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The Code Cause Chinese Poetics Theory

Posted on:2014-02-26Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M YinFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330398958772Subject:Literature and art
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How does the poetic generate? In the ancient china, there are mainly three kinds ofideas. Firstly, one writes poem when one’s emotion is blocked. Secondly, essay appeares assoon as the reason is conveyed.Thirdly, writing a poem for recording events. According tothese three ideas, we can divide Chinese Poetics into three kinds: Poetics based on theemotion, poetic based on the theory and poetic based on the event.Poetic based on emotioncan poeticize emotion which makes people feel the true emotions and sincere meanings.Poetic based on reason can poeticize rationality which makes people better understand andbetter know the theory; poetic based on the event can poeticize memory which can make thepeople feel delight and enjoy the fact. From the point of the status in the poem, poetic basedon the emotion has more influence on the chinese poem than poetic based on the theory andpoetic based on the theory is more important than poetic based on the event. However themainstream of chinese poetic values emotion-orientation but neglets event-orientation onthe generating of poetic. In the begining of poetic, they pay much attention to “exhaustingthe meaning through” but look down on the “self-explanatory shaping”.In the creation of thepoetic,they advocate the fusion of feelings with the natural setting but make light of theharmony between event and setting in the appreciation of the poem.Undeniably, as a clear poetic system, poetic based on the event makes a greatcontribution to the chinese poetic whose influence can not be wiped. However, as a hiddenpoetic system, poetic based on the event contribute a lot to the chinese poetic whose functioncan not be neglected.There are two reasons: Firstly, the human live in the course ofexperiencing and speaking events so that event-orientation should be the basic premise ofspiritual creation theoretically. Secondly, emotion is subjective and reason is objective. It iseasy to make good feeling but bad reason if the subjective idears are not based on theobjective events. Furtherly say, not only the begining,develpment,spread and the receptionof the poetic but also the ontology of the poetic have much matter with events. poetic is builtin the event and poet lead us to get rid of event’s tangle in real life by expressing all theemotions and theories all over the world in the event as much as possible so that only thematter based on a event,it can accord to the fact and we can make a classical narrative poem.Compared the west, the idea in regard to the study of chinese poetic based on events isalways in depress. It’s due value has not been brought into play.The reason why we explore and analyse poetic based on the poetic is that we want to display it’s due value and toprovide many possibilities for the multivariant explain of poetic.From the point of history,“poetic based on event”is not out of the thin air but hasalready become a fact of which the begining is the historical consciousness of “keep recordsby tying knots”; of which the germination is “Poetic”that used events to explain Peotry inHan dynasty; of which the development is “poem of original story” that chant the momentfeel the things in Tang dynasty and of which the maturity is Peotry Talks that use events totalk about poem. From the point of classification, there are two kinds of the poetic based onthe event”. one is in broad sense,and the other is in narrow sense. poetic based on the eventin broad sense is a kind of historical and cultural poetic which generates from the fact basedon the human existence; of which the purpose is to proclaim the basic regulations betweenthe historical momery, cultural momery and the human existence,life experience and thenprovide principle and method of life and all kinds of production. Poetic based on the event”in narrow sense is a kind of poetic theory which generate after re-examing the generation,develpment, creation and reception of chinese poem around the “event”; of which thepurpose is to probe spatial recount of history, culture and poem and proclaim thefundamental mechanism and the inherent law of the production and historical operation ofpoem. Consequently provide theoretical support for creation and criticism of the poem andsome practical problems.This thesis mainly talked about poetic based on the event in narrow meaning which isdivided into three volumes and seven charpters and whose structure is “summary-parts-conclusion”.The first volume is the pandect of clarifying the main conception, idea and theory ofpoetic based on event. We will talk about three questions in this part: The first question iswhat event is? Event is constituted by time and language in nature, just as Zhang Xuechengsaid:“we can know the event from the words and we use the words to describe the event”.The second question is about poetic and event. Dating back to the ancient times, the poemrecord the event and the song express one’s emotion. There are events not only in poem out,but also within poem. The thired question is about events and poem. Poetic can not existwithout event which means that the theory of poetic, the history of poetic, the comment ofpoetic and the method of the poetic can not exist without events. The primary meaning of“Tale Poem”and all kinds of notes on classical poetry derive from the idea of “use the event to tie poetic” which can deepen and promote the understanding,reception and the spread ofthe poetic.The second volume is the supporting ideas of poetic based on the event which studyssome poetic problems such as the generation, development, criticism of poem around the“event” and is from second chapter to sixth chapter and of which there are genetic theorybased on the event, poetry theory based on the event, changeful theory based on the eventand poetical criticism based on the event. In the second charpter, the genetic theory based onthe event mainly study the occurence of poetic. This charpter is divided into three parts:idealism, creation theory and axiology of poetic based on the event and which use the way ofrefuting before deciding to demonstrate.Only the matter based on a event, it can accord to fact and we can make a classicalnarrative poem and only the emotion based on the event it can accord to the feelings and wecan write a good Lyrics, and only the theory based on the event,it can accord to the reasonand we can creat great didactic poems. The genetic theory based on the event is thebroadening of poetic out.In the thired chapter, the changing theory based on the event mainly study about thedevelopment of poetic.This chapter is about “changing with event” divided into three parts:spirit of poetics, poetics mechanism and poetic function and which study the poetic based onthe event from the perspective of dynamic so that we can regard the chinese poetic and thehistory of poetic as the history of contradiction between restoring ancient ways forconnecting and innovating for changing that is also to be said the history of contradictionmovement between the original event and the anti_original event. The changing theory basedon the event is the result of poetic deepen’s influence on the event.In the fourth chapter, Method of poem theory based on the event mainly study thecreation method of poetic.This charpter mainly study the method of poem based on the eventincluding acting, sequencial event which although is forgotten by the history but is verychinese. We aim to offer a new method of interpreting and appreciating chinese classicalpoem and modern poem in this paper.In the fifth chapter, prosody of poetic based on the event mainly study the types ofpoem. This charpter is made up of three parts: the poetic of sequencial event which yield theevent from events, lyric poetry which yield emotion from event and the didactic poemswhich yield theory from events. Although the chinese narrative poem is not advanced, there are many poetic of sequencial events. Prosody of poetic based on the event is the stretchingof events in poem.In the sixth chapter, Poem comments based on the event study the poetry review.Thischarpter is divided into three parts: generative theory based on the event, characteristictheory based on the event, and evaluating value of poetry.Poem comments based on theevent mainly study in the light of poetry review in “The Si Ku Quan Shu” of which the forthkind is “original event poem of MengQi”. Poem review based on the event can not only helpreaders understand the poem but also is beneficial to the writing of the history of poetic.The third volume is the usage of poetic based on the event, the seventh chapter, whichmainly reflect and criticize the functional value of poetic based on the event on the currentpoetic.In the modern academic field,our purpose is to reconstruct chinese poetic based on theevent. On making the past serve the present, chinese poetic based on the event not only paymuch attention to the exterior study of the event poetic outside but also especially value theinterior study of the event within the poetic which develops the chinese traditionalhistoricism critical thoughts of knowing one then evaluateing what he has done as well assublate current chinese formalism criticism concept of poetic as far as language. Onborrowing western learning for chinese usage, chinese poetic based on the event not onlyattach importance to the exploitation and usage of chinese based on event resource but alsoespecially think highly of reference and lessons that of west recount resource as a result,respect "native concepts” and poetic feature apperceptive way as well as refuse to give upthe import category and rational deduction method of modern west poetic.
Keywords/Search Tags:china, based on the event, poetic, poetic based on the event
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