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Research On Immune Mechanism Model And Immunity Evaluation Of Work Safety For Chemical Industry Park

Posted on:2015-03-26Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q G ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:1261330422481425Subject:Chemical Process Equipment
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chemical industry park (CIP) has become the main development pattern of the chemicaland petroleum industry wor ldwide. CIP brings not only be nefits but also high risk, anddangerous chemical accidents may take place. In order to improve the “immunity” of worksafety, CIP should be self “diagnosed” regularly: hidden danger inve stigation and riskassessment, and take measures to resist and control risk. Obviously, it is really meaningful forcontroling risk, to enhance the level of prevention and early warning and improve thecapability of emergency respo nse and recovery of CIP. Under the guidance of bionics method,based on the biological immune principle, this paper focused on the research of immunemechanism, model, and immunity evaluation system of work safety for CIP from the fourfollowing aspects:1) The evolution mechanism of accident and immune mechanism of work safety of CIPwere analyzed. Under the guidance of bionics method, put the CIP with organisms analogy,the similarity between work safety management system of CIP and biological immune systemwas analyzed. Based on the interreaction of antibod y system and antige n system of worksafety of CIP, the evolution mechanism of accident of CIP was discussed. Drawing lessonsfrom the function and mechanism of immune tolerance, immune recognition, immune stability,immune response, immune feedback and immune recovery of the biological immune system,the work safety immune mechanism of danger immune tolerance, hazard identifiction andearly warning, accident emergency and accident rehabilitation of CIP were analyzed.2) The work safety immune mode l and immune system of CIP was built. Taking themain evolution processes(incubation, forming, occurring and recovery stages) of accident asthe main line, covering the planning, construction, operation immature and maturity stages ofCIP, the work safety immune model of CIP was built, which includes immune tolerancemodel, early warning model, emergency model and accident recovery model. Thecorresponding work safety immune system of CIP was also built from eight respects ofcultivating the natural tolerance ability of congenital construction and obtained toleranceability of later management, improving the level of antigen recognition and antibody production, enhancing the ability of immune homeostasis in non-accident state and immuneresponse under accident conditions, improving short-term accident treatment based onimmune feedback and long-term reconstruction based on immune recovery.3) The assessment index system and evaluation model of work safety immunity of CIPwere studied. The method of covering both sides was used,19indexes were built to measurethe ability of work safety immune tolerance of CIP based on the congenital construction andlater management,28indexes were built to measure the leve l of work safety early warning ofCIP based on antigen recognition and antibody production,22indexes were built to measurethe ability of immune homeostasis in non-accident state and immune response under accidentconditions of CIP,25indexes were built to measure the accident recovery degree based onimmune feedback and immune recovery from two aspects of short-term accident treatmentand long-term reconstruction. The weights of indexes were obtained by the method of IAHPand expert investigation questionnaires, and the improved gray multilevel evaluation methodwere applied to establish the assessment model of work safety immunity of CIP, whichconsist of four submodel.4) The software of immunity evaluation system of CIP was for mated and applied.Microsoft Visual C#was used to develop the immunity evaluation system of CIP, and theevaluation system was applied by two CIP of some Province. The results showed that:Theevaluator can not only use the immunity evaluation software system of CIP to assess thedegree of immune tolerance, early warning level, emergency ability, the degree of accidentrecovery of CIP individual, but also to assess the whole immunity of CIP; the assessmentresults correspond with the actual situation, and the own immune weaknesses or deficienciesof CIP can also be identified, advises and measures for optimizing the immunity of CIP arealso provided, the purpose of the work safety “self” regulation guarantee of CIP are achieved.
Keywords/Search Tags:chemical industry park, work safety, immune mechanism, immune model, immunity evaluation
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