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The Empirical Research On The Opinions Of Death Penalty Under Chinese Culture

Posted on:2010-09-26Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L KuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1226330332985578Subject:Criminal Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Death penalty is the capital punishment in the world. China is one of the country which retain and apply death penalty to punish the criminal. The support from the public is regarded as the most important reason of retain death penalty. Many researchers believe it is an unavoided problems. This paper is based on the data from the cooperative questionnaire survey of Max Plank institute and Wuhan University. Through the inspection of the opinions of death penalty of the different kind of people, I put forward a specific way of changing the original attitudes of death penalty in the nationality.This paper is divided into six parts. Preface gives a brief introduction of the different kind of attitudes of death penalty, the value of the research and the source of the data. Chapter one is about the concept and the feature of the death penalty, classification of the subject of the opinions on the death penalty. In this part, the paper suggest to classified the subject into four part: the decision makers on death penalty, practitioners on the death penalty case.criminal scholars and ordinary people.And makes a brief introduction of the research findings on it. From Chapter two to Chapter five, it gives a concrete analysis on the death penalty opinon of four subjects. On the analysis of the opinion of practitioners on the death penalty case and ordinary people,it is based on the the cooperative questionnaire survey of Max Plank institute and Wuhan University. For lacking of data from survey,the analysis of the opinion of the decision makers on death penalty, criminal scholars are based on the documents, thesis, etc. Chapter six analyze the conflict of the different part, and point out it is the duty of the criminal scholars to change opionins of other parts. It is also talks about the advantages and the adverse factors and presents some noticeable problems. On the basis of the research it gives some concrete advices on how to complete this task.
Keywords/Search Tags:Death penalty, traditional view, empirical research, deterrence of penalty
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