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The Course Of Veridical Perception

Posted on:2015-02-16Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L MiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1265330425975233Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Epistemology is a very important area of research since modern philosophy epistemology steering, it is the epistemological problem which mainly around of knowledge, since knowledge is the core, then what kind of knowledge as epistemology of knowledge of the discussion has become a problem worthy of discussion, We discuss this issue in the first chapte. Due the influence of ideas of positivism, the epistemology of Y. L. KIN showing an objectivist epistemology color, it is the pursuit of a beyond human knowledge processing, which we invoke Habermas and Polanyi’s thinking argue with, Habermas think that interest is the basis of knowledge, Polanyi think that knowledge is individuals shining intellectual spark creative activity, obviously, this constitutes a criticism for Mr. Kin’s objectivist epistemology. Apart from the influence of ideas of positivism, about the form of knowledge, Mr. Kin’s epistemology expand in the range of propositional knowledge, but the proposition whether is the monopoly of all knowledge connotation, our understanding whether is completely the form of a propositional knowledge, the answer is no, in this regard, we mainly use Feng Qi’s "wisdom theory"and Polanyi’s "tacit knowledge" argue with that, from which we learned the limitations of propositional knowledge, and wisdom, judgment, creativity are important complement of propositional knowledge and is an important part of the epistemology, but at the same time it is undeniable that proposition knowledge is still the main expanded form of epistemology. In the first chapter, we also examine Mr. Kin’s real concept,which includes two aspects, on the one hand, it’s ontological reality concept, on the other hand is epistemology’s reality concept, former one hand, the reality is The Dao and universal, in the latter aspect, the reality is Reason, its epistemological stance is naive realism, which also affirmed the reality of sense and object, Mr. Kin claiming his epistemology is realism epistemology, therefore, to study his reality concepts help us understand his entire epistemology. The second chapter is concerned about the object, object is an important concept in epistemology, the research epistemology philosopher always have to face the object and give it a definition, however, the different stance on the definition and the controversy of object can write a history of philosophy, Mr. Kin affirmed the independent existence of object, one aspect is naive realism’s influence we mentioned above, on the other hand, its has a relationship with the Criticism of "wei zhu" way, the "wei zhu" way is to proceed from the sense phenomenon of a time and a place, this way can’t get the true object, but only reasoning or create, but in fact the ultimate reasoning or the establishment of object is impossible. However, the further reasons of the "wei zhu" way are seeking to stand undefeated requirements and no doubt starting principles, however, seeking to stand undefeated requirements and no doubt starting principles as a starting point eventually inevitable can not extricate themselves plunged into the abyss of infinite regress, and therefore Mr. Kin think that it is necessary beyond human center concept and self-centered view, only insisted that objects independent reality can really solve the Problem of object; However, Mr. Kin determine the object’s quality can not be separated from the relation and the types of organ activity, which both to avoid talking about the quality beyond relation from the stance of the essence of object, but also to avoid moving toward idealism standing in the framework of the dualism of mind and matter or toward radical idealism, but we also introduced the quality theory of Locke and Thomas Reid as compared with his point, which both pointed out that originally nature of the object in different ways, but because Mr. Kin limitations in the sense object to talk about the quality of object, which inevitably to split the quality of originally and in sense.Chapter3examines the given. Mr. Kin think that the knowledge derived from the sense, so the knowledge should be from the sence, the sense content is most cordial in the sense,"neng" is not the research object of epistemology, so it should be from the sense content, in his view, epistemology shoued be discussed in veridical perception, so of course he is only talking about the quality of sense of object, and did not take care of its originally quality, but in traditional Chinese philosophy(for example, Wang Fu-chih’s theory), which as well as the modern materialist philosophy (such as Feng Qi’s theory) are noticed originally quality of object; Secondly, in order to solve the problem of the sense content and sense object, Mr. Kin proposed that the given is the objective presentation, of course, though it is influenced by the new realism, entirely different from the