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The Research Of Fan Fanshan Ahd His Poetry

Posted on:2017-05-14Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z W YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330485963253Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Fan Zengxiang(1846-1931, Fan shan, Yun Meng, Tian Qin old man), was a native of Enshi, Hubei province. He was a jinshi in the third year of Guangxu region.He was also a representative poet of middle and late Tang style in the late Qing Dynasty and the early republic of China period. He wrote more than 30000 poetries, so had great influence at that time. This dissertation tries to introduce his lifetime and analyze his literary experience on the basis of poetry study. As a result, we can know his colorful poetics practice, and then summary his poetry view and positioning of poetry history. This dissertation’s name is The research of Fan Fanshan ahd his poetry, which includes.:The first chapter is "Fan Shan’s life and his works".which discusses how he became a poet in the military background family. His family education played an important role. Fan Shan’s official experience is clear. He spent his early career in the shogun, which laid the foundation for his official experience. He was good at deciding a case in his officer during, Fan Shan Zheng Shu was his representative work. In addition, great historic events had a great impact on his official career. Fan Shan greeted empress dowager cixi well, so his official flourished since then.But unfortunately,it ended in the Revolution in 1911. Fan Shan had more than sixty kinds of works, we can know the basic situation of his works by study and summary.The second chapter is "Fan Shan and poetry clubs", which introduces the poetry clubs he attended in his whole life, including Qing Men Ping Club.Chao Club, Wan Qing Yi Poetry Club, Han Shan Shi Zhong Club.Ti Yuan Poetry Club, ect. Fan Shan joined these clubs not only for his interests, but also for making friends. This chapter focuses on his status and major activities in these poetry clubs.The third chapter is "Fan Shan’s poems and his friends". Fan Shan held the opinion of studying from many other ancient poets in the early years. Since study from Zhang Zhidong, by the impact of "study of the economy",his poetic style tended to be rigorous. And by the impact of Li Ciming, his writing style was more gorgeous. In his old age, his poetic style became tacky. In different times and different friends, his poetic style was significant affected.The fourth chapter is "classifications of Fan Shan’poems".which classified Fan Shan’poems and studied his representative poems. Yan poems are his most distinctive poems. Fan Shan traveled many places, so he wrote many poems showed landscapes and his ideas on the way. Besides, his war poems which reflect the war developments at that time,his poems on paintings reveal the artistic level and vision. Four kinds of poems have different characteristics,Yan poems are the largest quantity, which are on behalf of his creative features.The fifth chapter is "Fan Shan’poetic views and poetic status", which concluded Fan Shan’poetic views observingly. For example, "study from many other ancient poets", "the advocation of soul", ect. And this chapter summaries Fan Shan’many composing features, for example,vowel rhymes, uncommon allusions, new words and so on. At last, we can know Fan Shan’important position and influence through many different evaluations of others.The conclusion is a comment about Fan Shan and his poems. Appendix Ⅰ is a paper about Fan Shan’novel, which named Qin Lou Meng.Appendix Ⅱ mainly collects Fan Shan’s lost works.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fan Shan, poetry, portry clubs, Yan poems, study from many other poets
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