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Actualization Of The Realm Of Freedom—Aesthetic Dimension Of Marxist Philosophy

Posted on:2013-08-29Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Q SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:1266330395987617Subject:Marxist philosophy
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In the concept of the ancient people, the world itself is limited and positive, inwhich the subject and the object is combined as a whole. Greeks do not realize thatfiniteness of the world, and therefore they regard their presence as a whole existencein a sense. Freedom is understood as a kind of purpose, including the successfulimprovement of activities. The achievement of freedom is to plough into this presentworld. The medieval Christian theology during the reign of natural and human tellshuman to unconditionally subordinate to God. The world under God’s care is stillregarded as an organic whole, people are still a limited part of the organic wholeworld, but God has become the top-drawer of this series, the humans’ present valueand freedom would be given by God.Enlightenment disperses the fog of religious theology by the force of naturalscience to establish a rational subjectivity. With the existence of the symbolicsignificance of the religious theology and continue to enlarge the role of humanreason, the limited whole existence of the ancient people has been broken. Some ofthe split rooted in human nature are highlighted. Descartes’ philosophy concept of “Ithink, therefore, I exist” clearly expresses humans’ self-awareness for the first time.Modern philosophers express this concept in an abstract way, the materiality ofhuman activities and spiritual activities, limited and unlimited freedom and theinevitable confrontation. Modern rationalist philosophers have tried to constructthrough rational and logical force of human freedom and thus to bridge the division,which ultimately makes freedom become a rational fiction, completely detached fromthe person’s emotional life, the problem of the freedom remaining unresolved.Kant regards aesthetic activity or artistic activities as the highest form toovercome the rift of the freedom and necessity. He made adequate segregationbetween ideal and reality, the judgment in particular aesthetic judgment was used as abridge between pure and practical reason, which connected freedom and necessity,the ideal and reality intermediary. Poet and philosopher Schiller put Kant’s theory into practice. Aesthetic freedom and liberation of the people are associated. Hiskeenly aware of the "jigsaw" era of the situation and "debris" of the survival status,makes a profound awakening of the "alienation" Schiller "aesthetic" to bridge thesplit of the social reality of human nature, the shape of a complete people.Dissatisfied with the boundary of the ideal and the reality in Kant, Fichte was free toresort to an unconscious, rational, intuitive and infinite historical process andultimately towards the absolute subjective idealism. Fichte’s theory largely providedan important reference for the poetic philosophy of German Romanticism. Schellingdid not hesitate to make the arts become not only subjectively but also objectively thehighest form of the main object of the same. Hegel agreed with Schelling’s view, hebelieves that "the creation of the activities of the artistic imagination." However,because beauty was regarded as the perceptual appearance of the absolute idea, whichmeant that freedom could be realized through a dialectical historical process, Hegelreduce the function of beauty. He finally resolved to absolute idealism of therelationship between thinking and being, the freedom could be achieved by thehistorical movement of the objective spirit of some kind of independent process, in away back to Fichte, which made modem rathionalism philosophy develop to its peak.Marx’s concept of freedom is developed based on the inheritance of Germanclassical philosophy predecessors. Throughout Marxist philosophy, art or aestheticactivities are regarded as a model of freedom, which will be realized in the history ofthe development of human practice, thus he established a link between the ideal andreality, the aesthetic ideal and reality. In the late "on Capital", Marx clearly putforward the idea of the realm of freedom. Marx eventually changed the view that:only limited freedom in the field of material production and human capacity can onlybe of limited development, which is a natural inevitable Kingdom to mankind. Thetrue realm of freedom can only exist in the other side of the field of materialproduction.We can see that it is an aesthetic creative field. Free time witness the freelabor, and ultimately with the people going out of the material enslavement and haveaccess to the full emancipation of their own, in order to achieve the leap from therealm of necessity to the realm of freedom.Starting from the perspective of the aesthetic dimension of the Marxist concept of freedom, we see a continuation of the critical Kant to Schiller, the aestheticfreedom of thought in Marxist philosophy. But different from them, Marx alwaysregarded people’s "real life" as the logical starting point for realization of freedom,because of the obstacles they see the reality of human freedom, Marx graduallyconcrete conditions of freedom, and the ultimate division of the "time" redefinedfreedom. With the increase in capacity, the survival of the labor time will be reduced,which means that it becomes smaller as the lack of freedom on this side the scope ofthe other side of the free will expand. Thus, Marx opened a reality channel to freedom.From equating the true labor activities with art in the eayly time to drawing ananalogy between "composer" and free labor, the realm of freedom is still regarded asan art and aesthetic Kingdom. The aesthetic ideal accompany Marx from beginning toend. From Marx’s understanding of aesthetic activity or artistic activities, we canmake a better understanding of Marxist ideal of freedom, which geives us anothernew clue to understanding the theory inheritance relationship between Marxistphilosophy and German classical philosophy.The second International after Marx and Western Marxism theorist didn’tcorrectly handle the relationship between the ideal and the reality.They regardedMarx’s theory either as economic determinism or humanitarian which meant goingback to the perspective of the modern theory of philosophy to some extent. Theydidn’t understand the transformation of Marx’s practical philosophy correctly. Fromunderstanding the actualization of Maxist the realm of freedom, we can get a correctunderstanding of Marxist philosophy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marxist philosophy, the realm of freedom, aesthetic
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