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On The Evolution Of Science And Technology Thought Of CCP In The New Period

Posted on:2015-02-11Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J C LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1269330422481481Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since19thcentury, Maxism and Science and Technology have been the most twodynamic powers in the world, and the relationship between the two is very close. In21stcentury, science revolution has impacted the whole human society with new information,ecological and global trend. After tribulations in more than an entire century, the Maxismshows its vitality continually. In China, the communist party of China has leaded our diligentand wisdom Chinese people, with instruction of the socialist theory with Chinesecharacteristics, realized many development miracles ahead to the Communism. As one resultof the two powers, China’s science and technology also realizes a leap-forward developmentafter the Reform and Opening.As a new development of natural science in20thcentury, on one hand, the system theorymakes a new contribution to Maxism dialectics. On the other hand, the system theory itselfis one important part of natural science; it offers an important methodology and thinkingpattern with its contributions to our country’s science cause. This new kind of methodologyand thinking pattern does not only mean a lot to the work in natural area, it also plays animportant role in social science.In more than30years in the New Period, our country’s science and technology strengthdevelops rapidly, and realizes a great miracle in the history of the whole word. About china’sscience development in history, English scholar once posted a famous “Needham’s GrandQuestion”, also known as “the Needham Question”: Why China had been overtaken by theWest in science and technology, despite its earlier successes. This question is based on areality that its failure in science before1949, while, based on the reality that our nation’sdevelopments in science and technology since the Reform and Opening, this dissertationwould like to propose such a question: Why and how China’s science and technology causehas realized it leap-forward development so rapidly in the New Period? And comes thefollowing question: What can we learn from this historical process? With this thinking, thisdissertation will apply methodology of system theory into the analyses to the development ofchina’s science and technology cause in the New Peirod. This dissertation has four parts asfollow.The introduction part will introduce in detail how this dissertation begins, its mainsquestions, logical approaches to questions and methodologies, and also literature sources. Itwill introduce related researches, and main creative claims and conclutions. The second partwill briefly definite the concept of “new period”,“Science and Technology Thought of CCP in the New Period”, and its theoretic origins. And also the history, conceptions, methodologies,and its application of Systematology, both in natural science and social science, and also itsrelationship with Maxism. This last part will engage to explain why it is applicable in thephenomenon of science and technology development in new period in China.The third part is the main part of this dissertation, and it has four chapters, from chapter3to chapter6. This part will focuses on the operations system of science and technology inChina. To explorer how Science and Technology Thought of CCP was concretized intopolicies, and realized in various scientific and technological achievements. Claims andtheories of CCP on how to develop science and technology, constitutes the main body ofScience and Technology Thought in special period, and also has countermeasure character. Ithas inner relationship with science and technology policy, and has difference in the meantime.So, discuss the inner relationship between Science and Technology Thought and science andtechnology policy, is an indispensable part when we discuss the “the evolution of Science andTechnology Thought of CCP”.The fourth part, which is chapter7. On the base of discussion of operation frame ofscience and technology field in the four chapter forehead, this part will focuses on the mainpart of Science and Technology Thought of CCP and treats it as a whole, to discuss how itselements evolutes and develop. With this job is done, this dissertation summarizes inspirationsin the science and technology field since the new period began.
Keywords/Search Tags:The New Period, Science and Technology Thought, Systematology
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