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Rational Development:Rearch On A New Way For The Development Of Basic Education

Posted on:2016-07-30Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q X YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1227330464959605Subject:Principles of Education
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Since the reform and opening up,development of China basic education have get great achievements, such as straightening out the management system of education, expending the scale of education, optimizing the educational structure,and achieved the great transition that from poor country runs large-scale education to big country runs good education. When education development comes to the stage of people’s satisfaction of education, basic education development face up new challenges and opportunities. The contradiction between people’s multiplex needs and monotonous education will be the principal contradiction for a long time. To deal with this contradiction, we should re-recognize the concept of basi education development and find more ways to achieve the development we want.Development of basic education is not a continuous movement that quest larger, more and higher, when develop to a certain extent, it will become dynamic balance movement that quest fitness and harmonious. Development of basic education in the past confirmed the development by objectively measurable indicators as a basis for measuring development, such as larger, more and higher. Also we need a transformation of development way. From concentrate focus on resolving a number of outstanding contradictions achieve basic education local change to comprehensive reform of education. In the new stage of people’s satisfaction of education, basic education development need a new path that can be integrated and coordinated the law of education development, the values of education development and the reality of education development.Rational development is proposed when the development of basic education in China come to this extent. It is a forward-looking of basic education development based on the realiy and the future, and is a path to deal with the problorm of how to improve the quality and put on comprehensive reform over the next 10 years. Rational development try to give a answer to where we should go when basic education in general to achieve a balanced development, significantly improve the equity ofeducation.We believe that rational development can repair, recover and improve the remaining issues and derivative issues from the rapid development, and more able to cope with new problems now facing the development, in order to help the development of basic education in the new historical period so that people continuously improve their satisfaction.This study is about rational development of basic education. We make a analytical framework incloud three steps: "seek in the heaven and on the earth to rationality”, “find un-rationality by comparing practice to theory” "seek rational development by comparing theory to practice". With the analytical framework we do research on the context of basic education development, the model of rational development theory, the problems in the perspective of rational development theory, and give the suggestion to three key ponits of basic education development: for people can go to a suitable school, we talk about the development of education scale, for people can go to school more convenient, we talk about the development of basic education layout of the school, for people can study in a safe and comfortable school, we talk about the development fo school function.The core of the research include the following six aspects.The introductory, including research background, research significance, ideas and methods of the study, and also innovations and inadequacies. The first chapter is "seek in the heaven and on the earth to rationality”, Clarify the connotation,values and structure of rational development of basic education, and construct a theoretical analytical framework of the rational development thory basis on the law of education development, the values of education development and the reality of education development. The second chapter is “find un-rationality by comparing practice to theory”.A rational questioning to the development of basic education. Mainly on the history of the development of basic education in our country since the reform and opening up, comparing the education development practice to rational debelopment theory, find out the problorms such as getting lost in the development goals, a simple profit-driven extensive development in the methods and means of development, difficult to achieve the the ideals of development.The third chapter is "seek rational development by comparing theory to practice", focus on the development of education scale. Based on the theoretical analytical framework of ratioal development of basic education, the research gives suggestions on how to keep a compatible education scale, trying to satisfy people on going to s suitable school. The fourth chapter is "seek rational development by comparing theory to practice", focus on layout of schools. The research gives suggestions on how to achieve a reasonable distribution of schools in basic education, trying to satisfy people on going to school more convenient. The fifth chapter is "seek rational development by comparing theory to practice", focus on school functions. In the perspective of rational development theory, the research gives suggestions on expanding the school’s function, trying to satisfy people on studying in a safe and comfortable school.
Keywords/Search Tags:rational development, basic education, education scale, layout of school, school function
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