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Structure And Assessment Of Memory-tracing Psychological Development Level In Perspective Of Chinese Medical Thoughts

Posted on:2014-03-16Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:1265330401955595Subject:Acupuncture and Massage
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Background:Although current personality structures have achieved a lot in character description and classification, they have limitations for clinical use. The practical value should be improved. In our clinical practice, we find that personality is a spatial architecture and it evolves dynamically in the whole life. There are series of knots in the architecture and we generalize it as Personality Elements. They are evolving continuously and the relationship between them is evolving. To study the development level of these elements and the relationship may help us to know the personality development level and discover the psychopathology of psychological disorders.Inspection, auscultation-olfaction, interrogation and palpation is the traditional four diagnostic methods of Chinese medicine and the results serve as important evidence for clinical treatment. However, in Chinese medical psychology practice, we often face up with the question:interrogation in psychological practice is obviously different. If we follow the traditional interrogation, a lot of information will be lost. Current psychological assessment tools are lack of Chinese medical thoughts, and they cannot satisfy the requirement to know the root cause of diseases. And intervention on the basis of cause is one of the principles of Chinese medicine. According to our experiences, current disorders always have root in the past. In order to make the interrogation course easier, we proposed to enact Memory-tracing development level questionnaire.Object:to determine the architecture of Memory-tracing development level develop the Memory-tracing development level questionnaire in the perspective of personality theory of Chinese medical psychology and investigate different population to get the understanding of the differences, At the meantime, to test the empirical validity of the Memory-tracing development level questionnaire.Methods:Three parts compose the whole study:theoretical study, questionnaire development and application of the questionnaire. In the theoretical study part, literature analysis, qualitative research as well as brain storm of experts are used to extract the theoretical basis, to build the architecture of the questionnaire and enact items. During the process, we assessment the reliability and validity of the questionnaire by means of explorative factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, t-test as well as brain storm from experts. The software of SPSS17.0and LISREL8.70were used.Results:1. about the architecture of the questionnaireThrough literature analysis and theoretical study to get the preliminary architecture of questionnaire, the items of questionnaire; after pre-test and trial-test, item analysis and explorative factor analysis were completed to get the final questionnaire. During the course, we combine the explorative factor analysis, discriminability analysis as well as brain storm from experts; we delete items with three delectable stars or more. The final questionnaire is composed of9subscales,40dimensions and275items.2. The reliability and validity analysisThe reliability of whole questionnaire is0.967, and reliability of the9subscales are between0.779and0.981; related items of the questionnaire and SCL-90have high correlation; about the construct validity, the RMSEA of every subscales are less than1, NNFI and CFI are nearly0.90which indicate the good quality of the questionnaire. Congruent validity suggest that the life experiences subscale and education style subscale have strong ability to influence the developmental level; except the subscales of self, emotion and interpersonal subscales, the correlation are between0.17and0.52which indicate their independence from each other; and the high correlation between self, emotion and interpersonal are consistent with our theory and authentic situation.3. Major finding of comparison between different populations(1) CriminalsIn all the three stages, criminals has higher score in negative life experience, excessive interruption education, obstinate thoughts, gregarious (P<0.01); between primary school age and18years old, criminals have higher score in value viewpoint, career viewpoint, and emotion-control ability dimensions (P<0.01or0.05); between19and25years old, criminals has higher score in self-centered thoughts, anxiety, parent-child relationship, emotion-control ability, value viewpoint, career viewpoint dimensions (P<0.01or0.05).