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The Implication Of Chinese Dream's Peaceful Development

Posted on:2016-04-15Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y SuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1316330464473878Subject:Scientific Socialism and the international communist movement
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In the past decades, great changes have taken place in China. Since the opening up and reform, China has achieved leapfrog development which not only astonished the world but also displayed its national unity and hardworking spirit. The idea of " Chinese Dream " has not only won wide recognition at home but also aroused wide concern around the world. Once the Chinese dream comes true, China will certainly become a world power with great influential around the world. However, facing China's rise in the world, many countries hold a narrow and conservative attitude that once a nation becomes strong, it will certainly seek hegemony in the world. Then, what would Chinese dream mean to the world? Does it mean a threat or an opportunity? In this paper, the author would focus on the implication of Chinese dream's peaceful development and through the analysis of Chinese road, China value and China concept, the author tries to reveal the truth that Chinese dream aims to seek peaceful development and create win-win opportunities for both China and the world.In this paper, the author tries to explore the implication of Chinese dream's peaceful development from the following aspects:Part one Peaceful development: the only road to realize Chinese dream. During the process of five-thousand-year-long civilization, China has developed into a peace-loving nation and formed its own values including the world value of "Great Harmony", the civilization value of "Harmony With Diversity " and the peace value of " Harmony Being Most Precious ". Thus, pursuing peace and harmony has become the dominating theme in the spiritual world of Chinese nation and it has also become the basic value orientation of Chinese dream to achieve peaceful development. In modern times, China suffered too many aggressions and suppressions from the imperialists and numerous righteous and lofty people had made sacrifices in seeking national independence. After new China was founded, Chinese people treasured the hard-won peace and attached great importance to development and it finally explored a promising road to realize national rejuvenation. Nowadays, with the economic globalization, world multi-polarization and the acceleration of social informatization, the comprehensive national strength competition has become increasingly fierce and in the process of seeking national prosperity, all the nations have expressed their strong will of seeking peace but not wars, seeking development but not poverty, seeking cooperation but not antagonism. Thus, peace development is an objective choice that conforms with the tides of world development.Part two Peaceful rising: the new pattern of the development road. Chinese road is the practical foundation of Chinese dream. In the process of socialist modernization, China neither followed the rise pattern of traditional powers to seek external expansion and colonization nor did it copy the development pattern of western countries through wholesale westernization. Instead, China firmly keeps to the socialist road without deviating from it, firmly adheres to opening up and reform without becoming closed and rigid, firmly follows the leadership of the party, respects the key position of the masses, pursues independence and actively participates in economic globalization. Under the guidance of these concepts, China finally catches up from behind. Today, China has successfully opened up a socialist road with Chinese characteristics which could eliminate the doubts and concerns of many countries on the future development of China since it breaks their traditional thinking mode that once a nation becomes strong, it will certainly seek hegemony in the world. On the other hand, the successful case of Chinese road shows that there is no uniformed development pattern or experience and in order to achieve national prosperity, each nation should seek a development road that is in accordance with the national situation. Thus, we should show respect to the diversity of development road and only in this way, can we promote the development of human civilization. China's peaceful development has exerted great impact on the old international political and economic order dominated by western countries but it also displayed the strong will of establishing a new, fair and reasonable international political and economic order.Part three Harmony with diversity:the only road for different civilizations to coexist. In fact, all these dreams such as American Dream, European Dream and Chinese Dream are the embodiment of national ideals and are the cultural interpretations of " Harmony With Diversity ". As for Chinese dream, it focuses on peaceful development which displays not only Chinese people's will but also the achievements of the all the nations. Besides, the rise of China not only refers to rise of economy but more to the rise of social civilization and the rise of Chinese culture, especially the rise of values. In the process of seeking peaceful development, the core values of socialist with Chinese characteristics would be gradually recognized and promoted. Socialist core values have inherited the traditional Chinese culture and it is not only in accordance with human common values but also exceeds the historical limitations of capitalist values, thus highlighting the distinct characteristics of the times. At present, under the environment of universal values, socialist core values have become the supporting values of Chinese dream. At home, Chinese dream plays the role of uniting the whole nation and leading the development direction while on the international stage, it presents a clear and authentic picture of China to the world. Besides, it also plays a key role in creating a favorable international environment for the peaceful development of China.Part four Harmonious world:the new realm of human civilization. Harmonious world represents the world schema of Chinese dream. The development concept of "harmonious world " should never be regarded as an interim plan proposed by a developing country. Instead, it is a completely new value measurement proposed by a nation who has a five-thousand-year-long civilization and who tries to maintain the lasting peace of the international community and achieve common prosperity among different nations in the process of achieving China's great rejuvenation. China unswervingly pursues independent foreign policy of peace and under this peaceful and stable environment, it tries to seek self-development and the promotion of world development. China firmly fights against hegemony and power politics and it will constantly promote the democratization of the international relations. As a great nation, China will shoulder the corresponding responsibilities and cope with global challenges with the international community. In the process of opening up and reform, China places equal importance on the coordination of domestic development and opening up to the outside world. Through the active participation in the global economy management and the promotion of human destiny community consciousness, it tries to achieve win-win situation and promote human common interests. Based on its long years of diplomatic practice, China has formed its own diplomatic strategy pattern in which China would focus on great nations but put priority on surrounding countries, and it would base on developing countries but at the same time carry out multilateral diplomacy and various auxiliary diplomacies. Through these diplomatic strategies, Chinese tries to promote a new kind of international relationship focusing on win-win situation so as to promote the lasting peace and common prosperity of a harmonious world.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese dream, Peaceful development, Harmony with diversity, Harmonious world
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