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Study On The Knight System Of Han Officials In Jin Dynasty

Posted on:2015-01-22Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H M SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:1266330428496230Subject:Special History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The knight system was one of important Chinese ancient laws and regulationswhich was treasured in the past dynasties. The knight system of Jin Dynasty wasdivided into Han Officer knighted and Meng An Mou Ke hereditary. This thesis isfocused on the knighted Han Officer. The thesis will reveal the substance and featureof the knight system of Jin Dynasty by completely study on the questions of thedevelopment and evolution, the names and ranks of the knights, the confer andsupervise on the knights, and so on. The knight system of Jin Dynasty did not inheritfrom the tradition but also developed into the character of its own which wasinfluenced on the knight system of the later.There are six chapters in this thesis besides the Introduction. Chapter oneelaborates on the establishment, the development and evolution of the knight systemof Jin Dynasty. The knight system was established during the Xi Zong period andwas reformed and evolution during the Hai Ling, Shi Zong and Zhang Zong and thenwithered away. The chapter also clear-cut the critical stages and important events ofthe whole process which revealed the history of the knight system of Jin Dynasty.Chapter two focus on the names and ranks of the knights by the study of the marksof the king and country respectively. The thesis achieve the intact forms of the marksof the different third times of Tian Juan Ge, Da Dding Ge and Ming Chang Ge bydiscriminated on the names and marks of different times which were recorded in<Jin·Bai Guan Zhi> and <Da Jin Ji Li>. The thesis believes that the marks of theknighted king in Jin Dynasty could divided into three types which were differed of“one word Wang”,“one word King” and “two words King” which rectified theflawed cognition of “one word Wang was one word King”. The thesis believes thatthe marks of knight in Jin Dynasty were differences between the seventh year of DaDing which supplemented the ten marks of knights recorded in the <Jin·Bai GuanZhi>. Chapter three focused on names and marks of five ranks knights. This chapterdid up full scale the grade and mark of the five ranks knights along with theinscriptions. Chapter four discussed the offer on the knights in Jin Dynasty. Thekinship and the achievement were the two import standards. To offer on the imperialclan was based on the kinship and the achievement, but to offer on the non-imperial clan was based on the latter who also could achieve by grace and surrender. Chapterfive focused on the management on the knights. This chapter reviewed the setting upand function of the organization of the knight in Jin Dynasty, the knight mark andthe official mark, the order of the knight and the formal order. The rulers of JinDynasty achieved their objectives on the society stabilization by the effectivemanagement on the knights. Chapter six focused on the traits, functions andinfluences of the knight system. The knight system of Jin Dynasty was inheritedfrom Tang and Song Dynasties more, but which also had its own character thatinfluenced on Yuan Dynasty. The knight system is one of the govern measures in JinDynasty to maintain, consolidate and realize its regime stable.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jin Dynasty, knight, the name and mark of knight, offer and management, effect
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