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Research On The Problem Of Moral Objectivity From The View Of Error Theorv

Posted on:2017-05-04Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1315330512956399Subject:Foreign philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
What can inspire our actions in principle, should be also valid in actually practice and attract our attentions. Being a moral reason, the starting point of it should be get to the point in both the subjective concerns and the objective requirement of the moral. Otherwise, leave the former,, the moral discourse could be the construction of Utopia; without the latter, the action of the correctness of defense is easy to lose it's authority and legitimacy. The difficulty between explaining the problem and solving the problem is not same, so this is the reason which caused the differences between Hume's theory and Kantism in the past ethics research, and the conflicts between cognitive and non-cognitive, realism and non-realism in modern meta-ethics study. And so far, we can't have a definite replay why the defend form rationality and objectivity need to terminate on human's subjective emotion, and based on the cognitivism, what's the level of the rationality in subjective moral judgment. Although answers to these questions uncomplete cannot hinder us to explain the necessity of moral reasons form rational and objectivity, in turn it need us to answer what is basic guarantee of moral behavior, and compared with other reasons why the objective moral reason has the priority constraints in human's behavior.To solve the above problems need to be a two-step, first, does the moral reason has objective basis? Respectively it means:1.Is the moral attributes objective?2.Can moral judgment universalization? Second, why the moral reason has more priorities than the other reasons? Combined the two problems:what makes a situation has the moral meaning and made the moral reason take precedence over any other reason? Answer the first question is the key point of this article, and answer the second question is a secondary product.Because of change a way to ask the question of priority in moral reason can be:why moral reason has stronger normative and constraint than the other? To answer this question can be reback to the answer of objectivity question.Return to the first question, if the objectivity made the reason of action morality, we must prove that there are moral reality. On the other hand, if the reason is not contain the objective reality we should doubt whether this reason should be called moral reason. Based on the principle of Ockham's Zazor"Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem"and the principle of Wittgenstein"Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent", we assume that there is some moral attribute makes moral objective exist, so to prove its inexistence becomes impossible.Given this, do an opposite prove will be not sucess but Mackie did not agree with it.Form the inexistence of objective values Mackie found the arguments of moral objectivism is unsuccessful. So according to the law of excluded middle, the two contradictory proposition can not all false there must be one true, then we can prove Mackie theory is success or failure to prove if there is a moral objectivity, vice versa.
Keywords/Search Tags:error theory, Mackie, objective values, the argument form relativity, the argument form queerness, universalization
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