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The Small Japanese Doctrine Of Yisihasitanyama's

Posted on:2017-07-24Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:1315330512957074Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Small Japanese doctrine and Big Japanese doctrine is the specific embodiment of small nation doctrine and big nation doctrine in Japan. "Big-nation doctrine," formerly known as "big nation chauvinism" refers to the aggressive actions taken by the so-called Great Powers on the weaker countries in international relations. For instance, the actions taken by the great powers for gaining more benefits through the use of its rich resources, powerful economic and military strength, to contempt, interfere and violate the sovereignty as well as the interests of people in those weaker countries, can all be called as big-nation doctrine, which has a strong sense of military expansion and aggression. The small country doctrine has no clear definition, with roughly the following concepts: the people of the nation can exercise national sovereignty, can enjoy freedom and equal rights, can keep peaceful relationship and adopt modest treatment in political matters with its neighboring countries without resorting to military force to solve international conflicts and so on.Small Japanese doctrine is the product of Japan under its specific historical conditions, which has a long history and has played a very important role in Japanese modern history since its doctrine is an important feature against imperialist aggression. As early as the mid-Meiji Japan, small nation doctrine can be seen through the civil liberty believers; Then, around the Russo-Japanese War, in "civilian News", we can also see the doctrine held by some socialists; but the most representative one was seen in "Toyo Keizai newspaper", with the feature of unique and utilitarian characteristics of economic rationalism in its theoretical foundation. The small Japanese doctrine held by Yisihasitanyama, in particular is more prominent, and was affected by many factors in terms of his thought forming paths and reasons. The influence of Nichiren at the younger age, the influence of Western Philosophy during high school and adult juvenile time, the forging of military life, and the reporter experience at "Toyo Keizai newspaper" agency etc, all exerted profound influence on the forming of his personality, life values, war concept and the national concept from various levels. While various social factors in Japan at that time, such as the People's Rights Movement in Japan and the war, all promoted the formation of Yisihasitanyama's ideology.From 1911, Yisihasitanyama joined Toyo Keizai newspaper and took it as a base, publishing many articles, explicitly raising the banner of the small Japanese doctrine. This period is the first climax of small Japanese doctrine, but also the most obvious big time to see the opposition between small Japanese doctrine and big Japanese doctrine.But Yisihasitanyama's voice did not stop the pace of militarist aggression. In 1932, Japan helped Puyi establish the puppet state of Manchukuo in Changchun and Northeast China became its colony; in 1937, Japan continued to carry out full-scale invasion by force; in 1940, it formed the Triple Alliance with Germany and Italy; on December 7, 1941, Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, and started Japan-US war. During World War II, Japan's fascist rule was unprecedented dark, and the government's crackdown on freedom of speech, freedom of thought was very severe, and the Japanese national unity of militarism was unprecedented hot. Facing this condition, Yisihasitanyama had to modify his own words to the “outside world”. In this period, Yisihasitanyama adopted a rather soft and strategic manner against big Japanese doctrine and militarism fascists, hiding his edge and heated rhetoric in the First World War and He gave more advice or opinions from the economic aspect, and chose the kind of winding way forward by making concessions and resistance at the same time. Besides, he gave some recognition towards Japan's aggression of fait accompli, but this didn't mean he completely abandoned the small Japanese ideology, but rather a way to escape political persecution. Yisihasitanyama's temporary concessions and compromises were to maintain the present condition and prevent new situation from deteriorating. This is a low-key resistance, and the root core idea is still his small Japanese doctrine.At the end of World War II, along with the retreat in defeat of Japan continuously in the aggression war and the demise of fascism, small Japanese doctrine regained chance of survival, and has been recognized by many Japanese after World War II. On August 15, 1945, Japan surrendered. Faced with the defeat of the war and the armed occupation of the United States, the social consciousness of Japanese people changed again. The influence of liberal ideas was growing at a time. Yisihasitanyama, who was forced to keep silent during World War II, began to rally again, calling for people to shake off the impact of the defeat, take courage to revive and rebuild the new Japan, through which he claimed small Japanese doctrine again.Faced with the defeat of Japan, Yisihasitanyama determined to join the political circles and to practice small Japanese political model personally. In May 1946, when Shigeru Yoshida formed his first cabinet, Yisihasitanyama accepted the recommendation of Hatoyama, and resigned the post of president of "Toyo Keizai newspaper", and began to serve as Finance Minister; On December 1954, he worked as Minister of International Trade and Industry in Hatoyama Cabinet; on Dec. 23, 1956, Yisihasitanyama, together with Kishi, Dan Jingguang and Jiro campaigned for LDP president, and Yisihasitanyama won the campaign,and then served as Japan's prime minister. During the twelve years, from the day he entered the political field to the time he left, Yisihasitanyama actively implemented various policies to achieve small Japanese doctrine, no matter in face of defeat in war or the reconstruction of Japan.Thereafter, with the intense contradiction between the Soviet Union and the US, there have occurred the two opposing camps, the east and the west, in the political and diplomatic world. Faced with this international environment, the doctrine of Yisihasitanyama, with the recovery in Japan, was also injected a new meaning: to get rid of the shackles of US, Japan had to realize truly independent diplomacy, and increased room for maneuver in foreign policy. Then, Yisihasitanyama in his later years, put forward the “Japan, China, US and Soviet Peace Alliance” concept, and he spent the rest of his life in politics actively to promote the realization of the peace ideology.In summary, Yisihasitanyama's idea of small Japan doctrine went through many ups and downs due to his personal and social factors, as well as international situation changes of World War I, World War II and the cold war. At the same time, new meanings were also injected into this doctrine continuously. The small Japan doctrine can be briefly summarized as: Internally, to promote freedom and equality of the people and be against tyranny, advocating universal suffrage and political parties; externally, be against war and aggression and expansion, proposing to give up all the colonies, and taking peaceful diplomatic and international coordination route.His small Japanese ideology has its own unique characteristics: First, his thought has a strong utilitarian color. Second, adhere to the individual-centered view, and pay attention to personal initiative and the reality of human's life. Third, the application of his theoretical basis always constantly changed with the personal and environmental factors on the basis of the philosophy of desire unity.Though this thought has never been truly considered the basic pursuing policy of Japan, the defeat in World War II and the US military occupation made Japanese citizens rediscover the correctness and the values of the small Japanese doctrine, which has a significant expression and great influence on the development of Japan's constitution, the changing of the route of the national development and Sino-Japanese relations, and which is also the denying to the usual big Japanese route advocating military expansion and hegemonism and also a deep reflection of war In face of the defeat of Japan and the situation being occupied.In recent years, One after another Japanese politicians proposed some ideas against the original harmonious and peaceful advocates. Abe recently, proposed “active pacifism” as his diplomatic policy, which more or less carries the color of “big Japanese doctrine”. Big Japanese doctrine or small Japanese doctrine? Do the Japanese Government and its citizens face with this historic choice again? It can be concluded that Yisihasitanyama's advocate of small Japanese doctrine is of guiding and referring values to Japan and its international relationships both domestically and externally, either in the past or in nowadays, which is worthy of our in-depth study.
Keywords/Search Tags:Small Japanese doctrine, Yisihasitanyama, democracy, peace, international trade
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