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In 1951-1954 Campaign Of Sports Research

Posted on:2013-11-29Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1226330377457482Subject:Chinese Communist Party
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
When CCP was about to seize the power of China,the2ndmeeting of the7thcentral committee of CCP decided to make the ruling party construction a missionfor all party members.At that time,there were a lot of problems in the basical branchesof CCP which did not meet the demand for constructing a rulingparty.Therefore,following the preliminary rectification work right before and after thePRC was founded and the1950rectification movement,CCP launched the1951-54rectification movement.In1951,the party did the preparation work for the movementwhich was also known as the theoretical education for all pary members and thetypical test for the rectification work.However,as a result of the launching of “three-antis”and its combination with the rectification movement,the historical process of1951-54rectification movement changed as opposing the capitalist ideas within theparty became the main task of the movement.In other words,in cities,rectificationmovement began to be meant to struggle with corruption of the party members andcadres and in villages to promote the mutual aid and cooperationmovement.Meantime,rectification movement in villages was also combined with thenew“three-antis”in order to blow the forces command and violation of the law ofvillage cadres.The rectification movement ended in1952in cities and in1954invillages.1951-54rectification movement was an important event in CCP history andan important pactices for the main leaders of CCP of that time to explore how toconstruct a ruling party by rectification.A study on1951-54rectification willcontribute a lot to study how to continue to construct a ruling party during the newperiod and to carry out the political reform steadily and efficiently.
Keywords/Search Tags:the central committee of CCP, ruling party, rectication of the pary, capitalist ideas within the party
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