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"Local" Recognition Of Community Temple Narrative Tradition In Southern Zhejiang

Posted on:2015-01-28Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y QuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330464955428Subject:Anthropology of Art and Folk Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Village is the basic background of folk culture in traditional China, but its property of community is one of the most controversial issues in the study of folk culture. Since the 20th century, a lot of researches of community issue are based on village temple. While the description of the function of village temple in Chinese rural community is completing, complexity of village worship cause the difficulty to explain how village and temple interrelated with objective system. Folk narrative is active representation of rural people. Through the folk narrative tradition with village temple as a representative culture, we can generalize the ideology of community, and its effects in rural life.Bao Jie(保界) tradition is a pattern to determine the relationship between temple and village by worship-protecting connect. In southern Zhejiang, Bao Jie is a dominant mode of rural community, and it has a large number of folk narrative texts. In those tradition, village-temple legend is the most direct comment with the ideology of community. Zhou Liu Zheng Shan (周六 争山) is a typical village-temple legend. In this narrative text, narrative structure is built on the interpretation of village-temple’s worship-protecting connection. The distributions of village-temple legend reflect "Q-E" (question-explained) recurrence, which is the foundation of narrative structure of village-temple legend. With the worship of village temple, those legends define the protecting relationship step by step to illustrate the ideology of community with "Q-E" recurrence. In Zhou liu Zheng Shan’s narrative-explain structure, themes change from "Q-E" recurrence to narrative unit and plot sequence, narrating the ideology of community.Zhou Liu Zheng Shan is about "confrontation", a theme determines its main narrative units. Contrast to Zhou Liu Zheng Shan, many other legends, with the similar theme and diverse structure, expound ideology of community from different angles with the narrative register between themselves. Contrast to the legends with different core themes, worship, protection, and village-temple relationship, these three essential factors of these legends constitute a fixed mode of narrative-explain structure for village-temple. The factor of worship illustrates un-routine feature of ideology of community. The factor of protection illustrates dynamic feature, and the factor of village-temple relationship determines the ideology of community where the local narrative is built on the consensus of settlers. Based on those feature, ideology of community in Bao jie tradition can be generalized in to a "right" schemata.From this conclusion, we can illustrate the actual impact in rural society of community ideology by historical narrative text and ritual narrative text. San Guan Tang is a refugee community found in late Qing dynasty, its oral history text organized by village temple’s phylogeny. Pan(潘)’s family historical literature constructed the native self-image through the reconstruction of Bao jie temple after great migration in early years of Kangxi(康熙. Zhu (柱), a system of donating with Bao Jie Festival,become basic discourse to narrate the internal relations between members of Bao Jie, and construct the community boundary to other Bao Jie.Tong Xiang(通香) is used in Bao Jie annual festival as a rite to illustrate the privilege in village temple. Its core link is to recite the directory of village temple in this region, which correspond to local knowledge of village temple. Its recipe is corresponded to local knowledge of village temple. Tong Xiang Guan is a kind of ritual script, which is Taoist qualification. Contract to Xian Sheng(先生), Tong Xiang’s ritual constitute and heritage reflects the influence of ideology of community on ritual language of Taoism. In Bao Jie situation, the ritual language of Taoism is localized by local element of ideology of community.Summary, folk narrative tradition is a medium between worship of village temple and representation of community ideology. The folk narrative is a foundation of rural public culture to construct community consensus between temple and village.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tradition of Village Temple Narrative, Ideology of Community, Right Schemata, Bao Jie, Tong Xiang
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