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TCM Syndrome Dream

Posted on:2015-03-19Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:M X ChiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1264330428971360Subject:Diagnostics of Chinese Medicine
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Syndrome differentiation is the core of TCM diagnosis, and advantage. By collecting and analyzing patient through four ways of diagnosis, and differentiating different syndromes is the core principle of prescribing formulas. However, because of the subjective and unbalance in subject development, causing the terminology and its explanation to be vague in standards. Starting the research of terminology is very important for the development of TCM theory, and is significant for TCM moving towards objective.Dream is a unique subjective experience. It is human’s conscience explicit phenomenon. Dream has variety of styles and nature. The main origin composes of: different in subjects’unique character and later experience, as well as different types and depth of exterior stimulant. Dream always has attracted human’s interest, attention, and research. Literal documented history traces back thousands of years ago. Dream’s research is surrounded by astronomy, philosophy, military, politic, and TCM. The sensations experienced in dreams are called dream signs, dream signscan reflect human’s health status to a certain degree. TCM’s acknowledgment towards dream and pathology has been long and therefore has vast theory and experience. dream signsis a important evidence to predict patients’ illness both in location and nature. Moreover, even the outcome of the illness.First of all, to study TCM dream diagnosis, one must understand how dream is caused. TCM has vast of research towards sleep surrounding TCM theory such as five elements、 five-sprit、Ying wei、Ying Yang、zang fu etc., combining with clinical treatments towards sleeping disorder. In it, the discussion towards five-sprit god-mind、hun、po, and god-mind’s effect towards the body’s function, and heart harbors god-mind is king of five-zang and six-fu, ruling the organs。God-mind directly inhibits and strong then the mind of the brain, controlling the function of all organs and stimulant of internal emotions. All external stimulants either by six-ying Exogenous or social communication all affect body’s balance.Secondly using western physiology and pathology’s point of view to discuss dream. to discuss normal and ill dreams. By understanding The master of western dream Freud and and master of Analytical psychology Carl Gustav, to discuss conscience、pre conscious、 sub-conscience、personal conscious and personal unconscious、collective unconscious and dream signs connection。The west uses evidence and experience to scientifically analyze dreams. Freud explains dreams through sexual experiences, especially those in childhoods. Suppressed and abandoned childhood experience is what Freud focuses on to explain dreams. Carl Gustav uses Freud’s theory yet later finds all outcome leads to sex. Therefore Carl Gustav come up with conscious、personal unconscious、collective unconscious. Carl Gustav made amendments to Freud’s dream theory, and thinks Freud only discuss from personal experience. Carl Gustav discusses dream through personal conscious、unconscious, and from whole racial experience, suggests collective unconscious concept, collective unconscious is combined by different archetype. The dream-signs express and manifest its message through collective unconscious->Archetype->Original Images.Therefore collective unconscious is a higher and more vase existence. And dream is just a way of Archetype to observe the conscious Archetype is a way to feel the existence of collective unconscious.Lastly, through TCM’s image comparison method to join with western’s scientific principle. To discuss the relationship between God mind and conscience; soul and pre conscious、sub conscious co relations. Daily dreams(physical or pathological)、Archetype dream(Dream with message) ways to clinically diagnosis. And finding the logical structure. Carl Gustav Archetype’s point of views to compare with Chinese’ Archetype, and finding the valuable Archetype of TCM diagnosis.This essay uses new ideas through western dream theory to discuss TCM dream diagnosis. Through conscience、personal unconscious、collective unconscious’s point of view to observe TCM dreams core, and to compare it’s logical structure. Combining Chinese culture character with TCM dream diagnosis, it’s logical relation, with Chinese dream explanation, to discuss Chinese Archetype’s clinical values and meaning, therefore building the TCM dream diagnosis structure, and aiding TCM diagnosis in standardization.
Keywords/Search Tags:collective unconscious, Diagnostic ofDream, Archetype
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