physical tendency of consciousness, Mr. Kin give the given two positions that are sense content and sense object, and in veridical perception, sense content and sense object are combined, sense object is object or part of object, the given contains two meanings of content and object, from the point of view it as the sense content, its presentation along with the activities of the a bility of organs, from the point of view it as sense object, it has an independent existence. However, the sense content does not have an independent existence, sense object also maintain its independent existence rather than with activities of the ability of organs exist or disappear. Secondly investigated objective problems, on objective problems, we focused on the problem of division of class of the ability of organs, in this regard, we believe that is still questionable; whose objective is the class view of the provisions also reflect the nature of the objective in an intersubjective concepts, the class concept definition reflects presentation are both the given and the taken. Finally, we discuss the myths of the given of Silas, in our opinion, the criticism on the myths of the given does not contain Mr. Kin’s theory on the given, which essentially is a presentation theory, in fact they together criticized idealism and sense material-theory’s representation theory. Chapter4talk about the veridical perception problem. From normal, basic, confirm, discrimination, proofreading, paradigm of the six areas, we for problems involved veridical perception expand discrimination. Mr. Kin think that normal is the basic connotation of veridical perception, and veridical perception was established as The basis of belief, but in it confirmed there is indeed a difficult, veridical perception as standard can not solve the Problem of "consistency hallucinations", on proofreading issue and the paradigm, we analyze the reasonableness about that Hu Jun blamed for Mr. Kin, for this we provide a defense.Chapter5examines the causal theory. Mr. Kin began in criticism of Hume’s causal theory, he pointed out the reason of Hume denied the universal causality is that he only admitted to the imagery and does not admit the idea, does not recognize the idea can not recognize the universal causality, on Mr. Kin’s Vision, causal problem is a problem of coordination between reason and potential, universal causality is reason, this reason is inherent and within the laws of nature, which called inherent reason, special causal link is potential, although reason is inherent, do not decision potential be able to achieve, of course, on the relationship between inherent reason and potential, he believes the reason, though not the decision situation, can predict potential. This theory of coordination between reason and potential to solve the causality innovative provides a useful perspective, but in fact reduce the standard of the causality, Hume actually pursuing universal causality that be able to decide special causal link. Chapter6talk about truth and false questions. Mr. Kin criticized the traditional doctrine of truth and false, and establishment of a new accord theory, accord be seen as the definition of truth, harmony, effective, consistent be seen as the standard of truth, solve the problem "come from behind" with standards independent of time and space, but for the inevitable truth that our immediate experience really want is still powerless, in our opinion, which is the pursuit of truth as a really original intention. In addition, Mr. Kin to differentiate the truth of truth proposition is not the ultimate truth really beneficial for discussion to clarify the true and false questions. Finally, he proposed knowledge began and by the end of veridical perception, the progress of knowledge is an increase of veridical perception, let us see him to give up the pursuit of pure reason beyond the knowledge of the individual, and return to a limited individuals on the view of knowledge.Chapter7can be seen as a reflection of entire epistemology and veridical perception stance. Firstly investigate Mr. Kin’s epistemology that be impacted by the philosophical paradigm and the scientific paradigm; followed analysis Mr. Kin’s problem awareness and the characteristics of veridical perception epistemology; Finally, we reflect on the limitations of this kind of veridical perception epistemology, In our opinion, if philosophy want to keep up with scientific’s footsteps, it’s bound to break through the limitations of veridical perception, standing on the purpose of the development of philosophical epistemology stance, we can not entirely confined veridical perception. While primary knowledge is solid established and based on the given, but more advanced knowledge is built on the basis of the possibility of a logical, as long as it is logical to propose a constructive problem, which is certainly advancing the understanding, only that this view is in sight outside Mr. Kin’s epistemology.
Keywords/Search Tags:Epistemology, Object, The given, Veridical perception, Concept, Induction, Causal theory, Truth
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