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The Study Of Parent-child System

Posted on:2014-01-24Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:D SiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1226330398967905Subject:Civil and Commercial Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Parent-child system is the sum of restricting parent-child relationshipconventionality, mortality and legal provision. As the main content of parent-childsystem, parent-child system plays a role in adjusting parent-child relationship, standardparenting behavior, carry forward the parentage ethics. Parentage system emerges in thelate primitive society and it’s first form is not proper parentage theory or parentage legalprovision but a parent-child relationship perception. With the progress and developmentof the society, the parentage system experience from “family-standard” to“relationship-standard” to “child-standard” progressing, and its intension is rich dayafter day, functions are maturing. In modern society, aging of population problem hasswept the globe. People are discussing pension systems for old age, at the same time itpushing the development of parentage system. In contempory system we could deducethat parent-child law provision tends to “society-standard” model.Parentage system permeates through parent-child relationship. In the aspect ofimagery system, parentage system concludes determination of children’s parentage andadopted system, paternity system, guardianship system and supporting system whichrestrict parentage behavior. These components together make up integrated parentagesystem. In the aspect of theory, though investigating and classifying parentage systemoutside our region, this article explore the legislative ideas behind the law previsionsand it rises useful suggestions to parentage system in our country. In the aspect ofpracticing, people in our country are familiar with parentage system and follow the lifeexperience and customs which accords to parentage system. In the aspect of legislativeprevisions, parentage system in our country stays where it is, lacking logical system,scattering its contents, which badly affected to the foundation of parentage systemseriously. Above all, to construct Chinese characteristics parentage system is imperative.
Keywords/Search Tags:determination of children’s parentage, adoption, paternity, guardianship, supporting
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