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Research On The International Extension Of Cultural Industry For China

Posted on:2015-01-15Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ChiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330467461334Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays, globalization, which is overwhelming all over the world, is not onlyeconomic globalization, but culture industry globalization. In adaption to the requirement ofculture industry globalization, many countries in the world promote development of cultureindustry and realization of international extension of culture industry to a strategic heightwhich will strengthen national competitiveness. Increasing international competitiveness ofhome culture industry, strategic position and function of culture industry internationalextension is becoming more and more obvious.China has a very close connection to the world; international extension of Chinese cultureindustry is very important content and indispensable part when realizing overall integration ofChinese economy and world economy. Globalization process of culture industry indicates thatChinese culture industry development will not free from this tendency, but just comply withglobalization tide. Active participation of international competition of culture industry andrealization of international extension of Chinese culture industry is not only need of“construction of socialism culture power”, but also an internal need of realization of “ChinaDream”To realize Chinese culture industry international extension, not only based on cultureindustry must be greatly developed and international competitiveness of industry be increased,but international extension mode of culture industry which is suitable for China’s nationalcondition should be explored. Theoretical study of culture industry international extensionmust keep up with times, make new breakthroughs and innovate constantly. This thesis,guided by Marxist Theory and Socialism with Chinese Characters Theory, complying withinternal need of culture industry international extension, following objective laws of cultureindustry international extension, based on actual condition of China culture industryinternational extension, starts from scientific definition and interpretation of related conceptsof culture industry international extension and basic theory. On the basis of overall analysis ofhistory, current situation, problem and causes of China culture industry internationalextension, good foreign culture industry international extension experience and enlightenmentis borrowed from, exploration of countermeasures of quickening China culture industryinternational extension is tried.This thesis is made up of six sections:Section one is Prolegomena:states background of topic selection, theroy and realisticsignificance of study; basic research thought, main content and approach; innovation anddifficulties points, shortcomings of research.Section two, states related concepts and basic theory of China culture industry international extension. Firstly, defines related concepts of China culture industry and itsinternational extension. Secondly, summarize and systemize basic theories which are relatedto culture industry international extension, including related theories of Marxism classicalauthors’, Western scholars’ and China’s leaders of several generations.Section three, analyzes history changes, current situation and problems of China cultureindustry international extension. Firstly, elaborates history course of China culture industryinternational extension. Secondly, analyzes current situation of China culture industryinternational extension. Thirdly, from such aspects as scale, structure, mode and globalsituation, analyzes existing problems of current China culture industry international extension.Section four, analyzes problem formation factors of China culture industry internationalextension. Mainly analyzes three factors: constraint from China culture industry developmentitself; systematic bondage of China’s strategy, organization and system; foreign obstacles,which, at this stage, are all lead China culture industry international extension problems.Section five, studies foreign experience of culture industry international extension and itsenlightenment to China. By analyzing culture industry international extension of the US andJapan, which are developed market economics counties, and South Korea, which is new-typemarket economy, reference enlightenment can be worked out for China culture industryinternational extension.Section six, proposes advice of how to solve problems of China culture industryinternational extension. In order to lay a foundation of international extension, cultureindustry development must be quickened; in order to provide system guarantee, strategy mustbe clearly made and new system and mechanism must be created; in order to cope withinternational obstacles, international extension multiple subject should be provided andconditions should be made.
Keywords/Search Tags:China, Culture Industry, International extension
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