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A Study On The Ethical Thoughts Of "Guo Feng"(1932-1936)

Posted on:2017-03-06Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:R HuFull Text:PDF
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Guo Feng,a comprehensive cultural journal,was founded in the former National Central University,and revolved around the thought of "ethical revival" which was heavily influenced by the actuality of 1930's when the fate of the nation hung in the balance.Characterized of a cultural nationalism,Guo Feng sought for carrying forward the traditionally Chinese moral values and achieving an ethical revival.For the purpose of carrying on the traditionally native culture and flourishing contemporary knowledge and academic research,Guo Feng called on the lofty and the insight's self-pride and self-confidence to a more powerful nation or a more competitive ethic entity by way of asking the traditional ethic for values and balancing them with the contemporary atmosphere of scientific spirit to form a cohesive nation full of lofty men and also an independent and prosperous state.The theoretical appealing of an ethical revival in Guo Feng was closely associated with the history of Chinese moral transformation since the modern times.Similar with the majority of the developing countries,China underwent a passive modernization driven by an external force,during which the social mode of the"family-state-world"cohesive tie and the traditional value system were broken,so that the individuals lost their formerly moral precepts and behaved not well any more in the society.In this historical process passing from tradition to modern,the reconstruction of social order needed necessarily the innovation of ethical institution,the most important of whose history was the development of a national consciousness,and the Chinese Nation became the very keynote of the modern moral system.In the process of moral transformation,there was debate between different attitudes towards the traditional values.In general,Guo Feng,whose foundation was mainly lay in the former National Central University,carried on the trend of cultural conservatism in 1920's from Xue Heng,at the same time,it gave up the narrative dualism of the "tradition-modern" structure and began to rethought the future of the whole nation from a perspective of "an ethical reconstruction".There were three major characteristics of the thought in Guo Feng:firstly,having a craving for tradition culture and values;secondly,being enlightened and open-minded for accepting the exotic culture;lastly,having a purpose of reconstructing national ethic acknowledgments.So essentially,the thoughts in Guo Feng called on "ethical revival",which logically contained "cultural revival "and "national revival",and the former was considered as the foundation of the latter by Guo Feng.At the crisis moment of the nation,to revive the traditionally native culture is the only way to regain national self-confidence and maintain national independence.And the key of cultural revival is to extract the ethic-orientation wisdom from the traditional Chinese culture,especially extract some sound elements from the Confucianism.From modern time on,the trend of anti-tradition fiercely struck ethical acknowledgment in society,so Guo Feng claimed that the reconstruction of ethical acknowledgment was imperative for overcoming ethical crises,and it was also the key point of national revival-the real purpose of ethical revival-when it comes to the acknowledgment of the Chinese nation.Whereas,the base of ethical revival was the people,and how to form modern people became the urgency for Guo Feng to handle.Therefore,to improve the personality of people was the fundamental step for the enterprise of ethical revival.Around this problem of personality,Guo Feng analyzed what basic moral qualities people of the republic must have and indicated the important role played by a scientific exercise to the cultivation of people.Besides,Guo Feng pointed out that giving a historical education and an ethical education to the youth was an important way for cultivating people.The spirit presented by people of the republic would be of a new virtue different from the traditional private virtue and became more communal,so that it lay a metaphysical foundation for a new ethical institution and became the presupposition of national ethical revival.In modern realm of thought,there was a creative concept of Chinese nation,which meant that the core of the traditional "family-state" structure was replaced by the mode of "nation-state",so it had exerted a deep influence on the ethical system in modern China.The real purpose of ethical revival was precisely to achieve an independent and prosperous nation.To raise the national prestige was also a concrete step in the political construction,around which there were three main kinds of researches in Guo Feng,that is,the researches about how to construct a Chinese nation,the theories about what is a real national prestige,and the explorations about how to improve the comprehensive national strength.First,the three dimensions of the national ethic identification gave an answer to why the concept of Chinese nation came into being in reality from an simple idea in mind.Second,there were three principles of interpreting national prestige.Last,it was necessary to combine with modern scientific spirit and the traditional culture so that the national power would be strengthened and an ideal ethical order would be reconstructed.As a kind of ethos,the ethical thought in Guo Feng was directly nurtured in the national crises from modern times on,which represented the combination of tradition and modernity,expressed the academic spirit of Nan Yong,and reflected the efforts of the contemporary intellectuals,they tried their best to reconcile western culture and occidental culture for making a new ethos in line with the actuality and reviving the nation.The national spirit,as a path of constructing ethical identification,reflected in Guo Feng,was a new theoretic achievement formed after the thought movements such as the "Chinese-style westernization" and "wholesale westernization" in modern times.Such an ethical thought attaching much attention to the national spirit cultivation is still of great value today.
Keywords/Search Tags:Guo Feng, moral transformation, ethical revival, cultural conservatism, cultural nationalism
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