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Research On The Female Ideal Personality In The Tang Dynasty

Posted on:2014-01-19Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H T HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330398986822Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The research of female ideal personality in the Tang Dynasty involves multiple disciplines of history, sociology, ethics, philology and philosophy."Jiu Tangshu" and "Xin Tangshu" are the center to expand research and discussion in this paper. Tang Dynasty female structure is complex, mainly including wives of emperor, Princess, Mingfu, business women, levy women, peasant women, Taoist nuns, nuns, prostitutes, and maid etc. This paper cannot address each a difference, because social ideal personality expectations of female in different strata are different, the ideal personality of female individuals and groups are different, and the situation of female in the early Tang Dynasty and the late is different. Thus, this paper selects "Jiu Tangshu" and "Xin Tangshu" as the major research themes, which aims to reveal the cultural connotation and to deepen our understanding of the traditional women, especially women in the Tang Dynasty. Female divides into three roles of daughter, wife, and mother in this paper, which discussed their ideal personality quality individually.Chapter Ⅰ, overview the ideal personality of traditional Chinese female. This chapter focuses on clarifying concepts, laying a theoretical foundation for the research of female ideal personality in the Tang Dynasty. Section Ⅰ, sort out the different perceptions of the word "personality" in different disciplines, pointing out that the traditional Chinese sense of personality is starting from the ethical point of view, which is moral character. Section Ⅱ,redefine the concept of the "ideal personality" at first. Narrowly interpreted, the ideal personality is the most respected personality model in a certain culture of a society, which epitomizes the basic characteristics of the prevailing socio-cultural and value standards. Broadly interpreted, the ideal personality is the existence of the state after the full realization of the human essence, which is a personality incarnation of social ideals and personal ambitions of a certain era, and the unified of regularity and purposiveness, and the unified of truth goodness and beauty. Section Ⅲ, highlight three female ideal paradigm which advocated in the books for teaching female in the Tang Dynasty, and interpret "Fair Lady""good wife","weakness in women is beautiful" with a new perspective.Chapter Ⅱ, the ideal daughter personality. Section Ⅰ, around the daughter how to make parents happy to explore the meaning of "filial piety" entertaining parents not only require children to coax parents happy temporarily by saying good words, but also to love parent with sincerity and respect. Section Ⅱ, discuss the dilemma around "obeying her father" or "obeying her husband". The Tang ruling class encourages people to show filial obedience to their parents. Women should go down to history that don’t get married or deliberately divorce because they want to take care of their parents. Section Ⅲ, Discuss around daughter mourning parents. Tang Dynasty opens a wind to encourage filial piety practice extreme.Chapter Ⅲ, the ideal wife personality. Section Ⅰ, Sort out the different appellation of "wife" in different walks. Appellation implies status, responsibility and integrity, which helps us to perceive the expectation of wife ideal personality in different walks. Section Ⅱ, Study personality quality requirements of the ideal wife according their performance in the daily household chores. People expect their wives to have many babies, not to envy concubines, to be industrious and thrifty in running their homes, to be a dutiful daughter-in-law, and to be loyal to their husband. Section Ⅲ, ideal wife should help husband when they are in a difficult position, and should remonstrate husband when they do something wrong. Therefore, Tang people have open remarriage concept.Chapter Ⅳ, the ideal mother personality. Section Ⅰ, the point is to sort of the relationship and status between mothers and children. The institution of marriage in the Tang Dynasty is monogamy multi concubine, so children have one father and many mothers in law, such as birth-mother, step-mother, foster-mother, etc. The difference of mothers’appellation means the difference of the affinities between mothers and children. Section Ⅱ,the mother whose husband is dead should obey to their sons, following sons’orders, living with sons, and being given titles because of sons’political status. Section Ⅲ, mother should raise and educate the children. Children respect mothers because the feudal code of ethics demands them and they are infected with the kindness and moral integrity of mothers. Mother obeying to son is women virtue, son respecting mother is filial duty. The right way to be a ideal mother is to observe the principle of reaching a unanimity through consultation, mother should ask for opinions from son, son should listen to mother.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tang Dynasty, Female, Ideal Personality, Tangshu
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