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Research On Operation Of Non-public Forestry In Heilongjiang Province

Posted on:2013-07-05Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:W H LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1269330401979586Subject:Forestry Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As an important basic industry and social welfare undertaking, Forestry construction of China is facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges. In recent years, with acceleration of the reform pace of forestry, the development of the non-public forestry, especially the non-public forestry economy has become an important way to promote the leap-forward development, to solute the "three crisis" problems and to shake off poverty and become well-off in forest region. As state-owned forest areas play the dominate role in Heilongjiang province, it is typical and representative to study the non-public forestry operation mechanism and system in Heilongjiang province.Based on the socialist market economy theory, institutional change theory, forestry classification management theory and resources allocation theory, taking the management mode of private forestry in the developed countries for reference, the dissertation expounds the operation path of non-public forestry in Heilongjiang Province systematically, seeks for the factors affecting the operation of non-public forestry in Heilongjiang Province, forecasts the operation trend of non-public forestry in Heilongjiang Province, and constructs the institutional environment which could ensure the orderly opertaion of non-public forestry in Heilongjiang Province.In the countries where the non-public forestry is highly developed, such as USA, Finland, Sweden and Korea, the the non-public forestry is developed healthily through the sound legal system, social security system and the active policy support. As state-owned forests play the dominate role in Heilongjiang province, the development history and operational mode are very unique in Heilongjiang Province.On the basis of the literature research and expert consultation, the dissertation finds out the influence factors of the non-public forestry in Heilongjiang province, and determine the weight of each factor. Based on the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), the dissertation forecasts the trend of the non-public forestry operation according to the importance of index, that is, the main bodies are transformed from decentralized management to intensified management with the modern enterprise as the main form, the operational objectives have been changed from pursuing economic profits to pursuing various benefits including ecological benefits, and the operational environment has aslo been transformed from governmental intervention to government support.The main content of non-public forestry operation in Heilongjiang Province includes the main body, operation objectives, operation rules and operation environment. The development trend of operation main body is that the first industry is developed to individual cooperation system, the second industry to corporation and the tertiary industry to specialized corportation. The opeation objectives are different in different stages. In the primary stage, we should give priority to economic benefits and give due consideration to ecological and social benefits. In the senior stage, we should focus on ecological and social benefits while persuing economic benefits. The operation rules must ensure effective competition, and the market rules must guarantee contract execution. The environmental rule must have corresponding political system environment and history cultural environment. We should perfect and construct the institutional environment of the non-public forestry from two aspects including formal and informal institution.There are both the lack and excess of institutional supply in the institutional obstacles of non-public forestry in Heilongjiang province. The institutional demand of non-public forestry in Heilongjiang province includes the formal and informal need. We should perfect and construct the formal institution from the aspects of property rights guarantee, taxes subsidies, financing guarantee, insurance support and government function transformation and forestry service system improvement. And we should construct the informal institution from shape of belief, construction of forestry ecological culture, etc.The innovation of this dissertation includes that it systematically expounds the development history and current situation of the non-public forestry in Heilongjiang province, forecasts the operational trends, and puts forward the contents of institution which should be perfected, especially the dissertation studies the function of forestry ecological culture for the operation of non-public forestry in Heilongjiang province and the key of construction and development..
Keywords/Search Tags:non-public forestry, operation factors, operation trends, institution demand, ecological culture
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