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Theory Of Well-off Society Spirit

Posted on:2017-02-18Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L KongFull Text:PDF
GTID:1226330485459108Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Spirit is a special kind of spiritual phenomenon, it formed in certain economic and social development, it reflects the state of economic and social development, the structure and trend, and will eventually affect the economic and social development goals. What kind of economic and social status will produce what kind of spirit; On the other hand, if you want to achieve economic and social development in the future blueprint, will need to cultivate a certain spirit to adapt to the future society. "Well-off" is the ancient thinkers of social ideal model, is the ordinary people to the aspirations of the rich and a stable life. In contemporary China, well-off society is periodic goal of Chinese socialism characteristics, is an important stage of development of the primary stage of socialism, is the important step to attain the Chinese dream of the great renaissance of the Chinese nation, and is a good vision to achieve prosperity, revitalize the nation, and bring about the happiness. The well-off spirit is the new requirements for the Chinese Communists and the Chinese people in background of complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects. This paper expounds the general theories of well-off society spirit problem, and discussed the development and change of spirit in the process to complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and analyzes the current problems of spirit, and put forward to achieve a comprehensively well-off society should have several main spirits and cultivating strategies.This paper is divided into preface, text chapter five, the conclusion, the specific content is as follows:The introduction part mainly elaborates the research origins of this paper, the research status of related issues and review, research ideas and the research significance and so on.The first chapter, the main content is the basic theory of well-off society spirit problem. First of all, from the concept of "well-off" origin, semantic change and modern understanding of the "well-off society" is limited to the reform and opening-up, with the development of China’s socialist modernization construction and put forward various stages of the construction of the well-off society; Secondly, from the perspective of etymology and multidisciplinary application and the theory of Marxist historical materialism, discussion to the general meaning of spirit and the concept of spirit in this paper comprehensively. And fully reveals structure and features and functions of the spirit. Third, through the study of Marxist classical writer’s theory of spirit, through combing Chinese and western thinkers basic idea of the design of future ideal society to find match the ideal society spirit, so as to demonstrate certain ideal society is accompanied by a certain state of mind. This is the paper to provide theoretical foundation.The second chapter discusses the connotation, structure and function of the well-off society spirit. Well-off society spirit is adapted to the stage characteristics of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the development goals, is reflected the spirit of the political aim of the communist party of China and the benefit of all members of society, is a high degree of unity is a national, national spirit, the Party mental state and society mental state. Well-off society spirit includes both the Party’s member spirit and social spirit. The spirit of the Party is mainly a firm ideal and faith, a strong sense of purpose, noble moral sentiments, disciplines consciousness, sense of responsibility and the political consciousness of good learning. The spirit of society members is mainly about patriotic and dedicated, honest labor, observe disciplines and obey laws, work hard and perseveringly, civilization and mutual assistance. Well-off society spirit is spiritual power to achieve well-off material civilization, spiritual civilization and the Party’s construction.The third chapter, from characteristics and target of economic, political, and cultural development, each stage of building a well-off society in China since the reform and opening up, discuss the social spirit changes of the well-off society development in different stages according to the reform process. Mainly includes to the well-off determined to the "new three steps" strategy put forward, he party’s work shift and people mental break, well-off target and mental state established, and the initial achievement of the goal of well-off and mental outlook of society, and the establishment of market economic system and the conceptual change, and overall well-off across and mental state change, "new three steps" strategy and spirit promotion etc. The above demonstrates the relationship between spirit with the development of the society, certain social existence to a certain spirit, a certain social existence is also calling for a particular state of spirit.The fourth chapter mainly discusses the main problems of spirit under the time background of complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, analyzed the reality performance and the specific reason of the Party plain slacking and the social members spirit lost, and the influence of western spiritual penetration of spirit.The fifth chapter mainly put forward to complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects should have several spirits and breeding strategy. This chapter at the 18 th party congress to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects on the basis of the new goal, new requirements, proposed to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects should have several kinds of spirit. This chapter put forward to achieve a well-off society should have several kinds of mental state basis on the new goal, new requirements to achieve a comprehensively well-off society at the 18 th party congress. Fundamental spirit, hold the banner high, steadfast faith; Driving spirit, emancipating the mind, reform and opening up; Indemnificatory spirit, cohesive strength, overcome difficulties. And put forward to improve the Party spirit through improving and strengthening style construction of the Party, to optimize the social spirit through strengthening cultivation of socialist core value, to enhancing nation spirit through strengthening ideological foundation work, to consolidate the institutional basis through speed up the development of modernization of governance.
Keywords/Search Tags:A well-off society, Spirit, Evolutionary change, Practical problems, Breeding strategies
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