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Wittgenstein’s Critque And Development The Russell’s Theory Of Judgement

Posted on:2014-06-10Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y FangFull Text:PDF
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Wittgenstein’s criticize the multiple relations of judgment theory of Russell and eventually make Russell give up this theory, but Russell did not give up his logic concept that base on logicism after he admit he can’t solve his difficulty. For Russell about the his knowledge idea did not to give up because of the theoretical problems in his judgment, but only the confusion on how to prove it. Wittgenstein’s criticism of Russell’s judgment theory is fatal to Russell. Not only that, Wittgenstein did not stop at negating Russell’s knowledge theory of judgement, further more, he has to set up their own experience and knowledge system, although he does not advocate systematic construction.The judgement of Russell in the "Mathematics" expressed in the theory is considered his early stage theory of knowledge. In the "S know P" this judgment, Russell is more concerned with judgments of the object, the target problem P. For Russell, the proposition is a composite of independent from the mind, it is the substance of the world, the true or false is not to judge the subject, but rather the judgment behavior or is the judgment process, namely the analysis process; so the proposition and the true value concept naturally judged behavior together. Proposition p can use "aRb" to represent its structure. The A, B is the word-item, is the name, the object of cognition is the entity, in relation to the R, it is the relation-item, is the name, the object of cognition is the relationship with entity status. We find in Russell, a, B, R are the words, is the understanding the object name, also is the entity. Especially note that he thinks R is the object name. Analysis of the proposition p can eventually be reduced to three of its {a, b, R}. Russell does not know how to identify "aRb" and "bRa" are different in how to produce.Then Russell introduced his correspondence theory of truth. In this theory, Russell is no longer considered judgment is two yuan the relations between the main S and proposition of P, but the main complex relationship between S and proposition. For example,"A’s love B my judgment", it contains a judge subject and "A" and "B" and "love" relationship. In a single proposition, subject to determine a proposition, to every acquaintance of the proposition. This proposition is true or false is not the proposition composition can not be in the analysis, that is the true value is independent of composition proposition. On how to determine the proposition is true or false, Russell thinks, when a judgment is true, for example, the"aRb"object to determine the formation of a compound unity,; when a judge is false, this judgment can not form a composite uniform, which can not form"aRb". Here, R is no longer the proposition of "aRb" in the relationship, but the relationship between acquaintance among objects. But "the problem of mathematical principle" no solution, stress the importance of this problem, because it is one of the main basis to judge Wittgenstein’s critique of Russell’s theory. In order to solve this problem, Russell introduced the concept of logic in the form of "philosophy", and that the object is the logical form of acquaintance, is different with the real physical objects, which is obtained by logic experience acquaintance.After the introduction of the concept of logical form, it as an element and other objects together constitute a set of propositions, as the results of the analysis. But the logical form into one more element analysis except outside, adds a factor of uncertainty to the foundation of knowledge, because it is not a physical object can be real, experience in the field of science, people can refuse to accept the real object, or any constructed another what form a real object and what was the intuition of acquaintance; this is where Wittgenstein denied. Because of the introduction of the logical form is just one more element analysis, and helpful for early settlement of the problem. So Russell was forced to abandon his judgment theory.Wittgenstein’s critique of Russell consists of two aspects, one is put forward from the angle of type restrictions, no type constraints leads to meaningless proposition and also makes the subject elements of Russell’s compound appeared to true or false to identify problems between Russell’s proposition of compound composition. In addition, Wittgenstein by claiming that meaningless proposition may not view points out that Russell’s problem is the proposition of composite elements endows the solid ingredients too much, so can not logical form of knowledge structure that is real physical objects by acquaintance. And further pointed out that a proposition must meet the "aRb to aRb" without any conditions, this tautology proposition. Because if Russell’s theory satisfies this condition, then do not appear Russell judges the problems arising in the theory in his, a proposition is true value only in the false or true two Yuan choice, without the need for as Russell constantly introducing new components. If the proposition is true, then it should be consistent with the aRb facts; similarly, if the proposition is false, so does not tally with the facts or aRb~aRb fact. This is Wittgenstein to Russell judgment direct criticism theory.Again, Wittgenstein clarified Proposition Theory in his theory of proposition, that the proposition of relationship did not exist a corresponding object, this relationship in the object, when we mark it, is actually in order to identify the convenience or in the form of language is for the convenience of the calculation, not really the so-called logical relationship items or logical constants. Image theory in Wittgenstein’s sense, he further explains the proposition and fact between image construction process and prior his knowledge of the relations and so on, are the critical theory of natural deduction result judgment on Russell.Wittgenstein criticized Russell, established his theory of knowledge, the so-called logic (language, thinking) range. He put all the basic proposition as the content of the knowledge, and the scattered, independent of the knowledge of how to grasp the general thought, Wittgenstein is also the concern of the. In the analysis of the last chapter, we take the general form of his language, thinking and logic unified proposition is for Wittgenstein to realize this goal, efforts.Through the analysis of Wittgenstein, we find, he put the logic as in language and thinking and become the language and thinking boundaries, the propositions of logic, as the general form of a proposition boundaries, we can get the general form of a proposition to understand the general form of knowledge. Propositional logic is not in the field of knowledge, but its boundaries. From this line is the metaphysical world. This is Wittgenstein want the world.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sense, Proposition, Logical proposition
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