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The Formation,Influence And Countermeasures Of Trust Risk

Posted on:2018-08-12Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:R Z LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1319330512489889Subject:National Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Trust,Banking,Securities and Insurance,are known as the four major financial pillar industry in the modern financial system.It has been more than 30 years since the trusteeship settled in China,but unlike in Britain or other countries,it has not been generally accepted up to now.In recent years,due to the factors such as the economic growth,loose monetary policy and regulation evasion,China's trust industry has experienced explosive growth,and is becoming more and more important in the whole financial system,meanwhile,its risk status and development path are also getting more and more attention.However,the research on trust risk has not aroused scholars' widespread concern.There are few researches on trust risk in China,so far,it has not made a consensus on the risk generation,transmission channel and the impact mechanism of the systematic risk.This paper,on the basis of existing research,construct a theoretical model to study the risk of China's trust sector formation mechanism.Further,constructs a model to explore the risk transmission channels of the trust department,and then verifies the conclusions by the theoretical model analysis.In this paper,the formation mechanism and conduction mechanism of trust risk is studied,also,the effects on the financial stability and the policy recommendations are also be studied in this paper.Research architecture.Previous studies have focused on using of foreign systemic risk research model in the studies on the risk of China's shadow banking sector.However,due to the special nature of China's shadow banking sector,the systematic risk models of foreign countries are not suitable for China's financial situation.This leads to that the research of the shadow banking risk domestic scholars are still lagging behind,and is not deep enough.There is no special research on the systematic risk of trust department.This paper opens up a new way to study the systematic risk of trust department.In this essay,the theoretical analysis model is settled to study the formation mechanism of risk,the trust risk's effect on the stability of financial market,and then,through empirical analysis model,the results of the theoretical model analysis are verified.Theoretical research.The information sensitivity theory is applied to the study the trust risk,and the IS model is constructed on the basis of the theory.Then,introduce "model of the spread of infectious disease" in medical research,and constructs the SI model and SIS model to analyse the transmission channels of the trust risk.This approach overcomes the existing model's failure on the study of China's trust risk caused by the particularity of the Chinese Trust Department and the missing data of trust statistics.And the research results by empirical test on the macro and micro level proved to be correct and credible.Empirical research.Most of the previous empirical analyse on macroscopic analysis.Based on the before research,this essay studied both macro and micro effect on financial stability that the trust department has.It is concluded that the results of the theoretical model are very good.Countermeasure research.In the proposal for the transformation of the trust company,the choice cost analysis model is introduced,and the cost analysis model is constructed.The path to occupy the wealth management market opportunities is given to the trust company,which makes the research more practical and instructive.This paper is divided into seven chapters.The first chapter is an introduction.The second chapter briefly introduces and reviews the literature at home and abroad.In the third chapter,we establish the IS theoretical model to analyze the risk generation mechanism of the trust business.The fourth chapter analyze the trust department's business structure,and analyze the the transmission channels of the trust risk using the SI and SIS theory model.In the fifth chapter,we set up an empirical analysis model,and empirically analyze the influence of trust sector on financial stability from the macro and micro perspectives respectively.In the sixth chapter,the paper puts forward the effective ways to prevent the impact of trust department on financial stability by using the system analysis method,and constructs the theoretical analysis model of brand economics to give theoretical guidance to the trust institutions as soon as possible to achieve risk aversion and seize market opportunities.The seventh chapter is the summary and outlook of the full text.
Keywords/Search Tags:Trust, Risk, Information Sensibility, Financial Stability, Countermeasure Research
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