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The Censors In The Political Whirlpool Of Late Qing Dynasty (1894-1911)

Posted on:2014-02-04Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:C B ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:1226330398980765Subject:China's modern history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the ancient system of China, the censor as the official name is originallyformed service division of political system. In the Qin and Han dynasty, the censorwas becoming supervisory officials on specific responsibility and The censor systemhas been established. Though the monitoring function of the censor has been a littleprohibited in the Qing dynasty system, the nature of defending the monarchy has notchanged.With the the censorate and ji shizhong combination, the censor of Qingdynasty had two functions: supervision and advice. In a monarchy, Its fuction is theprevention and blocking political threat.In the nineteenth century, the Western powers invading become the main threatof the Qing Dynasty, in prohibiting opium and advocating war, the censors wasbecoming advocated war nucleus. Jia Wu war has been defeated, the censor was notonly intend to war but raise more questions to the governor. The words traitorous andtraitor appeared frequencily among the censors, Moral condemnation was dongabetween the advocates of war and peace. It squeeze not only the strategic adjustmentof the space but assistante interpersonal confrontation and different interest groups. Itimplicated division of political reform in the late Qing dynasty. Jia Wu defeated waslead to Wu Xu political reform but it ended because of Imperial wrangled. Thoughthat Political appeal correspond to, the revitalization of the country and resistaggression. Among the censors there has the opposite approach about the politicalreform. It was reformation and conservatition. Some of them sympathy and agreed topush the political reform because of the war defeated, and others opposite the reformfor the conservative ideas. In the political situation of late Qing, the people was notonly repulsion for confliction of the concept but also was close to each other for thesame political demand. But the minister’s cliques strictly prohibited in Qing dynasty.The censors as the officers must keep the system consciously. They had to keepdistance from the circle. On the problem of political reform, the most importantdeterminant was the conception besides the drawing on the advantages and avoidingdisadvantages whatever the attitude was among them. After the Geng Chen incident,The rulers of the Qing Dynasty was forced toattempt to reform.After the Russo-Japanese War, the Qing government announced thatthe preparation for constitutionalism would be doing. The government power hadthe risk from the supervision because of the bureaucratic establishment. The censorssuspected that reformers seized the opportunity to get power. When they conveyedtheir doubts and objections that they unexpectedly involved in the political struggle indeep background. Impeachment base on the political security fall into the politicalstruggle, the political excitation would be prominent. In a few of political struggles oflate Qing dynasty, the censors was the powderhose. the political security was alwaysthe the core factors.The censors’ impeachment whether they reformed or conservatived would beprominent. Their effects declined imperial autocracy ability in the political situation.Because the power could not compatible with different ideas and imperial autocracyhad not powerful, political evils of autocracy was appeared. Reform wsa seeking thesystem breakthrough and conservatition guard social significance existence. Both ofthem could not replace each other. The censors’ argumentum did not find theconservatition compatible with reform.
Keywords/Search Tags:the censor, conservatition, advisement, supervision
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