Asia and Siberia area.The "One Belt,one Road" and especially in the area of foreign policy should place particular emphasis in the critical area of speed and interaction of social groups and ordinary people.The world has changed dramatically rapidly.Science and technology have become dominant concepts of our times.Technology has made possible the communication between people and institutions around the world,as did the religion in the Middle Ages,the logic of the European Enlightenment and nationalism in the 20th century.In the 21st century,new parameters of change,new different challenges occurring within this globalized system.There is not only the possibility of communication between people,but moreover the way this is achieved via the Internet from one side of the planet to the other,all in real time.The information age and modern technological development work as accelerators of public opinion and simultaneously makes politically active people,who never had political understanding of events.In the current conditions the planet has an intensive political activity.The appearance and the notification to a very great number of people of the world's major problems,such as the environment,climate,economic inequalities,living standards,martial conflicts,religious conflicts,etc.enabling through modern technology,this function also as an accelerator of people's anger for the existing system.Beyond the differences arising in the geopolitical,ideological level,but also the differences arising unequal wealth distribution,a great part of humanity feels very great deficit of respect from those who prosper.In the process of "One Belt,one Road" is important for people and societies receive due respect because if this does not happen,the reaction rate will be such that it could affect the success of the project.The "One Belt,one Road" is also a cultural journey that crosses and meet other cultural entities such as the Muslim civilization,the Christian western civilization etc.The ecumenical liberalism,the unified global market and human rights failed to give "an end to history" as Yoshihiro Francis Fukuyama believed after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of Cold War.But existed the"disappearance" of Marxist and Leninist?vocabulary?from the rhetoric of global politics that identified social contradictions such as class struggle,imperialism etc.There is a shift of the center of gravity from political argumentation to the language of cultural values(for example human rights)where culture is converted into medium entrenchment and prevent from participating in the race for global wealth distribution.In so far as wealth distribution struggles will be worsen,respectively will be politicized by any cultural difference,since the cultural differences will have the symbol value and will be a means of influencing the masses.The contrast of North-South or West-East viewed as the antithesis"western Christian" and "Muslim" or "Confuciusm" culture.An example related to the environment of geo Middle East system which evolve heightened wealth distribution struggles,these struggles are treated a)"clash of civilizations" as Samuel Huntington states and b)"civil conflict" that conflict forces belonging the same political environmentThe "clash of civilizations" as an expression,aims to be used ideologically as Western attraction in case would be caused conflict with non Western powers.An apt phrase Panajotis Kondylis on this issue is that there are no cultural conflicts but conflicts absentia culture.In "civil conflicts"(IS,Sunnis,Shiites,Hamas etc.]the cultural difference politicized to be used in the power-sharing game.The "One Belt,One Road",with all its structural features(State,businesses,social groups,etc.)will pass areas where it will meet different political entities.It is reasonable,only the existence of a "foreign" culture can be perceived as a challenge because it puts into question the values that each local considers self-evident and binding.Nobody clashes only in the name of values,but when the presence of "foreign" values combined with an existential threat.For this reason,the win-win situation phrase is the key with which can open the door of dialogue in order to come closer with different cultural entities and create deep and real relationships.The win-win situation is the way of true understanding of each other.Civilizations are not understood by wishful thinking inducements,or intentions given profusely,for the simple reason because they do not cost anything.
Keywords/Search Tags:globalization, hegemony, Silk Road, world order, wealth distribution, Asian century
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