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The Dynamic Mechanism And Model Of Industrial Tourism Development In Shanghai

Posted on:2017-07-21Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1319330512457600Subject:Human Geography
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a product of secondary industry and tertiary industry integration, industrial tourism appeared in Western countries firstly with the form of factory-tour. Since the 1980s, many cities in developed countries began to enter the post-industrial society, and the revival of the old industrial space within the city led to the development of heritage tourism industry. At present, under the background of China's "new normal" economic and social development, integration of the city and industry development, integration of the city and tourism industry, industrial tourism development are faced with historical opportunity. Shanghai has rich industrial tourism resources and earlier development. Since 2005, industrial tourism development of Shanghai continued to improve with the increasing integration of resources, product innovation and management standardization. Industrial tourism has been playing an more important role in the new round of urban restructuring and development, the urban function and spatial structure optimization, and the inheriting of urban culture and spirit, thus becomes to attract more and more attention. So, what are the core elements of Shanghai industrial tourism development from scratch, from microcosmic to macroscopic, how these elements interact, constitute the driving force mechanism of industrial tourism development, and form the corresponding development model, become the research target of this thesis.Based on comprehensive review of relevant theories and research progress at home and abroad, it is found that the existing research of industrial tourism development has the following shortcomings:the research perspective is relatively fragmented, a systematic research framework for the development of industrial tourism is not formed yet, especially there is still no consistent view on the core concept definition and types of industrial tourism resources in related research. The research on industrial tourism development dynamic mechanism mainly focuses on the initial motivation or the driving force factors, in lack of the research based on the empirical analysis. The industrial tourism development model analysis is mainly based on the supply perspective of industrial tourism static products, being short of related research on development model in different stages, different types from market demand perspective.Therefore, this thesis attempts to explore and breakthrough in the following three aspects:? Build a systematic research framework on the development of industrial tourism. On the basis of review on related theories and research progress and conceptual definition, this thesis constructs the analytical framework of "Resource—Business pattern—Governance" of industrial tourism development. ?Reveal the driving factors and driving mechanism of industrial tourism development in Shanghai based on the empirical analysis, pointing out that the "Resource-Business pattern-Governance" is nested in different spatial scale industrial tourism development dynamic mechanism to promote the scale transition of Shanghai industrial tourism development. ?Introduce tourists' perception perspective to research on the development pattern of Shanghai industrial tourism, and based on the types of resources and the distribution characteristics of industrial structure, construct the resource type oriented and spatial growth oriented pattern of industrial tourism development in Shanghai, and preliminarily explain the transformation process of industrial tourism resources into industrial tourism.Firstly, in the framework of "Resource-Business pattern-Governance", this thesis makes an empirical analysis of Shanghai industrial tourism development from three aspects. First, the GIS spatial analysis, policy measurement and other methods were used to analyze the "Resource-Business pattern-Governance" elements of industrial tourism in Shanghai. The results showed that: ?Shanghai industrial tourism resources in general show weak spatial agglomeration, and different agglomeration degree according to different types of industrial tourism resources; The industrial tourism resources in the core area are dense and the accessibility is relatively high.? Industrial tourism industry of Shanghai has formed the experiential industrial tourism intensive area and the textual industrial tourism industry intensive area on the east and west sides of the Huangpu River respectively, and has good spatial linkage development conditions. ?There is spatial difference in policy strength of industrial tourism management in Shanghai, which is related to abundance of industrial tourism resources and intensity of industrial development.Secondly, this thesis explores the driving factors and mechanism of industrial tourism development in Shanghai and finds out: ?The motive factors of Shanghai industrial tourism development include macro and micro factors. Among them, the macro-dynamic factors include the external power (urban and industrial restructuring), endogenous power (resources and format of the integration and expansion), the driving force (governance); The micro-dynamic factors are composed of power, capital, creativity/technology and market. ?Therefore, the "Resource— Business pattern—Governance" is nested in the industrial tourism development dynamic mechanism on different spatial scales, promoting the Shanghai industrial tourism to develop from specific location to the overall rise in the city within the domain.Thirdly, based on the perspective of "Resource—Business pattern—Governance", this thesis uses questionnaire survey, structural equation model, case analysis method and GIS spatial analysis method to study the model of industrial tourism development in Shanghai: ?Evaluateg the industrial tourism development model of Shanghai based on the tourists' perceived perspective, and find that the cultural display, internal management, service conditions and recreational activities of the industrial tourist attractions have significant influence on the industrial tourism recognition degree. The innovation orientation of Shanghai industrial tourism development model is to preserve and interpret the cultural connotation of resources, optimize internal management and service conditions, improve service levels, enhance the tourism experience through dynamic innovation. ?Based on in-depth analysis of relevant cases, three types of microscopic models for the development of Shanghai industrial tourism based on resource types were proposed, namely the context activation model, the experience activation model and the "context+experience" dual activation model. Based on spatial agglomeration of industrial tourism in Shanghai and spatial proximity with A-level scenic spots in the country, three spatial growth modes of industrial tourism development in Shanghai are proposed, including spatial proximity mode, symbiotic mode and spatial embedding mode.?The innovative development of industrial tourism in Shanghai depends on governance creation, and it is necessary update the governance idea, improve the governance environment, optimize the governance structure, and bring the synergetic effect of the governance subject to break through the industrial and spatial boundary of industrial tourism development in order to realize the transcendence and innovation of the above models.
Keywords/Search Tags:industrial tourism, dynamic mechanism, development model, Shanghai
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