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The Mechanisms Of Temporal And Spatial Clues Affecting The Black Hole Illusion In Approaching:for Selecting And Training Carrier Pilots

Posted on:2014-05-31Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ChangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1264330401979499Subject:Basic Psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Black Hole Illusion (BHI) in approaching is a common type of spatial disorientation (SD) of the pilot, which is the pilot hasn’t grasped a good of time and space and aircraft with the surrounding environment. It is an important impact on flight safety. Although Chinese carrier-based pilots have successfully F-15fighter landed in Liaoning ship and achieved a series of flight-critical technology such as ski-jump and arresting landing, carrier-based pilot spatial disorientation in flight often occurs. Foreign studies have shown that the carrier-based aircraft landing on the aircraft carrier is the most difficult stage in the process of taking off and landing, and BHI often appears. Therefore, how to effectively control and prevent the BHI has become one of the most important research topics of aviation psychology. In order to further investigate the mechanism of the BHI, based on the combination of carrier-based pilots operating characteristics, summarized literature, expert opinions, and adopting Tau theoretical paradigm, this study has revealed time and space factors to the mechanism of action of the BHI of flight. We have trained80college students in the flight simulation and carry out the following five studies. The innovations of this study can be conveyed that (1) the research areas:in domestic aviation psychology field we are not easy to find the researches of the mechanism of the black hole illusion of carrier pilots in approaching;(2) the methods:in this study, there are three experimental experimental scenarios,and five behavioral experiments;(3) research paradigm:Tau theoretical paradigm in approaching behavior is a innovation in the domestic aviation psychology field.In the first study (Chapter3), an ecology simulation experiment using of X-PLANE analog aviation training software, scenarios ecological paradigm experiment (Experiment1) to integrate the control variables, the results showed that: (1) spatial cues:approaching distance and terrain density has affected BHI of approaching;(2) time clues:the perception of the the time task and sequence of the lighting system has affected BHI in approaching.In the second study (Chapter4), two experiments investigated the effect of spatial cues and time clues in the processing of approaching. The results showed that:(3) time cues and spatial cues played a significant role at the start of the approaching behavior in various stages;(4) when in different angles to approach,in different moving speed, and the target of various sizes, pilots had different start time and distance.In third study (Chapter5), behavior experiments to verify the time and spatial cues in the process of adjustment,including two experiments. The results show that:(5) time clues played role in approaching throughout the judgment, at least having an important role in early speed selection;(6) when the time information was disturbed and spatial information was percepted lonely, participants tended to reduce the maximum speed, and maximum speed will be delayed.Experiment6, in the fourth study (Chapter6), investigated the information processing mechanisms of temporal and spatial clues in the behavior. The time and spatial information task was controlled using dual-task paradigm. In this study, the dual-task paradigm is a comprehensive survey. The results show that:(7) in the task of approaching, the time cue information processing is a controlled processing and need more high-level involving of cognitive resources;(8) the processing of spatial cues information is an automated processing.In the fifth study (Chapter7), two flight simulating experiments using X-PLANE investigated the time and spatial cues on BHI in actual flight situations. The results show that:(9) the way to approach affected BHI also depends on the different phases of flight,in the early stages of instrument flight rules (IFR), approaching help to reduce the degree of illusion, and visual flight rules (VFR) in late stages,approaching help to reduce the degreeof the illusion;(10) the approach rules in approaching affected BHI also depended on the level of the pilot’s cognitive resource, in which low cognitive loading conditions, the illusion of IFR was significantly lower than VFR; the illusion in the high cognitive loading conditions to be significantly higher than the VFR.Based on the above four studies, the research the following conclusions:(1) Time clues factors and spatial cues in approaching had a major impact on the BHI.(2) The effect of time clues and spatial cues in approachign to the BHI,depended on the different approaching phase. (3) Time cue information processing is a controlled processing, and the spatial cues information processing is an automated processing.(4) The effect of the BHI in approaching depended on the approaching stage, and the effect of approaching rules related to the pilot’s level of cognitive loading.
Keywords/Search Tags:Black Hole Illusion (BHI), time and spatial cues, carrier pilot, spatialdisorientation, Instrument Flight Rules (IFR), Visual Flight Rules (VFR)
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