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China’s Current Industrial Development Mechanism And The Path Of Folk Art

Posted on:2016-03-20Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:S ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330479995629Subject:Art theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a cultural species with a distinctive feature Chinese ethics, Chinese folk art, which included a nation?s temperament, its perspective in aesthetics,is the Chinese endless, continuous melody and the spiritual bloodline.In this paper, the focus is on the current development of folk art in the industry with a general characteristic of being "scattered, abusive, and poor in quality", and small industrial scale, low industrial concentration, the overall strength of the weak, poor financing, low innovation capacity, single main market operators, cultural and artistic fragmentation hinder the optimal allocation of resources through the market, the lack of talent and funding sources, legislative lag, weak management and other issues. The purpose is to build the mechanism and course of action to optimize the realistic environment of the industrial development, to revitalize the energy of the market, to use wisdom-derived inspiration for this contemporary culture of innovation, to achieve a new leap main business, Chinese culture distinctive vocabulary of the original form in the context of globalization, while playing the role of Chinese folk art of strategic resources, leading China economic development to a higher level."Mechanism for the development folk art industry" is the key focus of this research, this paper defines folk art and cultural industry development mechanism system-specific age and social context of folk art, the market system, each element in the cultural and market integration. The basic relationships formed during and interaction between them, the basic law of mutual restraint, and from these associated objects, formed by law of general order related in reality played out synergies. This research is not only based on theoretical construction associated with the transformation of the way the relationship between cultural factors and economic factors, but also aimed at consolidating a variety of cultural factors in this area are in reality practice, economic factors, the underlying optimization folk art matching the degree of coupling between the factors within the industry, to improve their ability to adapt to the surroundings and the degree of coordination of environmental factors, so that in the formation, growth, selection, operation and optimization of the process, give full play to the dynamic role of relationships and constraints, and the overall industrial development can be gradually improved, function optimization, orderly operation, formed traction industrial development, driving force, integration of power and eventually play play cultural resources, improve the overall social and economic benefits, coordinate the interests between different subjects effect.With regard to research methods, the paper took a combination of literature review, interviews, case study method, qualitative and quantitative researches. Research was done by onsite visits at provinces like Qingyang Xian, Lanzhou, Yuxian, Fujian Dehua city, Beijing China Gongmei Building, Prince Gong’s Mansion, Panjiayuan, Nanluoguxiang, Songzhuang, Shanghai National Folk Museum, Tianzifang, and other places of the field visits such as Qingyang sachet, Yuxian paper cutting, Dehua porcelain, Yixing, Luanzhou shadow case study, published by the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China(2012- 2014) "Cultural development of statistical analysis report", Chinese Folk Literature and Art Association’s(2010-2015) "Chinese folklore annual report" for data and macro analysis, based on the body of folk art, a combination of "spiritual production" theory, "cultural capital" theory, this paper argues folk art Industry can be a sustainable development, not only because of the unique individual skill level, the merits of the business, the operators are hard-working, and the market is sensitive. The overall size of the art industry can be enlarged, if there can be new commercial aspects, and improvements made to the whole supply chain of the respective folk art industries. It is important that each craft?s artisans continue their hard work, but the industry as a whole must optimize the set-up mechanism; administration of each craft, but that the specific market placement. The actual transmission of a craft, but also because the overall design of the system of inheritance; that scholars, media appeal, but also because the formation of corporate communication support mechanisms; is to support national fiscal policies, but also because the entire financing system for the community of complete; lies with Chinese characteristics and cultural elements of performance, but also because of the overall resources of folk art mining.This paper argues that the existence of a ruling from the Transformation of state power to the traditional top-down multi-subject rule by modern development mechanism folk art industry management present. In this new organization, the government agency is no longer the exclusive authority governing body, more public and private institutions will bear the construction and management duties with the government to form partnerships with each other, with interaction, mutual benefit Multiple relationships in a modern pluralistic manner bear the entire industry target. In addition to the official China Industry Department of the Ministry of Culture, China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Chinese Folk Literature and Art Association, the China Arts and Crafts Association to provide management services for the entire industry and beyond, the development of civil society organizations, social organizations and autonomous organizations of artists and growth is also very important to enhance the development level of the whole industry folk art, folk art market requires that the strengthening of self-education, self-monitoring, self-service, the ability to self-management, in a way that the final realization of modern management, governance and social self-regulation interaction. However, the positive interaction of the industrial structure in the short term is difficult to automatically generate market must rely on artificial construct policy guidance and to plan, can only be achieved through the mechanism of the building, only while relying on interdisciplinary theoretical thinking and rigorous theoretical logic, and specific industries continue to promote and improve the practice.According to this objective, Chinese folk art paper will be divided into eight sub-industry development mechanism mechanism: Chinese folk art mining resources, the protection of inheritance mechanism, Chinese folk art resources in a systematic mechanism assets, elements of Chinese folk art industry Market mechanisms and platforms, financing mechanisms Chinese folk art of industrial development, appraisal valuation mechanism of Chinese folk art, Chinese folk art expansion mechanism, Chinese folk art industry support mechanisms, supervision and management of Chinese folk art industry development mechanisms are analyzed and theoretical interpretation. And the path Chinese folk art industry to explore the mechanisms of this foundation, is divided into: the implementation of government-led path, foster and enhance China’s folk art industry chain, the development path of folk art industry body, strengthen personnel training, the formation of Several aspects of Chinese folk art for the whole industry chain industry personnel system and so on.In the research, we pay attention in developing the main line of research, and continue to achieve multidisciplinary Comprehensive Research. In-depth study of art and aesthetic attitude under certain specific social and historical conditions, aesthetic feeling and aesthetic ideal relationship and other factors, play a note absorption of Art Anthropology fieldwork to collect, analyze and control material advantage, using a time period of co of both the research methods, one independent from the folk art of various folk activities of the body and the occurrence of context, can be reduced to a period of study events and the text, the second is the folk art and folk culture and its Growth scenarios combine multi-angle in specific cultural contexts, dynamic research folk art, folk art emphasize integrity and procedural by life, describing organize events under study cultural studies continue to turn, Try out of the traditional mode of transmission-type study, from the entire aesthetic, cultural, management, social and economic point of view to further increase research efforts. This paper argues that contemporary Chinese folk art to industry, given the era is an opportunity to build a modern industrial development mechanism folk art, folk art to science, the core of sustainable development issues at different levels need to be individually handled, and different institutions including the government, universities, the relevant social forces need to join to handle the overall market construction.
Keywords/Search Tags:folk art, art industry, industrial development mechanism, development path
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