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"True-self" In Return Under The "None-self"Circumstances

Posted on:2016-05-03Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:M XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330467498372Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Colleen McCullough (1937.6-2015.1), praised as "the living national treasure of Australia", is one of the most influential writers in contemporary Australia. Colleen McCullough is a writer with misery consciousness, which can be seen from her individual apperception on growing up with traumatic experience and the common theme in her novels. All these such as gloomy childhood, distress of economy, marginalized position as a woman, national suffering of Australia, the shadow of two world wars and the cold war make it impossible for Colleen McCullough to ignore the sufferings in the process of her novel creation. The characters in her novels generally face various difficulties, and bear the pain of "none-self. Colleen McCullough takes an integration of the individual family trauma, social culture trauma and national trauma in her suffering writing, therefore the suffering of her novels has certain representativeness. Study on the suffering theme of her novels has high ideological value and strong practical significance.Adopting the method of combination of text close reading and theoretical explanation, and adopting the theory of trauma, Erich Fromm’s theory about love and self seeking, Lacan’s theory of mirror phase, Foucault’s discussion about gaze, and the doctrine of tragedy purification, the thesis has studied the suffering theme of Colleen McCullough’s novels with a full range of research on multi angles. Sociology value and aesthetic value of art about the suffering writing in Colleen McCullough’s novels has been explored.The thesis is divided into three modules of introduction, body and conclusion. The introduction mainly summarizes Colleen McCullough herself, her novels and the research status of her novels, and illuminates selected topic basis of the paper, research methods, research contents and main innovation points, etc. The body part is composed of chapter2to7in the order of "undergoing suffering","presenting suffering","questioning suffering","facing suffering","surmounting suffering","surveying suffering". With the method of progressive transformation, the relationship between Colleen McCullough’s traumatic experience and suffering writing and the characteristics of the suffering consciousness has been analyzed, and "none-self" situation and "none-self" pain of Colleen McCullough’s novels has been dissected, and "non-self", and Colleen McCullough’s mining of suffering root and her uniqueness has been discussed, and Colleen McCullough’s thinking about the questions of suffering saving and its practical significance has been explored, and ideality of "true-self in return" presenting in Colleen McCullough’s novels and its humanistic feelings has been surveyed, and the aesthetic value of suffering writing in Colleen McCullough’s novels has been excavated. The conclusion summarizes the overall situation of the thesis, illustrates the innovation points and significance, and points out the deficiencies in thesis writing and the space for improvement.
Keywords/Search Tags:Colleen McCullough, Novel, Suffering, None-self, True-self
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