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Research On Zhang Zhi Dong’s Quan Xue Piatt

Posted on:2014-09-30Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:T T ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1265330401478939Subject:Special History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Western Powers to Chinese military impact, opened a prelude to the modernizationof China, a series of problems associated with the event. Among it, the conflict problem of“Traditional Culture" and "Western Culture”, and how to adjust the relationship between them,become an important topic in Chinese modern history. Since the Wei Yuan, Gong Zizheng,Lin Zexu, the first batch feudal scholar-officials of “opening the eyes to observe the world”,the die-hards, advocates of the Westernization, reformists, revolutionaries and others that haddifferent states. by comparison,“Chinese learning as fundamental structure and Westernlearning for practical use” seems to be the best choice which conforms to the historicalconditions at that time, and Zhang Zhi dong’s Quan Xue Pian is the representative of thisthought. On the one hand, he criticized the die-hards entrenchment and blind xenophobia, onthe other hand, denied the radical reformers, between the die-hards and reformers to find thethird road—“Both are imperative, but we repeat that the old is to form the basis and thenew is for practical perposes”.Zhang Zhi dong as the senior politicians of forty years, has served as the HanlinAcademy editing, Hubei Xuezheng, Sichuan Xuezheng, Shanxi governor, Governor-generalof Guangdong and Guangxi, Governor-general of HuGuang, Minister of Commerce, JunjiMinister and other key positions, with Zheng Guo fan, Li Hong zhang, Zuo Zong tang called“Four Famous Official” in the late Qing dynasty. Importantly, this time of Zhang Zhi dong’slife, it was the history of China from “traditional” to “modern” transition—“three thousandyears of no great changes ", in this process, Zhang Zhi dong based on the country’s future anddestiny of thinking was quite deep, has played an important role in the reform of the political,the revitalization of industry, the development of education, the training of army and changedthe diplomatic strategy, the thought has produced profound influence on the social trend. Andthe book of Quan Xue Pian was the combination of theory and practice which derived fromthe political carrier. Therefore, this paper from four aspects, research on Zhang Zhi dong’sQuan Xue Pian.In the first chapter, the paper from three aspects of Zhang Zhi dong’s family and Timesbackground, education, the early political career, elaborated the traditional feudalscholar-official’s image of Zhang Zhi dong. From Zhang Zhidong ’s birth and mortality years,through the five Dynasties of DaoGuang, XianFeng, TongZhi, GuangXu, XuanTong, thisperiod covered almost the modern history of China. Moreover, During the period mostimportant activities were indirectly and directly taken part in by Zhang Zhi dong, the background was the important premise of Zhang Zhidong’s "Chinese learning as fundamentalstructure and Western learning for practical use" forming.In the second chapter, emphatically discusses the thought origin of Zhang Zhidong’s"Traditional Culture" and "Western Culture". In his political career, had undergone an identitytransformation from the "QingLiu Party" to "Westernization Party" and the identity changewas an important factor of his political thought transformation from "Traditional Culture" to"Western Culture". However, because of Zhang Zhi dong’s long-term "Traditional Culture"experiences, the "Traditional Culture"’s academic orientation constituted the foundation of histhought of "Chinese learning as fundamental structure and Western learning for practical use".More importantly, the practice after he transferred to the "Westernization Party", wrote thebook of Quan Xue Pian.In the third chapter, discusses the logic of "Chinese learning as fundamental structureand Western learning for practical use" thought in Quan Xue Pian. Because of the "Westernlearning" thought was not a sudden, but it was formed in the continuous development after theOpium War. Among it,"Quan Xue Pian"’s inner part was "Radical Principles a means ofrectifying the Heart", it was plain that three things claim our attention just now—theprotection of the Empire, the Religion and Race, elaborated "Chinese learning as fundamentalstructure". Quan Xue Pian’s outer part was "The Intercourse of Nations a means ofEnlightenment", from the education, economy, military, diplomatic and other aspects to planthe blueprint of "Western learning for practical use", which constituted the complete thread of"Chinese learning as fundamental structure and Western learning for practical use".In the fourth chapter, focuses on the external application of Quan Xue Pian thought inthe New Policies in the late Qing dynasty. From a programmatic document "Three Memorialsfrom the Governors-general of Jiang and Chu Provinces to the Throne for Reform", thespecific content of the aspects, have branded the Quan Xue Pian shadows of the mind, the keypoint was, Zhang Zhi dong’s "Chinese learning as fundamental structure and Western learningfor practical use" thought was not immutable and frozen, but with the political situationchanged constantly income, from his attitude to the constitutional monarchy, we can see thathis way to Quan Xue Pian’s development and transcendence.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhang Zhi dong, Quan Xue Pian, "Chinese learning as fundamental structureand Western learning for practical use"
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