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The Research Of Controversial Words And Sentences In Chunqiuzuozhuan

Posted on:2017-01-03Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:R LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330488492584Subject:Chinese Philology
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Considering its assured written time and relatively high colloquialism,Chunqiuzuozhuan is a very precious object for linguistic study as a perfect example of the pre-Qin Chinese.During its spreading in later ages,however,due to the changes of language,some words gradually could not be understood properly,hence quite a number of ambiguities occurred in interpretation,they are the so called"Doubt(疑义)"in this thesis.Based on external factors of language like standpoints of the author,forerunners did resolve some controversies,nevertheless,much less researches have done through the method of deduction upon linguistic internal factors.Holding the conception of consistency inherent in language system, this thesis has mainly dealt twenty-three controversial words/sentences in Chunqiuzuozhuan with quantitative analysis(Massive Data Statistics) besides qualitative analysis. In order to assure all the deductions reasonable and consistent with language facts, we endeavored to accumulate every contemporaneous samples bearing the very same grammatical structure and thereby create our own corpus, upon which, our very careful verification and falsification were made.This PHD dissertation consists of seven Chapters, besides the two chapters of introduction and conclusion, each of the other five chapters analyzed one sort of controversial words/sentences. As you will see, those twenty-three cases mentioned above were divided into five sorts according to the cause of controversy. Abiding by the social, historical and systematic principles of language, using corpus of the “same epoch and same gramatical structure”, and operating relevant concepts and theories(mainly, distribution, semantic functions of syntactic position and syntactical pattern, parts-of-speech influences on syntactic relation, non free words), those twenty-three cases have been closely researched in the thesis.The first chapter introduced the background and theoretical basis of the reasearch, and our reason to choose the subject. In that part, we also reviewed relevant literatures, discussed the limitation of traditional annotation methods. Then we presented those principles of our study, illustrated the research steps, and sketched some specific issues related to this reasearch.The second chapter conducted our studies of the following six sentences:“雍氏宗有宠于宋庄公”“授师孑焉以伐随”“不如随会能贱而有耻”“子之耻而应大不列於诸侯矣”“孔丘使兹无还揖对曰”“作而後悔亦无及也”.It provided evidence of how the so called“distribution”could be used to determine the division of sentence.The third chapter detected another six sentences:“无宁兹许公复奉其社稷”“不能共亿”“以成宋乱”“公与之乘”“少长於君”“败者壹大”.Discussions in the third chapter revealed how to identify the meaning of a word by the syntactic position,furthermore,claimed that syntactic position is by itself sufficient to identify word’s meaning.The fourth chapter studied the following three sentences:“请以死告”“有死无霣”“晋将可乎”.Discussions in the fourth chapter imtended to explain why syntactical patterns can afford semantic functions,hence,we disagree all the attempts to casually designate explanatory notation only according to context.The fifth chapter examined this four:“不义不昵”“不备不虞”“曹国社稷之镇公子”“无爲爲善”.Not only disambiguating those four sentences,the discussions in the fifth chapter also testified that the part-of-speech(POS)can influence the relations between syntactic structural units.The sixth chapter investigated another following four:“保族宜家”“'而视之背”“请行而期”“无爲爲故”.Word is non-free,that syntactic law constrains the usage of word.The seventh chapter reaffirmed that the traditional ancient annotation method are problematic. Additional examplification was used respectively to summerize the core concept of each chapter, and then we concluded that the utilisation of language system internal law is a promising solution to disambiguate ancient literature.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chunqiuzuozhuan, Annotations Doubt, Language System, Semantic Study
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