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Research On The Discourse System Of International Academia On Socialism With Chinese Characteristics

Posted on:2015-03-08Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y T ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:1226330422989018Subject:Marxist theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After the concept of “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics”(hereinafter calledSCC for short) was presented during the17th CPC National Congress, along with theconstant promotions of both the comprehensive national power and internationalinfluence of China,“China Studies” has become hotspot again. Because of the gradualmaturity among the researchers around the world, an independent discourse system onthe research of SCC by international academia has been emerging. Therefore, the mainresearch object of this doctorate dissertation is the discourse of international academiaon SCC, and the research goal is to integrate the complex paradox and fragmenteddiscourse with an analyzing structure.Firstly, the definition of the discourse system on the research of SCC byinternational academia: an overall frame structure including the internal recognitionand external expression on SCC by scholars around the world except for those whobelong to Chinese Mainland.Secondly, the forming process of the discourse system: the influence factors arehistorical-political, economic-social and ideological elements. The motivations arecollapse of the former Soviet Union and tremendous change to East Europe, LatinAmerican trap and the disillusionment of the myth of “Washington Consensus”, thesuccess and setback of East Asian Model, the plight of developed countries and the riseof China since the reform and opening up. The phases are “Sinology”,“transition inChina”,“development in China”,“rise of China” and finally form of the discoursesystem.Thirdly, the contents of the discourse system can be divided into four elements.Standpoints: pessimistic, optimistic and relatively neutral. Perspectives: the substanceof SCC, China path and mode, the theoretical system of SCC, the institution of SCC.Viewpoints: economic modernization, reform and transition; political democracy andbuilding of CPC; cultural diversity and social development; global influence andinternational image. Methodologies: literature and figure; comparisons; field work andcase study; quantitative and model analysis, etc.In addition, this system also has four features: the swing between independent research and interest demand; double influences by domestic China and internationalconditions; the combination of academic discourse and mass communications;complicated and diverse realms and perspectives. Meanwhile, through using SWOTmodels to analyze the internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities andthreats, the discourse system can be inspected in a much deeper and comprehensiveway. After that, it is necessary to compare the discourses between Chinese and foreignscholars. There are two tendencies, one is conflict and separation, the other isinteraction and communication.Whether studying or criticizing the foreign discourse, the ultimate goal is to buildthe real discourse system on SCC with Chinese style and correspond to thecircumstances in China. To achieve it, there are three crucial principles to comply:stick to the guidance of Marxism; promoting the research to a more dimensional level;making domestic research enter the international academia.
Keywords/Search Tags:international academia, Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, discoursesystem, SWOT model
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