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Textual Research And Application

Posted on:2015-01-29Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M DongFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330482483170Subject:Historical philology
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With regard to Sun-Yirang’s Zhou-li research(周礼学), this paper mainly solves the following issues:Introduced the academic background and academic origin of Sun’s Zhou-li research by means of analyzing the academic trend analysis of the late Qing Dynasty, the development of Zhou-li research and Sun’s academic tradition; From the literature study point, it analyzes Sun’s Zhou-li research based on textual research mainly from three aspects of scattered works, emendation, commentaries. And analyzes the academic value of Zhou li zheng yi (《周礼正义》) from three aspects of interpret style, method and characteristic; by reading Zhou li zheng yao (《周礼政要》) and reviewing Sun’s social practice activities under Zhou-li influence, to clarify the close relationship between the Sun’s Zhou-li research and social change of the late Qing Dynasty;Give the objective evaluation based on analyzing achievement and thought of Sun’s Zhou-li research.In the late Qing Dynasty, with the political, social crisis had worsened, Confucianism had become more and more traditional scholar’s choice, this statecraft is also reflected on the study of Zhou-li research, Sun’s research on Zhou-li was carried out in this background. Sun’s inclined to the research method of Qianjia scholars personally, starting from the text, interpretation, researched institutions, on the road of writing new exegesis for the Zhou-li. In order to reinterpreting Zhou-li, Sun gleaned Jia-Kui、Ma-Rong and Gan-Bao’s exegesis for the Zhou-li, and used the scattered works successfully in textual research of Zhou li zhengyi. Zhouli zhushu jiaoji (《周礼注疏校记》) wrote by Sun, was the re-emendation to Ruan-Yuan’s Shi san jing zhu shu jiao kan ji (《十三经注疏校勘记》), it includes one thousand four hundred and seven emendation, corrected t Ruan Yuan’s error intentionally, providing a better edition of Shi san jing zhushu (《十三经注疏》) for researchers.It had taken Sun’s twenty-seven years to complete the Zhou li zheng yi. In the writing process, he used "Da zai ba fa" (大宰八法) as the key run through all official position, reorganized the ancient constitution. He collected old interpretation since the Han and Tang Dynasties extensively, corrected all kinds of mistakes on Zhou-li interpretation in ancient dynasties. Because of Sun’s macroscopic view and has no parochial prejudice, some etiquette problems which were public controversy were solved perfectly during Sun’s writing. And for the more important naming system, Sun Yirang’s organization often with a summary brightly. So Zhou li zheng yi was the synthesis of previous research of predecessors, and reached a new height, it was hailed as "the crown of exegesis in the Qing Dynasty" by Liang Qichao.Been stimulated by the current political situation, Sun’s academic ideology gradually changed after the middle-aged. He chose the academic for application, in the interpretation of Zhou-li, he grasp the as the key link firmly, starting from the needs of the times, made an attempt to get the immense significance of "politics and education" by means of expounding the ancient political system. After the Sino-Japanese War of 1894, he used the style what Zhou-li is the key link, Western Political System is the outline for writing Zhou li zhengyao, it is that Zhou-li research been used for political improvement service obviously and directly. At the same time, Sun’s began to go out of the study, been caught up in social practice activities. Influenced by "politics and education" of Zhou-li, he attached importance to education, repeatedly stressed that education is the basis of self-improvement, and made a concentrated effort to educational activities, been become the pioneer of modern education.Make a comprehensive survey on Sun Yirang’s academic development, political ideology and social practice, which seem to be quite different in appearance, were actually consistent completely. Because of Sun Yirang’s profound knowledge, rigorous scholarship, had no the parochial prejudice, he could draw each school’s ideas and material extensively, Zhou li zheng yi he was wrote was the synthesis of two thousand years of previous research on Zhou-li. At the same time, he wrote the new exegesis for the Zhou-li was from the practical needs, whose purpose was to"get rid of maladministration", this was different with schools who were engaged in traditional textology in principle, he began to introduce traditional text ology into "practical" road, it is of great significance, so Sun was called "a shining rear guard of the Qing Dynasty textology". Under the influence of "politics and education" in Zhou-li,he composed Zhou li zheng yao, which put forward a comprehensive claims to save the country, though it with some bookishness, nor put into practice, but the sprite concerned about the nation and people worthy of respect. Sun was focus on academic research mainly, his academic research had an interplay with politics, which form the Sun Yirang’s personal life different from other contemporary sinologists.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sun-Yirang, politics and education, application, Zhou-li research
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