(2) Detoxification addictsAll the three stages, detoxification addicts has higher score in negative experience, punish, excessive interruption, reject and deny, non-rational thoughts, obstinate thoughts, chagrin, anxiety dimensions (P<0.01or0.05);Besides, before entering primary school, detoxification addicts have higher score in dimensions of absolute thought, social self and psychological self(.P<0.01or0.05); between school starting age and18years old, detoxification addicts have higher score in overprotection, social fear, depression, physical self, social self, psychological self, gregarious, communication behavior(P<0.01or0.05); and lower score in friendship value, adaptability, diseases value dimension (P<0.01); between19and25years old, detoxification addicts have higher score in overprotection, social fear, depression, physical self, social self, psychological self, gregarious, communication behavior and cohesion dimensions (,P<0.01or0.05), lower score in diseases value and friendship value dimensions (P<0.01).(3) Patients with different diagnosis1) DepressionAll three stages, depression patients has higher score in negative experiences, sexual experiences, punishment, over-interruption education, reject and deny, absolute thoughts, obstinate thoughts, social fear, depression, anxiety, physical self, psychological self, autonomy dimensions (P<0.01or0.05);Besides, before entering primary school, depression has higher score in cohesion dimension (P<0.05); between primary starting age and18years old, depression have higher score in study experiences, paradoxical education, over-protection, non-rational thoughts, self-centered thoughts, chagrin, dependency, social self, ability to cope with chagrin, heterosexual communication, career value, marriage value (P<0.01or0.05); between19and25years old, depression have higher score in study experience, paradoxical education, over-protection, non-rational thoughts, self-centered thoughts, chagrin, dependency, social self, heterosexual communication, career value, sex value (P<0.01or0.05).2) InsomniaAll three stages, insomnia patients have higher score in over interruption, obstinate thoughts, social fear and autonomy dimensions (P<0.01or0.05).Besides, before entering primary school, insomnia patients have higher score in paradoxical education and parent-child relationship dimensions (P<0.01), lower score in physical self dimension; between primary school starting age and18years old, insomnia patients have higher score in depression, anxiety. social self, emotion control ability, marriage value, diseases value dimensions (P<0.01or0.05); between19and25years old, insomnia patients have higher score in depression,anxiety, social self, cohesion, marriage value friendship value and diseases value(P<0.01or0.05).3) SchizophreniaAll three stages, schizophrenia patients have higher scores in most of the dimensions:negative experiences, study experiences, sexual experiences, punishment and strict education, over-interruption, reject and deny, over protection, non-rational thoughts, compulsive thoughts, self-centered thoughts, social fear, chagrin, depression, anxiety, physical self, social self, psychological self, autonomy, parental-children relationship, gregarious and cohesion dimensions(P<0.01or0.05).Besides, before entering primary school, schizophrenia patients have higher score in obstinate thoughts (P<0.01); between primary starting age and18years old, schizophrenia patients have higher score in paradoxical protection, obstinate thoughts, adaptability, emotion control ability, attribution and motivation, career value dimensions(P<0.01or0.05), lower score in sexual value, marriage value, friendship value, diseases value(P<0.01); between19and25years old, schizophrenia patients have higher score in in paradoxical protection, obstinate thoughts, adaptability, emotion control ability, attribution and motivation, career value dimensions(P<0.01or0.05), lower score in sexual value, marriage value, friendship value, diseases value(P<0.01).Conclusions:1. Memory-tracing development level questionnaire has a good inner consistency and constructs validity, criterion-related validity and congruent validity. It also has a high ability to different abnormal from normal.2. Chinese medical thoughts, holism, dialectical view and eternal movement, have plays a guidance role for the memory-tracing psychological development level questionnaire. The result of reliability and validity test proves the usefulness of Chinese medicine theory in psychological development.3. Criminals, detoxification addicts, neurosis and schizophrenia manifest different developmental level. Criminals are mainly abnormal in paranoid thoughts and interpersonal relationship; detoxification addicts have abnormal development in interpersonal relationship, self, emotions; schizophrenia has a wide range of abnormal development; depression and anxiety has varying flaws in emotion, self and interpersonal relationship development.4. In general, the abnormal development of them derives from early age, which evolves further deviation from healthy curves.5. Negative life experiences and incorrect bringing-up style are important causes of abnormal development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese medical thoughts, personality theory of Chinese medicine, Memory-tracing development level questionnaire, reliability, validity
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