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Marxist Theory Of State And China’s Economic Growth

Posted on:2015-04-23Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:K ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1226330467973699Subject:Marxist philosophy
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In the recent35years, the Chinese economy has achieved unprecedented success inthe history of the world economy and rapidly became the world’s second economic giant.Although people explore the reasons for China’s economic growth from the differentperspective, it remains lack satisfactory and acknowledged scientific explanation.Thereinto the interpretation of the role of market and government seems grasped theoverall logic of the economy for centuries, however, the Chinese government and themarket is not like the standard type of the Western mainstream economics perspective.New Institutional Economics enlarge the role of government to the national level,which reckons that if the State, the provider of violence-potential property rights system,can give, implement and protect the “effective” system the ability to supply and effectiveimplementation and to protect the "efficient" system become key factors of economicgrowth. However, Chinese government in terms of the privatization of property firmlyrejects the "Washington Consensus" policies and proposals, and it is clear that the keyreform initiatives and its practical efficiency of economic growth cannot be explained bynew institutional economics or a simple model of development economics.Therefore, if it is acknowledged that socialism with Chinese characteristics isderived from Marxist ideology system, recognizing the omnipresent role of the nation ineconomic growth, we shall go beyond the concept model of State of New InstitutionalEconomics or political science paradigm, returning to materialism Marxism state theoryof History and understand China’s economic growth and massive social system changesfrom the evolution of this concept in the country.Marxist theory of state originates from criticizing the Helgelianisim state theory,achieving the state view changes from "concept deciding reality" to " reality decidingconcept", from " relationship of imagination " to " relationship of reality ",from "thestate deciding the family and civil society" to "civil society deciding the State" and fromthe "National first " to" national limit ".Establish national structures, functions, objectives and rationality based on the studyof all human history in the development of logical structure, and then establish a national view of structuralism. State as a form of ideological superstructure of the system in theform of ideology, jointly decide and service in the economic infrastructure, the liberationof the productive forces, the development of productive economic development goals andfree the comprehensive development of humanities and social development goals.This structural national view in the historical logic of materialism, shows"Revolutionary Violence Explicitness” and "Development Violent Potentiality" countries.The former is characterized by system revolution to liberate the productive forces duringrevolutionary upheaval. The latter is in a stable period of development of society toimprove the system of progressive development of productive forces as the fundamentalfeatures. Whether it can liberate and develop the productive forces is taken as the firstdimension of the state rationality and legitimacy.In the era of imperialism and proletarian revolution, Lenin combined Marxism withthe Russian Revolution practice, developing the Marxist revolutionary theory of state,putting forward a theory of dictatorship of proletariat, and proposing a useful explorationof the "new economic policy" of the developmental state concept. Stalin changed thedirection of Lenin’s developmental state theory, creating a highly centralized politicallyand economically "Stalinist mode", and the establishment of the pratical "integration" ofState.This national structure differs from state theory of historical materialism, theeconomic structure has lost its independent presence but integrates with ideology andpolitical structures. State as the superstructure is no longer dependent on or services inthe economic structure, on the contrary, the economic structure subordinate to thepolitical structure decided by ideological structure. State turns out to be a universalnation which has party unity, party-military unity, political-company unity, governmentaffairs unity, and unity of party, political, military culture authority, enabling state powerexist everywhere, controlling everything.Furthermore, it achieves a state power and economic power alternative transgression.Despite this planned economy mode in start-up period of the country achieving a higheconomic growth, power law distorting economic makes it impossible solving the"information" and "incentive" issues, then economic growth eventually falling intostagnation. The New China national theory in the early days has the dual goals of developingproductive forces and completing the socialist revolution."One-sided" ideologicalstructure makes China the rapid completion of the transition to the long-termfundamental system change. Because of the effect of ideology, the institution-changedRepublic did not achieve the transition of Revolutionary concept to the developmentalconcept. Mao Zedong took the extreme form of dictatorship of the proletariat-thenational concept of continuing the revolution, which ultimately led to the "ten years ofchaos", and the economic growth stalled, on the verge of collapse.First, reform achieve a Marxist theory of state historic return due to the ideologytransition from the "two whatevers" to Seek truth from the facts, namely to achieve"concept deciding reality" to " reality deciding concept", the superstructure determinesthe economic base to the economic base determines the superstructure and politicalstandards transit to productivity standards. Meanwhile, it also achieves the change ofrevolutionary nation concept to developmental nation concept.The nation begins to make economic development strategies and policiesdetermined by the economic base suited to national conditions and to rebuild relativelyindependent and dynamic market structure and eventually establishing a socialist marketeconomy. In the establishment of effective property rights system which aims atliberating and developing the productive forces, in the process of government playing afull role and enhancing the market in resource allocation decisions and in the greatpractice of reform and opening up, it achieves rapid growth of China’s economy.
Keywords/Search Tags:China’s economic growth, Marxist theory of state, State
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