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The Research On The Inference Complex Sentences With "Jiran" Type

Posted on:2016-09-03Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1315330470965833Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
We adopt the scientific method of microcosmic and macroscopic,on "jiran" type inference sentence to the system,in-depth inquiry.For each specific "jiran" type inference of complex sentences,Mr.Xing Fuyi(1996)put forward the proposed "small triangle" research view to dig deeply.At the same time,we have to "jiran" type inference sentences take the macro perspective,this is Mr.Xing Fuyi(1996)put forward "big triangle" concept for the overall deployment study.In addition to research the Mandarin "jiran" type inference sentence,but also on the dialect,the types of sentences in ancient chinese to classical chinese,modern ancient vernacular.We advocate a holistic view of chinese.Besides the first chapter summary of research and the eighth chapter is the summary,divided into three fields of vision in six chapters.The first chapter is the" summary of the research on the "jiran" type inference of complex sentence.The Chinese complex sentence previous relevant research results,gave birth to "jiran"sentences in some enlightenment.And briefly "jiran" the research background of complex sentence type inference,we from the related works out the sentence from the initial to rise again to a mature stage of the skeleton.But we found that for the study of the structure,the lack of "holistic view of chinese".We follow the subjective point of view,Mr.Xing Fuyi's theory of Clausal Pivot,sentence control theory,from the point of the whole Chinese perspective,points out the existing research to a diachronic study of Mandarin "jiran" type inference sentence,and investigation of the dialect,the types of sentences in ancient chinese.One view point:Mandarin.Including second or third,fourth three chapters.The second chapter is "jiran" group with sleeve type inference of complex sentences.According to Xing Fuyi(1996)put forward the concept of "small triangle" research.We from cross small class sign repetition to explore "jiran p,yinci q" weak inference sentence,"jiran p,suoyi q" objective inference sentence.From cross categories sign repetition to explore "jiran p,buru q" factual optimization inference sentence,"jiran p,danshi q" both extrapolation sentence.From the much repeated sentences group to examine "jiran" from the perspective of "zhiyou" precise conditions of strong push sentence,"jiran p,kejian q,fouze r" multiple inference sentence.Finally,from the tone and heterogeneous group with to examine "jiran p,nandao q(ma)?" Asked to infer patterns,"jiran P,qing q(ba)! "jimperative inference patterns.Collocation research through synchronic,we can deepen the understanding of "jiran" type.The third chapter is "jiran","jiu" single use when choice tendency and functional differences.In the causal inference relation complex sentence,in addition to completion "jiran p,q",there are two kinds of single Related words infer type:"jiran" type,"jiu" type,"jiran" or "jiu" of inference mark in the standard single frequency range,correlation,subjective and objective,internal differences between these four aspects caused both the choice tendency and functional differences.The fourth chapter is the causal inference marker choice sequence in the stylistic and its distribution.Causal inference mark according to the inferred true level,semantic prosody,social psychology 3 conditions and style matching.We conducted a value on the matching degree,according to the score of the generated sequence level,preferably in inferred markers in different styles.The preferred sequences of each style represents the tendency of the style characteristics.Two view:dialects of the view angle.The fifth chapter is the standard dialect from the perspective of "causal inference".From the perspective of the overall Chinese dialect belongs to an important branch in.We through the marked"causal inference" type of Mandarin area dialect points usage,there are similarities and differences between the marked "causal inference" type analysis in Mandarin area dialect points,Mandarin areas dialect points and Mandarin marked "causal inference" contrast;not Mandarin areas dialect points marked "causal inference" type of use,not Mandarin areas dialect points marked "causality inference"type of similarities and differences analysis,not Mandarin areas dialect points and mandarin marked"causal inference" contrast multi perspective,can help us to have a comprehensive understanding of the marked "causal inference" type.Three view:Ancient Chinese point of view.Including sixth,seventh two chapters.The sixth chapter is inference mark "jiran the formation process and infer the source sentence".We from the "jiran" words and the formation of causal inference sentence study two angle when the sentence origin.(1)the phrase "ji+ ran" as the predicate in the sentence by sentence like,slowly into the for clause predicate.In the complex sentence,the predicate phrase " ji + ran through to" right after sliding in sentence initial positions,and according to the semantic grammaticalization,rhythm and high frequency of use makes the predicate phrase "ji+ ran" final vocabulary for the conjunction.Vocabulary is often accompanied by grammaticalization,role conjunction "jiran",at the same time in the pragmatic introduce next,become a typical mark inference of complex sentence.(2)due to the ambiguity of the Adverb "jiu",often caused by the semantic relation between clauses to grasp,then in addition to the typical inference labeled "jiran".To infer the sentence "jiran p,jiu q" appeared in the Ming Dynasty,and still now in use."jiran" or "jiu" are used to represent the inference,but not with the economy of language conflict,so that the division of labor that semantic comprehension scores between sentences is more accurate.The seventh chapter is the source and course of conjunctions adverbial inferred structure "jie x".Adverbial inferred structure "jie x" experienced two kinds of diachronic evolution of different sources,completed its confluence process in Qing dynasty.Then to the conjunctions in the direction of development,because of their inferential nature,and can be used for causal inference is labeled"name" to replace,so conjunctions "jie x" structure is also belongs to the causal inference marker category.The eighth chapter is the conclusion.We base on the whole Chinese perspective on "jiran" type inference sentence of the overall study,draw many conclusions,and also find some valuable rules.These rules in turn can deepen the understanding of the language facts.
Keywords/Search Tags:"jiran" type, Causal inference, The holistic chinese, Internal rules
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